Qingfeng Peak, No. XNUMX Courtyard!

“Yu Haoran, even the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, which is known as the first Divine Pill, and Fenglei, the head of the three spirit roots, cannot achieve the effect of directly upgrading a great realm.”

Combined with the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill and Feng Leiguo that Yu Haoran mentioned just now, Tower Spirit asked with a sneer.

“Then, the destiny stone tablet that has been condensed for less than a period of time, why can it do this.”

“Tower Spirit, you can tell what’s going on!” Tower Spirit used medicine pill and Spirit Fruit to match the destiny stone tablet, which made Yu Haoran feel more uneasy, and he urged a little impatiently.

“In fact, the five gases condensed by the destiny stone tablet are not used to enhance the pure energy that assists realm breakthrough, but to overdraw your full potential, at the cost of burying the Immortal Divinity Realm realm that impacts Eternal Inextinguishable, in exchange for Shocked the cultivation base of Paragon Grade 9 Peak Realm in time. “Tower Spirit explained in an angry tone.

For more than three years, he fully promoted Yu Haoran’s foundation and let him spend a lot of time and resources to impact the legendary perfect realm. The purpose is to hope that he can use the immense amount of vitality contained in the robbery to impact the Immortal Divinity of Eternal Inextinguishable. Realm world.

The destiny stone tablet buried Yu Haoran to impinge on the hope of Immortal Divinity Realm. How can Tower Spirit not be angry.

“This is impossible!”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s explanation, Yu Haoran’s first reaction was impossible.

Because of how strong his own potential is, he can be said to be the one who knows best.

It is now overdrawn with the full potential of fleshy body and Divine Soul, and even directly burns the long lifespan of more than 60 years, at most it only has five to XNUMX% of the hope of impacting the Valkyrie realm.

It is impossible to be promoted to Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak in a short time, and it is impossible to impact the non-existence of Paragon Peak Realm in the next one to two years.

“Yu Haoran, you too underestimate your potential.”

After hearing the rebuttal reasons given by Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit took a deep breath, one after another as an example.

“The rebirth of preserving the memories of the past century will give you the potential of a genius of extraordinary genius.”

“The Demon God Tomb’s air transport support gives you the peerless potential to advance to the monstrous talent level.”

“The shelter of the Heavenly Dao rules, the blessing of Heaven and Earth luck, let you reach the peak of the evil potential.”

“Your own emphasis on the foundations of Martial Dao, and the foundations I laid for you by Early Stage, have brought your potential to the limit of evildoers.”

“The promotion of Martial Warrior, Warrior, Martial Ancestor, Martial King, Martial Sovereign, Martial Saint, Martial Venerable, and Emperor Shipin perfect realm has given you the potential that has surpassed the evil spirits, reaching a level that is unprecedented, and has the impact of Immortal Divinity Realm. “

“At the same time, these three years of encounters, as well as your own hard work and hard work, give you the hope of impacting the Immortal Divinity Realm. It is not lost to the King of Divine Beast in ancient times, nor to Paragon Grade 9 in ancient times. Peak extreme powerhouse. “

Having said that, Tower Spirit directly mobilizes the space-time energy of the domain tower, and then through the layers of space barriers, looks at the destiny stone tablet integrated into Yu Haoran within the body, and the desperate soul attached to the stone tablet cultivation, eyes full of intense Hate reminded.

“Yu Haoran, if it was not because you have such powerful potential, how could the Destiny stone tablet pick you as a Child of Destiny, and how could the looming spirit rat willingly recognize you as the master.”

Tower Spirit’s examples and reminders made Yu Haoran’s heart burst into endless anger at the same time. At the same time, she immediately remembered that he had used the white gas to shock the realm Valkyrie, and couldn’t help worrying.

“Yu Haoran, why did I say that you are fortunate in time and cliff-hanging, mainly because of the breakthrough of your cultivation base. Although there is a reason for overdraft potential, more is due to your own deep accumulation.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s worries, Tower Spirit’s face was finally relieved with a happy smile.

“So you don’t have to worry about the breakthrough of the cultivation base, which will have any bad impact on your potential.”

“Hu …!”

Tower Spirit’s relief, while allowing Yu Haoran to breathe a sigh of relief, he also intends to use Child of Destiny’s destiny breath to release the subordinate relationship with the destiny stone tablet and completely eliminate the hidden dangers of his own existence.

But was stopped by Tower Spirit.

According to Tower Spirit’s understanding of the Destiny stone tablet, he previously spent one day and one night on the inspection. He found that in addition to the five gases in the space of the stone tablet, there are hidden dangers in the dark pit. The destiny stone tablet is very important to him. advantageous.

As long as it can restrain the temptation of five kinds of gases in the space of stone tablet, the destiny stone tablet is still a rare counter-treasure aid.

Tower Spirit’s persuasion combined with the cruel situation in reality, although Yu Haoran eventually retained the Destiny stone tablet, he also made a decision to avoid the Destiny stone tablet as much as possible in the future.


The convening order issued by Child of Destiny personally was supported by the Will of Heavens, which made Heavenly Profound Continent countless sect sects, family forces, and the powerhouse of Loose Cultivator all rushed to Void Jade Palace.

Although the Earth Palace of Void Jade Palace has been temporarily expanded, it is clear that Earth Palace can no longer accommodate so many people in the face of the powerhouse that arrives at all times.

In desperation, Ji Xing can only open the palace of the third house and let all the powerhouses of the Loose Cultivator enter the palace.

A loft deep in the palace of the people’s palace, looking at the vocal plaza through the attic windows, looking at the houses and lofts that are already full of people, the face of the master of the palace is gloomy and watery.

The reason for his somber complexion, in addition to the fact that he likes to be disturbed by the quiet environment, is that he has already guessed that Heavenly Venerate and Xing Cang the Will of Heavens know the true purpose of issuing a summons.

That is the complete obliteration of the four guardian clan and the five hidden Shi Family clan.

Originally, because he opted for Yu Haoran, who has a bright future, he was worried about the future of Void Jade Palace.

Today, striking a stone with an egg challenges the Four Guardian Clan and the Five Hidden Shi Family clan, isn’t it self-destruction, which makes him wonder what Heavenly Venerate and Cang the Will of Heavens know why.

Although he was interested in going to the Heavenly Palace, he thought of the series of precautionary measures that the Bank recently made against the People’s Palace, and thought that a carefully cultivated portion of the discipline and powerhouse were transferred to the Earth Palace. Even if you venture to ask questions, the result will not only get no answer, but will also break the anger of temperament, and may bring you the danger of killing yourself.

Unless he wakes up in advance and has a blood relationship with Ji Xing, he can directly control Void Jade Palace’s powerhouse that is close to 80% of his power and is just.

Thinking of this, after a flash of determination, Ren Zun’s eyes took out a painting from the independent space he opened up, and a painting that opened to present the entire Heavenly Palace.

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