Virgin forest!

Entomococci are not the most ghostly by mg

“Brother Black Mouse, do you and the Destiny stone tablet have a special mark that looks dark grey and looks like a bronze bell in the independent space?”

When at the Scriptures Pavilion in Zhenyuan’s cemetery, the cultivation base accidentally promoted to the Realm of the Great Grandmaster, he once saw the original forest hiding a mark of the separation of the Artifact Spirit. !

Sun Shuxue Qiu Qiugang Cool Fang Mo Youyou

And this is one of the main reasons for his third return to the virgin forest.

However, before encountering the black mouse and the destiny stone tablet, he and Tower Spirit have used the spirit of Peak Realm. They have searched the entire virgin forest more than once, not even the ten thousand meters below the ground. The result was nothing.

Fang Xing

Fang Xingqi was not tested by Kok’s passionate feelings. “Brother Mouse, if you can help, then help Tower Spirit once!”

Therefore, Yu Haoran suspects that the chaotic imprint is likely to be hidden in the independent space where the black mouse and the destiny stone tablet reside.

Yu Haoran suddenly questioned the whereabouts of Primal Chaos Seal, but also let Tower Spirit temporarily relieve his fears, looking at the black mouse with anticipation.

“Master, are you talking about this thing!”

According to Yu Haoran, the black mouse recalled it a little bit, then opened its mouth and spit out a baby fist the size of a small bronze bell with a dark gray color.


After seeing the little bronze bell spit out by the black mouse, Yu Haoran hadn’t come to speak yet, and while Tower Spirit was excited to confirm, he appeared in front of the little bronze bell.

“This is the Primal Chaos Seal from the big brother of Chaos.”

Walking towards Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran looked up at the chaotic clock with the engraved font on the top of the destiny stone tablet, and a hesitant expression asked.

After the hate ball Yuan Qiugang ghost square by the ball

“Tower Spirit, if according to the introduction of Brother Black Mouse just now, as long as the name of the destiny stone tablet appears, and this person is still alive, do you still want to use the body of Ruyi Bell to help the Artifact Spirit of Chaos Bell New life? “

Upon hearing Yu Haoran’s reminder, Tower Spirit immediately calmed down, looking up at the destiny stone tablet, looking at the chaotic clock on the top of the stone tablet in front of his name, his eyes showing a hint of hesitation.

Although Ruyi Bell was made according to the shape of the chaotic clock, it looks exactly the same from the appearance, but the materials consumed by the two bodies, the specific environment of refining and nurturing, even the fireflies and Haoyue are difficult to describe Huge disparity between people.

If it is not a last resort, Tower Spirit would not want to incorporate Primal Chaos Seal into Ruyi Bell.

So, after careful consideration, holding the Tower Spirit of Primal Chaos Seal, he suddenly bowed to the black mouse and asked.

“Desperate soul rat, I am sorry for the conflict that I just made, I’m sorry!”

Facing Tower Spirit’s solemn apology, the black mouse quickly gestured with a small paw.

“Zi Ling, I was responsible for the conflict just now, you don’t need to apologize to me at all.”

After the hate of science and science

“Desperate soul rat, since you are the Spirit Beast of Destiny stone tablet, it is also equivalent to the Artifact Spirit conceived by Magical Artifact. You must be able to understand and trace the owner of each name of the stone tablet by controlling the fate of the destiny stone tablet. Real situation. “

not at all Because Black Mouse’s hand waved to Tower Spirit to stand up, he still bowed and asked.

“Purple spirit here is begging you, please use the power of the fate of fate, to help me see the real state of Artifact Spirit at this moment.”

“This …!” Facing Tower Spirit’s plea, the black mouse seemed a little embarrassed.

After all, Chaos Clock ranks first among all carved names of the Destiny stone tablet, which symbolizes the superhuman status of Chaos Clock and also represents his terrifying power.

Brazenly using the means of fate shackles to peek at the opponent, it is easy to cause the opponent to respond fiercely, thereby causing the backlash of fate shackles.

The damage caused by fate backlash is also unwilling to bear easily for the accompanying Spirit Beast.

“Brother Black Mouse, if you can help, then help Tower Spirit once!”

It is clear that the true state of the Chaos Artifact Spirit has an impact on the final decision of the Tower Spirit.

Therefore, I do n’t know much about Yu Haoran who used the fate yoke to look at the consequences of a top powerhouse like Chaos Clock Artifact Spirit, and couldn’t help asking for Tower Spirit.


The ability to ignore Tower Spirit’s petitions is because they are equal, and they owe nothing to each other.

But in the face of the request of the child of destiny, and the request of the owner of the destiny stone tablet, the black mouse could not refuse at all, and had no choice but to helplessly.

Reach out your short claw and press on the name of the chaos clock on the stone tablet, then carefully move the fate shackle contained in the stone tablet, little by little Check out the chaotic clock Artifact Spirit in the endless void.

When it successfully sensed the Artifact Spirit of the Chaos Clock and found the cultivation base of the other Divine Soul’s body, not only had it fallen to the realm of the new Valkyrie, but also realized that it was completely in a coma, and could not help but sighed in relief. .

It then gave the real situation and state of the Chaos Clock Artifact Spirit to Yu Haoran and Tower Spirit in detail.

As the innate Supreme Treasure born from chaos at the same time as the Chaos Clock, after hearing the black mouse telling about the true state of the Zero Chaos Clock Artifact Spirit, Tower Spirit already knew the other party ’s intentions, so he immediately made a harmony Ruyi Zhonghe Primal Chaos Seal.


After nodded agreed with the decision made by Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran immediately forcibly separated the Ruyi bell integrated into Divine Soul, and then used the body of the mind to gather the Ruyi bell to the gate of Yuta.

Quickly returned to the Tower Spirit in front of the tower of the space of the sea of ​​knowledge, and used the divine thought to enclose the Ruyi clock directly into the tower, and began to use the Primal Chaos Seal to improve the quality and grade of Ruyi clock.

“Brother, how can I successfully refining the destiny stone tablet?” After the door of the domain tower was closed again, Yu Haoran, who returned to the consciousness, asked with excitement and anticipation in the eyes of the mouse looking towards black.

“It’s very simple, as long as the master mobilizes the breath of the destiny’s son into the destiny stone tablet, the destiny stone tablet will tell the owner the specific refining process,” explained the black mouse.

“I know!”

After a nodded response, Yu Haoran continued to rise and landed on the top of the stone tablet, then sat on the top of the stone tablet with a bent knee, and mobilized the Child of Destiny breath in the heart position.

When the breath of Child of Destiny just touched the destiny stone tablet, a strong suction immediately came from the destiny stone tablet and directly sucked Yu Haoran into the independent space inside the stone tablet.

Looking at Yu Haoran who disappeared at the top of the Destiny stone tablet, the black mouse looked sighed in relief, looked up at the direction of Dongyu, and his eyes showed a trace of worried expression.

Then, the black mouse appeared in the passage leading to the bottom of the stream, and then dragged the destiny stone tablet back to the independent space by using the chain that locked it to the destiny stone tablet.

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