Outside Fengrun City!

“this is…!”

Looking at the colorful clouds that appeared in the void and rushing to the Prince Consort mansion quickly, Sun Yaonong with a slight expression in his eyes showed an incredible expression. !

Although Yu Haoran refined the first-order Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill, he figured out what the other party wanted to achieve, but he knew that Pill Dao Pill God realm breakthrough was difficult. He never thought of Yu Haoran as a single Ascending Immortal. Pill’s refining process can successfully impact Pill Dao Pill God realm.

But the truth is!

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is complete!”

Looking at the colorful clouds that rushed into the mansion completely, and watching the nine medicine pills in the oven disappear out of sight, and gradually accepted the reality of Sun Yaonong, his eyes sighed with no envy expression.

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is complete!”

Looking at the colorful clouds that quickly landed in the backyard of the mansion, Zhong Lishuiqin suddenly stood up, and it was difficult to control her emotional excitement facing Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuhen loudly said.

“Ling Fei, son of no trace, senior brother Yu has successfully promoted to Pill Dao Pill God’s realm, becoming the first Pill God of Heavenly Profound Continent, and his influence has not lost to the Spirit God powerhouse of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak Realm.”

In fact, you can’t blame Zhong Li Suiqin for being so excited.

The breakthrough of Pill Dao Pill God realm not only foreshadows that the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill has great confidence in the refining success, but also represents Yu Haoran officially becoming the most influential powerhouse of Heavenly Profound Continent.

As Yu Haoran Pill Dao Pill God, I personally went to the family and brought Ascending Immortal Pill and ginseng fruit to assist the breakthrough Valkyrie Realm. Those old fellows in the family may be happy to agree to her marriage with Wu Zhengjun.

After hearing Zhong Lishuiqin’s explanation, the eyes of Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin, Yunxiang and Fang Man also showed unsurpassable surprises, because they knew what Pill Dao Pill God meant to Yu Haoran, and they knew more about them. What will be gained from it.

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is complete!”

Sitting on the knees of the Tower Spirit of Qi of Black and Yellow, he watched the colorful clouds integrated into Yu Haoran’s knowledge of the sea. The excitement that erupted in his heart made him temporarily forget the imprint of condensation.

Fortunately, the mental state cultivation of Paragon Peak Realm calmed him down quickly, and then while condensing the imprint of integration into the mansion, he secretly planned.

“Pill Dao Pill God’s realm, advanced to the 2nd Layer’s pill technique, and with Yu Haoran’s current Pill Dao ability, he should be able to try to make the legendary Danling.”

“If Yu Haoran is able to successfully produce Dan Ling, then I can directly use the spirit of Dan Ling to restore the Paragon Realm realm.”

“At that time, I can use the means of Paragon to control Heavenly Profound Continent and find the Primal Chaos Seal of the chaotic big brother in a short time.”

As the colorful clouds merged into the Divine Soul that knew the sea, Yu Haoran immediately felt that he had a better understanding of Pill Dao cultivation, and he was more confident about how to successfully produce the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill.

However, what really excites him is that the special energy contained in the colorful clouds has made him deeper and deeper in the mystery of the dual laws of Life and Death. There is a faint feeling that he can control the mystery.

According to Tower Spirit’s interpretation of the rules Xuan’ao and Valkyrie realm, Yu Haoran knew that the moment he took full control of the dual laws of life and death, when he truly had the impact on Valkyrie realm.

The colorful clouds integrated into Divine Soul do not last long.

When Yu Haoran began to try to control the mystery of the dual laws of Life and Death, the colorful clouds that intercepted part of the soul energy quickly left the sea-conscious space and returned to the void of the residence.

Immediately afterwards, the colorful clouds split into countless smaller colorful clouds in an instant, and then went straight to the corners of Heavenly Profound Continent.


Pinggu City, the temporary garrison of the Great Qin Empire.

Emperor Qin, who had been successfully promoted to Real Emperor Wu of the Emperor, was dealing with the urgent military affairs of the army, and the panic voice came from outside the study.

“Holy, it’s a major event. Come out and have a look!”

eyebrows slightly frowned put down his golden pen, Qin Emperor appeared in the courtyard.

Later, according to the general manager Jiang’s reminder, he looked up at the void of Pinggu Chengfang’s ten thousand meters, a young man in a blue shirt and colorful clouds, his eyes burning with white flames.

“This is the Prince Consort!” Qin emperor shouted, looking at the familiar appearance.

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is complete!”

Emperor Qin knew the rain in the sea space, and looked at Yu Haoran, who was walking on the colorful clouds, and shouted in a similar shock.

“It was able to break through the air-suppression of the auxiliary way and successfully promoted to Pill Dao Pill God. Is that kid the reincarnation of Laozi Paragon!”

After hearing the ignorance of Yu Haioran and pointing out the state of Yu Haoran at this time, I thought of the natural phenomenon when he was promoted to Pill Dao Pill Emperor in the Hidden Dragon List in the southern region. Soul Power shouted at the millions of troops stationed in Pinggu.

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is completed, this is the Prince and Consort’s successful promotion of Pill Dao Pill God realm’s Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon.”

After hearing Emperor Qin pointed out the origin of the Pinggucheng natural phenomenon, the momentum of the tens of millions of troops suddenly increased by dozens of times, and his heart was more loyal to the Great Qin Empire.

Especially those Martial Saints and Martial Venerable powerhouses who are staying in the Great Qin Empire, their unwilling emotions are instantly disappeared without a trace.

“On this occasion, I decided to reward the army!”

“Vice President Jiang, pass the message!”

“Old slave takes over!” Chief Jiang stepped forward, waiting.

“From now on, the army rested for seven days, allowing Commander to …”


Void Jade Palace!

The Lord of the Three Palaces of the Void Jade Palace stood side by side, looking at the defensive Formation of the Void Jade Palace, appearing directly in the mid-air Yu Haoran and colorful clouds, the three have different faces.

The face of the Lord of the Earth Palace was slightly pale, and Yu Haoran looked towards the colorful clouds, with a terrified expression.

Heavenly Palace’s Lord Heavenly Venerate’s face was gloomy and watery, and Yu Haoran, who looked towards the colorful clouds, showed a strong murderous aura.

The face of the master of the palace is as calm as water, and Yu Haoran, looking towards the colorful clouds, reveals a complex expression.

“Colorful clouds appear, Pill Dao Pill God is complete!”

Taking back the attention of Yu Haoran and converging his intense Murderous Aura, Heavenly Venerate Ji Xing turned her head to look at Ren Zun and asked.

“Junior Brother, Yu Haoran’s impact at the moment as Pill Dao Pill God realm, I am afraid it will not be lost to the sensation caused by my exposure to Child of Destiny.”

“This is a deadly threat to boosting the reputation of our Void Jade Palace and increasing the strength of our third house. What do we say next?”

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