Virgin forest!

When the black mouse used an iron chain to forcibly drag the Destiny Stone Tablet back to the independent space under the stream, the invisible defense condensed by the Destiny Stone Tablet was suddenly attacked violently in the empty forest. Product W ()

Moreover, judging from the numerous ripples that have emerged from the fierce attacks on the invisible defense, the opponent’s cultivation base and strength are not inferior to the black rats who have reached the Grade 9 Peak of the God Realm.

Because of the destiny stone tablet provided to the invisible defense energy source, the black mouse has been forcibly dragged back to the independent space under the stream by the black mouse. The intangible defense that lost the energy complement has been sustained by the other party’s continuous onslaught, but it has not been sustained In five minutes, it was completely broken.

Subsequently, a golden bird with a height of about 1000 meters, three feet, and fanning two hot flame wings, rushed in through an invisible defense gap forcibly torn.

After the eyes full of indifferent expression swept through the virgin forest, the sight of the giant bird finally stopped by the stream.

Slowly landed on the edge of the stream with the wings flapping. After the giant bird stared at the stream for a moment, the pointed beak was inserted directly into the ground of the stream, and finally stopped at a position nine meters below the stream.

However, when the black mouse dragged the destiny stone tablet back to the independent space below the ground, it also smoothed out the void crack forcibly torn by the Tower Spirit.

Therefore, after staying for a minute, the pointed giant beak left the bottom of the stream directly, while the giant bird flapped its wings and left the stream, leaving the virgin forest.

Kick the ball unnoticed and not alone

Five minutes later, the smooth crack on the ground floor of the stream was ripped apart again, and the black mouse under the stream and the independent space was watching the direction in which the golden bird disappeared, expressing grave’s whisper.

“Even the old fellow who burned Sunshine has awakened in advance and has begun to intervene in the situation of continent. It seems that my master and I must seize the time to improve the cultivation base and strength.”

“Otherwise, with the strength of the three extermination spirits, combined with the original energy of the rule of reversal of the star chess board, it is completely able to leapfrog the master’s opening of the immeasurable calamity, and then obtain the incomparable opportunity of the immense calamity.”

After talking to himself, the black mouse returned to the independent space under the ground of the stream, and then opened its four claws to stick to the Destiny stone tablet, and began its unique cultivation way.


“This is where?”

After a brief dizzy sensation, Yu Haoran, consciously awakened quickly, immediately looked at his position at the moment, and found that he was sent into a separate space by the destiny stone tablet.

The area of ​​the independent space is not large, and it is thousands of square meters, which is about the area of ​​a football field.

In the middle of the independent space, there is a destiny stone tablet that has been reduced by a factor of XNUMX. There are five colors of different colors floating around the stone tablet, exuding a mysterious gas.

The colors of the five gases are white, gray, yellow, blue, and purple.

Stepping forward to the stone tablet at the center of the space, Yu Haoran ignored the five gases floating in the air for the time being, but carefully looked at the stone tablet that was shrinking countless times in front of his eyes.

Regardless of shape, color, and breath, there is only a stone tablet with a height of ninety centimeters, which is exactly the same as the destiny stone tablet with a height of ten thousand meters.

Sun Qiu hates Koke’s party ghosts through the earth

But the difference is that the XNUMX-centimeter-high stone tablet is not engraved with any name on the front, and the bottom of the stone tablet is not locked with the nine iron chains of the murderous spirit rat.

Perhaps it was because of the fate, or because of good intentions. After carefully observing the stone tablet in front of him, he suddenly extended the hand to touch the stone tablet.

The moment the finger just touched the stone tablet, the stone tablet standing in front of him quickly softened, and then followed the finger directly into his within the body.


After the softened stone tablet was completely integrated into the fleshhy body, Yu Haoran suddenly heard a roar like a dark thunder in his sea-conscious space.

With the deep roar, an unimaginable amount of information appeared out of nowhere in the sea space, and then rushed to Divine Soul like a wave of madness.

Seeing that the huge amount of information occupying nearly 10% of the sea-viewing space came in a frenzy, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but complexion changed, and immediately used the method of mind and heart to forcibly divide the fast-flowing information into 30%. Tao Avatar uses special methods to temporarily store and seal them.

Because there is so much information flocking to Divine Soul, accepting only one piece of information has also given Yu Haoran a pain that his head is about to explode.

Fortunately, the destiny breath that burst out from the heart position quickly increased the capacity and cultivation base of Divine Soul, as well as his tenacious perseverance. Finally, he successfully learned all the information in the sea space.

“Tower Spirit, lay out an independent space accelerating immediately.”

There is no need to check the amount of information incorporated into Divine Soul. Yu Haoran knows that if he wants to fuse all the information into memory, it will take at least several months, or even nearly a year.

Faced with the ever-changing situation of Heavenly Profound Continent, faced with the step-by-step pressure of the child of the false destiny, how could he spend all his time on the fusion of information.

Therefore, he can only rely on the ability of domain tower time acceleration to assist him to fuse all the information of Divine Soul in the shortest time.

“Got it!”

After a response, Tower Spirit temporarily stopped the fusion of Primal Chaos Seal and Ruyi Bell, then mobilized the space-time energy in the domain tower, and quickly arranged a one after another hundred time acceleration space.

Taking advantage of the time-accelerating space, Yu Haoran began to read and understand the information integrated into Divine Soul with the help of understanding the origin of the Destiny stone tablet, the ability, and the benefits it can bring to himself.


When Yu Haoran used the time acceleration method to speed up the integration of the countless messages of Divine Soul, a summons order suddenly came from Void Jade Palace, making the storm originally caused by Child of Destiny and Ascending Immortal Pill completely turn into a Dragon. Scroll Wind.

Ending the ball and the ground Kegang love war alone

Faced with the convening order issued by Child of Destiny, whether it is the oldest inheritance family or the loner Loose Cultivator, all are in a dilemma.

Because according to the contents of the convening order issued by the Son of Destiny, they are willing to form a Life and Death alliance with Void Jade Palace, and are willing to jointly face the forces that are about to start immense robbery and Loose Cultivator. They must arrive at the Earth Palace of Void Jade Palace within seven days. Square, participate in the blood deed’s vow league meeting.

The boat is not the most hated by Fang Mo.

If you don’t reach Earth Palace in Void Jade Palace within seven days, or if you choose to sit by and Loose Cultivator, you are considered an anti-ally.

The anti-alliancers will not only be able to obtain any asylum and help from the sons of fate in the event of immense robbery, but may also be treated as a hidden danger before the immense robbery is officially opened.

Therefore, rather than a summons order, it is better to say that it is a surrender book. It is the advantage of the Child of Destiny identity that Ji Xing wants to unify the Heavenly Profound Continent’s ambition before the countless robbery is officially opened.

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