Void Jade Palace, inside Earth Palace!

After hearing Heavenly Venerate’s interrogation, he also withdrew the respect of Yu Haoran’s eyes, stared directly into his eyes, and flashed a hesitant expression.

“Junior Brother, Heaven, Earth and Mortal hold the Void Jade Palace together. There is no gap in status and rights between them. This is not only a rule established by the ancestors of previous generations, but also the basis for Void Jade Palace to inherit for many years.”

Seeing the hesitant expression of the human respect suddenly fell into silence, familiar with and understand his temperament, Heavenly Venerate, with a gentle smile on his face.

“So, there is something that Junior Brother can do as he pleases, without bothering and worrying about dissatisfaction with Senior Brother.”

“Senior Brother, in fact, the grudge between Void Jade Palace and Yu Haoran is not deep in itself, and there is a possibility of resolving each other.”

After being guaranteed by Ji Xing, he hesitated to replace the hesitant expression, and he courageously persuaded him.

“Senior Brother, Junior Brother thinks that as long as our Void Jade Palace takes the initiative to take a step back, I think with Yu Haoran’s mind and vision, I will definitely choose to forgive.”

“At the same time, considering the identity of the Senior Brother Child of Destiny and the asylum of the Will of Heavens knowledge behind us, we may even choose to ally with us.”

The more excited he became, the more he couldn’t help but start looking forward, but he not at all noticed that Ji Xing’s face was gradually gloomy.

“If our two parties can really reach an alliance, then with the luck of Child of Destiny, the asylum of the Will of Heavens, the influence of Pill Dao Pill God, Void Jade Palace can absolutely suppress the four guardian families. And the five hidden world inheritance families, becoming the first force in Heavenly Profound Continent not just in name only, but also in reality … “

“Junior Brother, shut up!”

A violent drinking directly interrupted the outlook of Ren Zun, Ji Xing’s complexion questioned.

“Summary with Yu Haoran, and alliance with Yu Haoran, then the Junior Brother has thought about the dragon who died tragically under the sword invisible sword, the Junior Brother has thought about the sect Elder and deacon who died under the hands of Yu Haoran, Junior Brother has not considered the wishes of the three heavenly gods. “

In the face of Ji Xing’s complex questioning, Ren Zun not at all too much panic, but couldn’t help but sigh a bit out of words.

“Junior Brother, I put my words here today. It was considered to be jade and stone burns together. We at Void Jade Palace and Yu Haoran could not reconcile, let alone imagine alliances.”

“Senior Brother, I know!”

cup one fist in the other hand, he gave a glance at Yu Haoran, who was walking on the colorful clouds in the mid-air, with a disappointed expression, and walked away from the returning palace of Earth Palace.

“Junior Brother, temporarily regain all the power of the Human Palace and Human Statue, and send rainy nights to secretly monitor every movement of the Human Statue.” Looking at the Human Statue stepping away, Ji Xing’s eyes flashed a cold instructed against the Earth Statue.

“Yes, Senior Brother!” After seeing the cold light flashing through Ji Xing’s eyes, he hit a chilling dignified body, and quickly cup one fist in the other hand.


In front of the passage of the ancient god trial ground!

Looking at the three Formation Dao array emperors Elder who just woke up in the clan, they are trying their best to break the seal of the nine gods. The expression of anger, the expression of regret sometimes, the expression of hatred, sometimes Thinking over expression.

However, when a colorful cloud and a blue clothed youth exuding colorful clouds suddenly appeared in the midst of the ancient god trial ground, the complex and changeable expression of Shenjie was quickly replaced by hatred.

“Yu Haoran, you damn it!”

Instantly took out a sword of the God Realm, and after roaring, he directly emptied and rushed to Yu Haoran, who was walking on the colorful clouds.

However, when he had just vacated less than 100 meters, a kind old man in a white robe instantly stood in front of him, expressing serious criticism.

“His Highness, your heart is disturbed!”

After hearing the criticism from the white robed old man, Shenjie forced himself to calm down quickly, then looked up towards Yu Haoran in the air, and gradually discovered Yu Haoran’s anomaly.

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is complete!”

Recalling the promotion of Divine Race Pill Master in ancient times, Shenjie shouted abruptly.

“In today’s environment, it’s impossible for the kid named Yu to be Pill God!”

“Yes, it’s Pill Dao Pill God’s realm!”

After nodded confirming Yu Haoran’s true state, the white robe Old Ancestor expression grave reminded.

“The Pill Master of Pill Dao Pill God realm, as long as there are sufficient resources, can easily make direct breakthrough Martial Venerable and Medicine pill of the Emperor Realm, and can make Divine Pill to assist the Breakthrough Realm.”

“This person’s threat to our Divine Race is not inferior to the Child of Destiny who can start and end countless robberies.”

As a reminder here, the white robed old man turned his head and looked at God Jie instructed.

“His Highness, the moment when our Divine Race returns to Heavenly Profound Continent, you immediately arrange the Demon Eater to kill this person. You must not let him be the victim of our Divine Race to rule Heavenly Profound Continent.”

“The old military division rest assured, this god will never let this kid down.”

While nodded promised the white robed old man, Shenjie even more eagerly wanted to know when they would be able to lift the seal of the channel, and then led the numerous armies of Divine Race back to Heavenly Profound Continent.

“According to the old man’s understanding of the Formation, the formation of the Seal Ancient God Trial is called Sun, Moon and Stars Formation. It is one of the three seal formations in ancient times. With the formation ability of the three of us, it takes at least five years. Time to break. “

After hearing Shenjie’s interrogation, the white robed old man motioned for him to come to the front of the passage, and then pointed at the seal exuding the breath of Sun, Moon and Stars and explained.

“However, old man found the four formation flags used to arrange the Sun, Moon and Stars Formation, and one of the formation flags contained the formation of Self-destruction.”

“At the same time, judging by the speed of Self-destruction Formation, at most two months, the formation flag will completely detonate Sun, Moon and Stars Formation, and the passage to Heavenly Profound Continent will reopen. . “


For up to two months, he was able to lead the Divine Race army back to the Heavenly Profound Continent, and he couldn’t help crying with excitement.

After raising his hand to indicate that Shen Jie was quiet, the white robed old man pointed at Yu Haoran, who was walking on the colorful clouds in the air, and said with a smile on his face.

“But to my surprise, the kid ’s Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon when he was promoted to Pill Dao Pill God realm actually speeded up the operation of Self-destruction Formation and made the formation flag Self-destruction time almost fully advanced. one third. “

“That is to say, for up to 45 days, the seal formation of Sun, Moon and Stars will be completely invalid, and His Royal Highness will be able to return to Heavenly Profound Continent.”

“Yu Haoran, your death is here!”

If he could come to Heavenly Profound Continent one day earlier, he could kill Yu Haoran who brought him endless shame as soon as possible. Shenjie looked up at Yu Haoran, who was walking on the colorful clouds, said gnashing teeth.

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