Outside Prince Consort House!

Thinking of the reason why Qin Emperor chose to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce due to the rain of demonic path Paragon, Bian Shengrui lost the opportunity to establish a foothold in the southern region and open a mall. Yu Haoran immediately thought of two Ascending Immortal Pill’s effect. !

“Zheng Senior, today, a month later, Junior will host a grand auction in Fengrun City.”

Coolest Momoke

“The auction lot includes not only the first-order Ascending Immortal Pill of Grade 1 but also the first-order Grade 9 pseudo Immortal Pill that can assist the Emperor’s Grade 1 Peak powerhouse and Demi-God powerhouse to impact the Valkyrie’s realm. God’s ginseng fruit. “

“At Pill God, are you sure!” Ascending Immortal Pill, Pseudo-Immortal Pill, and ginseng fruit, hearing the lot that will appear at the auction held by Yu Haoran, Zheng Jiyuan asked with a quivering voice because of his emotional excitement.

Learning to hate distant stars

The ship hated the distant star, the sole party, the Moku ship, and thought that Qin Emperor chose to cooperate with the Chamber of Commerce of Tianxiang Pavilion because of the rainy flames of demonic path Paragon, so that Bian Shengrui lost the opportunity to establish a foothold in South China and open a shopping mall , Yu Haoran immediately thought of the role of two Ascending Immortal Pill.

“Zheng Senior, Yu Haoran, I have been following the principle of saying good things and doing what we have since our official debut, so you can rest assured to participate in an auction in Fengrun City a month later,” Yu Haoran assured with a smile.

“That being the case, then this Zheng has left!”

Whether it is Ascending Immortal Pill or ginseng fruit, it is the top treasure of Valkyrie Realm to help break through.

At that time, the people participating in the auction will either be from the top inheritance family such as the guardian and the hidden world, or the old monster hidden in Secret Realm and the Void. To stand out from these powerful competitors, they need to be fully prepared .

After the inspection, the ball is not far away.

Therefore, Zheng Jiyuan did not leave too many courtesies and immediately cup one fist in the other hand to leave.

Do not send! “

cup one fist in the other hand After responding to Zheng Jiyuan’s resignation, Yu Haoran ignored the expectant and eager crowd at the scene and took Sun Yaonong back to the pavilion in the backyard of the mansion.

“Senior, this is a gift from Junior!” Take out an Ascending Immortal Pill, and place it in a separate pill bottle. Yu Haoran placed the pill bottle on the stone table in front of Sun Yaonong, and signaled with a smile.

“In Pill God, this Ascending Immortal Pill is too precious, the medicinal farmer cannot collect it!”

Before sitting with each other without saying a word, Yu Haoran gave such a valuable gift, which made Sun Yaonong deeply panicked, and quickly postponed to get up.

“Senior, in addition to being proficient in Pill Dao and Formation Dao, Junior is also slightly involved in the path candidates.”

Having enough to understand the idea of ​​Sun Yaonong’s postponement, Yu Haoran didn’t care to signal the other party to sit back in the stone chair and explained with a smile.

“Some time ago, Junior ’s cultivation base was lucky enough to be promoted to the Great Grandmaster realm, and accidentally projected to Senior. You are a benefactor of my previous life, and you have a gracious, enlightenment, and devotion to Junior. “

Having said that, Yu Haoran picked up the pill bottle placed on the stone table, forced it into Sun Yaonong’s hand, and continued to explain with a smile.

“So, this Ascending Immortal Pill is a thank you to Junior for giving back to you.”


Although he did not get involved in cultivation of shudao, Sun Yaonong, who has made a lot of friends, knew several friends of shudao Grandmaster and Great Grandmaster realm, and learned from them that he can infer the dao of past and present life.

So, after hearing the reason that Yu Haoran donated to Ascending Immortal Pill, Sun Yaonong considered it a bit, and finally nodded agreed to accept Ascending Immortal Pill.

Sun Qiu hated and hatred Fang Fang, and the main reason

After incorporating the pill bottle with Ascending Immortal Pill into an independent space, Sun Yaonong took the principle of etiquette and exchanges, took out a special jade box from the independent space, and signaled a mild smile on his face.

“At Pill God, a spiritual medicine in the jade box is a congratulation for the successful promotion of Pill Dao Pill God realm!”

“many thanks Senior !”

The elder gift is inescapable!

Facing the congratulations given by previous lives to his elders who had a sense of enlightenment, Yu Haoran got up and thanked him, and reached out to open the jade table placed on the stone table.

“This, this, this is the first-grade Grade 1, Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow exquisite ginseng!” Yu Haoran, after seeing a thorough strain with root ginseng showing the mysterious yellow Spirit Ginseng placed in the jade box, Yu Haoran shouted in trembling.

Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow exquisite ginseng of Grade 1 is slightly better than Taichu ginseng of Grade 1, and even a drop of ginseng from Taichu can be used as the main medicine for refining Ascending Immortal Pill of Grade Grade 1.

Then, a complete and exquisite Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow ginseng is worth a hundred times or even a thousand times the value of Ascending Immortal Pill.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Yu Haoran reached out to cover the jade box and pushed the jade box back in front of Sun Yaonong, shaking his head and refusing to accept the gift from the other party.

“Senior, your gift is too valuable. Please excuse Junior for not smiling.”

“In Pill God, this first-grade Grade 1 celestial genus Xuanhuangxuanlong ginseng is not only used to congratulate you on your successful promotion to Pill Dao Pill God, but also this Sun has a very important thing that you need to help yourself . “

Facing Yu Haoran’s rejection, Sun Yaonong pushed the jade box back in front of Yu Haoran without any accident and explained with a smile.

“So! You have every reason to smile.”

“Senior, let me first talk about what Junior needs to do!”

Enemy Chayuan hatred is the most ghostly war party hate

Sun Shucha’s most unrequited love after the war

Facing Sun Yaonong’s explanation, Yu Haoran not at all, who was cautious, put away the jade box, but intended to first understand what the other party wanted to do.

“In Pill God, this jade slip contains a special Pill Recipe, you have a look first.” Take out a simple jade slip from the independent space and hand it to Yu Haoran, Sun Yaonong’s eyes are full of expectations Signaled.

“This is the first-order Grade 3 Shaping Buyuan Dan created by Laozi Paragon in ancient times!”

Into the jade slip, a familiar Pill Recipe made Yu Haoran immediately think of the grade and origin of Pill Recipe.

“Pill Recipe created by Laozi Paragon.”

Hearing that Yu Haoran pointed out that Pill Recipe, which he had accidentally acquired, came from the hand of the first Alchemy Dao’s’ Master Laozi Paragon in ancient times, Sun Yaonong became tense.

After all, the success of Laozi Paragon in Pill Dao can be said to be the crown of ancient, ancient and modern times.

Well, the Pill Recipe created by him, no matter the method of refining or the difficulty of refining, I am afraid that it will exceed the equivalent level of Pill Recipe.

Back to the ground to check the independence of the independence

After checking the ground, the Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow exquisite ginseng of the first-order Grade 1 which is not dominated by the independent party is slightly stronger than the first-stage ginseng of the first-grade Grade 1, and even one drop of ginseng Both can be used as the main medicine to make the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill.

“At Pill God, I don’t know if you can make the plastic spirit source source Dan?” Sun Yaonong asked nervously.

“It can be refined, but the success rate is at most 40%.”

At the Scriptures Pavilion in Zhenyuan’s cemetery, he once saw Zhen Yuanzi in a jade slip and conducted special research and analysis on nine special medicine pills created by Laozi Paragon.

Investigate the principle of mixing hundreds of medicine ingredients in Pill Recipe, and analyze the matters needing attention in the refining process of medicine pill.

After the ball to check the hatred of the ghosts, I promised

Nine kinds of special medicine pills, including Nine Revolutions Golden Pill, famous for Laozi Paragon, and Sun Yaonong’s plastic spirit replenishment Dan recorded by jade slip.

After the inspection, the enemies sealed the ghosts. I promised “This, this, this is the Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow exquisite ginseng of Grade 1!” When I saw the jade box, there was a thorough body, Yu Goreng shouted aloud after the root Ginseng showed Spirit yellow Ginseng.

At the same time, Laozi Paragon’s original nihilism pill technique has an increase of 20 to XNUMX% for refining the medicine pill he created.

Therefore, in the face of Sun Yaonong’s intense questioning, Yu Haoran considered it for a while, and finally conservatively gave the grasp of refining and refining Danyuan.

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