In the independent space formed by the destiny stone tablet!

Open your eyes and take a closer look at the remaining amount of white gas in the space. Yu Haoran found that the mental state cultivation base breakthrough just consumed 20% of the total white gas.

According to the amount of white gas consumed by realm’s promotion, the remaining 7% of white gas is enough for his state of mind to be promoted directly to Valkyrie Grade XNUMX Peak.

“Zi …!”

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air, at the same time, his face exudes ecstasy.

Because the stone tablet space also contains the amount of gray gas, yellow gas, gas, and Purple Qi that are not lost to white gas.

In other words, relying solely on these targeted gases in the stone tablet space, he was able to cultivate his mind in the next three to five days, cultivation base, fleshhy body grade, divide force, and realm of Soul Power All were promoted to Valkyrie Grade 7 Early-Stage.

Even with the help of Purple Qi, the major two-line law of life and death, Mystery, has the possibility of being promoted to Valkyrie Grade 7 Early-Stage.

After the ecstasy, an unreal feeling suddenly appeared in Yu Haoran’s heart. It felt that the chance that the destiny stone tablet brought him was not only against the sky, but also against the sky.

It was precisely because of the feeling of fear emerging from his heart that he finally decided not to absorb the other gases in the independent space for the time being, but decided to confirm with Tower Spirit and the ethereal rat that these gases have no hidden dangers, and then decide whether to use them to accelerate his own promotion. realm and strength.

After closing his eyes again to consolidate the cultivation base of the Valkyrie Grade 1 Early-Stage, Yu Haoran moved his mind and merged into his fatehy body ’s destiny stone tablet to re-establish an independent space.

Then he condensed his imprint, and then integrated directly into the stone tablet in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a soft suction gradually formed above the independent space, drawing him away.

At last, I glanced at the five kinds of gas floating around, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the perseverance and greed in my heart, and then left the independent space along the soft suction.

“Master, why did you come out so soon?”

The black mouse practicing on the destiny stone tablet, when he saw Yu Haoran suddenly appearing in front of the stone tablet, his eyes asked with doubts.

“Also, why did n’t your cultivation base advance to Valkyrie Realm?”

“Brother, I still have very important things to deal with as soon as possible. I have not used the energy gas in the stone tablet space to improve the cultivation base and strength.”

Yu Haoran smiled and explained, while keeping her heart alert.

“That’s it!” After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, the black mouse sighed in confusion.

As a companion beast of the destiny stone tablet, the black mouse is very aware of the energy contained in the five gases in the space of the stone tablet, and the improvement of the cultivation base and strength of the stone tablet owner.

Take Yu Haoran’s current cultivation base, as long as it can absorb and refining the five gases of the stone tablet space, the cultivation base and the rule Xuan’ao must be able to reach the Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak, and then rely on the infinite luck of the destiny stone tablet. Paragon Realm that impacts supreme existence within a year.

At that time, with the powerful strength of Paragon Realm, he controlled the destiny stone tablet, which can easily determine the survival of all things, Life and Death, and can easily start and end the countless calamities, and finally successfully complete his Child of Destiny mission.

Ignoring the black mouse’s sigh, Yu Haoran’s ten fingers quickly condensed the mark, and put the mark into the ten thousand meters stone tablet in front of him.


When the 36 condensed seals all fuse into the Destiny stone tablet, Yu Haoran reached out and screamed.

Along with Yu Haoran’s violent drinking, the ten thousand meters high black stone tablet quickly shrank and eventually turned into a black light and disappeared into the palm of his hand.

“Brother Black Mouse, are you going to stay on my shoulders or return to the independent space of Destiny stone tablet?” After putting up the ten thousand meters tall Destiny stone tablet, Yu Haoran asked the black mouse with a smile. .

Considering that the most powerful Sunburst Exterminator among the three extinct spirits has awakened and began to intervene in the situation of Heavenly Profound Continent, it is urgently needed to have stronger strength against the opponent’s black mouse, and finally chose to stay in the independent space of Destiny stone tablet .

Because only by staying with the Destiny stone tablet can realm and strength always maintain the advancement of advanced by leaps and bounds.

nodded expressed respect for the other’s choice. After Yu Haoran waved the black mouse into the independent space of the Destiny stone tablet, the smile on his face was quickly replaced by the dignified.

Looking at the suppression of the destiny stone tablet, and gradually starting to collapse the independent space, he did not delay too much, flashing the strength of Law to let him leave the independent space and the bottom of the stream instantly, and then use the means of tearing the void to return directly Clearcloud Peak by Hundred Chi Sect.


Sitting on the stone pavilion chair in the No. XNUMX courtyard, Yu Haoran hit the table top of the stone table while waiting for the results of the Tower Spirit inspection.

Waiting for one day and one night, Tower Spirit’s extremely happy voice came to my mind.

“Yu Haoran, fortunately, you have been on the cliff in time, and did not continue to use the energy and gas in the destiny stone tablet space to impact the Valkyrie realm, otherwise, you will completely lose the qualification to impact the Immortal Divinity Realm world, the highest achievement in life is Paragon Grade 9 Peak. “

“Tower Spirit, to be more detailed.” The fingers hitting the desktop stopped abruptly, and Yu Haoran’s face suddenly gloomed.

“Yu Haoran, with your Pill Dao cultivation base and knowledge, is there a medicine pill in this world that can make a supreme expert of a military emperor Grade 9 Peak Realm, in a spurt of energy directly upgraded to Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak Realm?” Not At all obeying Yu Haoran’s orders, Tower Spirit suddenly shifted the subject and asked.


In response, Yu Haoran didn’t care about it, then shook his head and replied.

“Even the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, known as the world’s first Divine Pill, and even the Nine Revolutions Golden Pill made by Laozi Paragon, have at most only a 70% chance of assisting breakthrough Valkyrie realm and a 30% assisting breakthrough. The odds of the Paragon Realm. “

“Yu Haoran, with your own experience and insights, is there any heaven-like treasure in this world that will allow a supreme expert of the Emperor Grade 9 Peak Realm to directly advance to the cultivation base in just a few days? The realm of Peak on Valkyrie Grade 9? “Tower Spirit continued to ask.


If it was before, due to his own experience and vision, he would certainly not be able to answer the question of Tower Spirit just now, but after accepting the huge information given by the Destiny stone tablet, Yu Haoran believes that this world can surpass his people in terms of experience Definitely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

So, carefully recalled for a while, he shook his head and replied.

“Even if it is the wind fruit of the three spirit roots, it only has at most 90% of the effectiveness of assisting the promotion of Valkyrie realm, and 30% of the probability of assisting the breakthrough Paragon Realm.” … “”.

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