Outside Prince Consort House!

Looking at Yu Haoran who was receiving the reward from Dan Jie, his face showed an excited expression, and Sun Yaonong’s eyes showed a sigh of envy. !

“Medicine pill, Dan Jie, Dan Jie rewards, this is the real reason for top Pill Master cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds!”

However, thinking of owning Pill Dao innate talent and understanding that is not inferior to Yu Haoran, but because of the arrogance of young and ignorant, I lost the foundation of shocking Pill Dao Pill Emperor and Pill Dao Pill God realm, and I felt endless regret. meaning.

Fortunately, from a relic left from an ancient period, I got a Pill Recipe that can reshape the foundation of Pill Dao, and was quickly replaced by excitement.

However, thinking that the Pill Recipe recorded the medicine pill grade as high as Grade 3, the entire Heavenly Profound Continent can only be refined when Yu Haoran, who has just been promoted to Pill Dao Pill God realm, can calm down quickly.

Later, Sun Yaonong began to think about how to make Yu Haoran promise to make the first grade Grade 3 Divine Pill, and rebuild his hope to impact Pill Dao Pill Emperor and Pill Dao Pill God realm.


If Martial Venerable realm breakthrough is ten times more difficult for Emperor Wu Realm, then the difficulty of Emperor Realm breakthrough is XNUMX times higher.

Not to mention the difficulty of assisting realm breakthrough, not losing the breakthrough of Valkyrie realm.

With the large amount of milky white energy rewarded by Dan Jie, he has clearly touched the bottleneck of realm breakthrough, but the bottleneck of the mentality cultivation base and fleshhy body grade is like two big mountains. No matter how he tried to shock, the result is still completely motionless.

Feeling less and less energy to wash their milk, and less and less hope to impact the realm bottleneck, Yu Haoran finally gave up the desire to break through in a short period of time, and then took advantage of the remaining tanzanite rewards to begin to consolidate the newly promoted cultivation base and strength.

After the reward of Dan Jie disappeared completely, Yu Haoran who got up quickly took out two pill bottles, and then waved at the nine medicine pill floating in the air.

Subsequently, five Ascending Immortal Pills of Grade 1 Grade 1 fell into one pill bottle, and four pseudo Immortal Pills of Grade XNUMX grade XNUMX also fell into another pile bottle.

First, pour out an Ascending Immortal Pill from the pill bottle. Yu Haoran checked it carefully and found that the quality of Ascending Immortal Pill was similar to what he expected in advance, which can help break through the Valkyrie realm with a 30% chance.

After putting the Ascending Immortal Pill back into the pill bottle, and then pouring out a fake Immortal Pill from the other pill bottle, he also checked it carefully, followed by a surprised expression on his face.

Although the lack of the mysterious atmosphere of the law, the pseudo-Immortal Pill lost the anti-breaking effect of the Valkyrie Realm, but focused on the improvement of the internal essence of energy. Instead, the pseudo-Immortal Pill was used to assist the enhancement of the level of fleshhy body, Origin Force, and Soul Power. Far more than Ascending Immortal Pill.

That is to say, the four first-order Grade 1 pseudo Immortal Pills are just right for the fleshhy body grade bottleneck that he used to impact the real God of Valkyrie.

Of course, fit is just fit. Pay attention to Yu Haoran’s fundamental improvement. For the time being, I will not consider using pseudo Immortal Pill to impact the breakthrough of the auxiliary realm.

After plucking the fake Immortal Pill with joy, Yu Haoran walked towards the Prince Consort mansion with a happy smile on his face, intending to separate the joyful mood from Qin Lingfei and the others, and a sudden sound came from his ears.

“At Pill God, please hold your steps!”

Turning his head to look at the silver-haired old man in a gray robe, with a gentle expression, kind eyes, and carrying a medicine basket, Yu Haoran’s eyes immediately expressed a pleasant expression.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in front of Sun Yaonong, cup one fist in the other hand paid respect.

“Junior Yu Haoran, I’ve met the Senior!”

In the previous life, when his Pill Dao cultivation base was stuck at Grandmaster Peak Realm, in order to find breakthrough opportunities, he had broken into a dangerous place at the border with the Eastern Region with the ethereal rat and accidentally encountered Sun Yaonong.

At that time, Sun Yaonong did not despise him for the identity of the poisonous Grandmaster, nor did he despise him for the identity of Loose Cultivator.

At the same time, Sun Yaonong not only overdrawn his own Origin Force and Soul Power and forced a safe passage to help him leave, but also personally directed his Pill Dao cultivation afterwards.

Had it not been for the ensuing pursuit of his enemies by Void Jade Palace and he was forced to escape into the Demon God tomb, there would be great hope for promotion to Pill Dao Great Grandmaster realm.

Therefore, Sun Yaonong is not only the benefactor of his Pill Dao cultivation, but also the one he wants to repay after his rebirth.

The Pill Master of Pill Dao Pill God realm has a half-step Paragon-like existence. Whether it is now, or in ancient and ancient times, it is the highest and most respected existence between Heaven and Earth.

With such a distinguished status and high status, Yu Haoran faced his own old fogey with no future, not only with respect and respect, but also saluted with Junior status, which made Sun Yaonong deeply moved, and his heart also emerged. Ashamed deeply.

I had a chance to meet Yu Haoran three times, but because of selfishness and jealousy, I not only did not point the other person at Pill Dao cultivation, but actively avoided the possibility of meeting with the other person. How could this not make him feel ashamed and blame .

“You’re welcome to Pill God, it should be salted by the drug farmer.” After taking a deep breath, Sun Yaonong quickly responded politely.

“Senior must kill Junior, how can Junior let you be saluted!”

After shaking his head to stop Sun Yaonong’s cup one fist in the other hand saluted, Yu Haoran actively invited the other party to go to Prince Consort.

It is said that the Prince Consort mansion created by Yu Haoran himself not only has a landscape like the Immortal Realm on the earth, but also has a special Spirit Qi in the mansion, which can strengthen the foundation and potential of the martial artist, and greatly enhance the cultivation base and strength of the martial artist.

So, in the face of Yu Haoran’s unsolicited invitation, Sun Yaonong quickly agreed with nodded.

“At Pill God, Senior, please hold your steps!”

When Yu Haoran took Sun Yaonong to the Prince Consort mansion, a powerhouse with three Demi-God realm rushed out and rushed out from the crowd.

“At Pill God, his name is Zheng Jiyuan, from the Zheng family in inheritance since ancient times.”

Looking at Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a doubtful expression, knowing that he did not know the counterparty Sun Yaonong, and actively introduced.

“The Zheng family is a strong inheritance family that exists as well as the Shang family and the Zhou family.”

“Zheng Senior, I don’t know what happened to you?” Yu Haoran expression asked indifferently after giving a hand signal.

“At Pill God, I don’t know if you intend to sell the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill that was just refined?” Stopped at a distance of three meters from Yu Haoran, Zheng Jiyuan asked with respect and respect, his eyes expressing his longing expression.

Facing Zheng Jiyuan’s interrogation, Yu Haoran bowed his head and meditated.

Five Ascending Immortal Pills of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX, one gift for Wu Zhengjun’s marriage proposal, one gift to Sun Yaonong around him, and one for the Master who plans to find him for a while, the rest The two Ascending Immortal Pills don’t know what to do for now.

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