Mid-air outside Fengrun City!

Suddenly, Sun Yaonong, who stopped explaining, suddenly turned and looked at the ten thousand meters in the void, his eyes flashing a scornful expression of disdain.

“Since it’s all here, don’t hide behind it, just come out!”

Facing the satire of Sun Yaonong’s unfathomable mystery, the number of masters and powerhouses on the scene has exceeded XNUMX, as well as Qin Lingfei and the others in the mansion, immediately mobilizing the mind to look at the void that Sun Yaonong stared at.

But the result was nothing!

Only Zhongli Suqin’s expression gradually condensed.

“Don’t come out!”

After waiting for a full minute, looking at the vacant void, Sun Yaonong sneered and asked a question, and then a small white snake with a length of only seven or eight centimeters came out of his sleeve and was almost transparent.

“Zi …!”

The snake body coiled around Sun Yaonong’s fingers, and the head of the snake looked up at the ten thousand meters in the void, and the slightly opened snake’s mouth made a harsh hissing noise.

Along with the harsh hissing noise, an invisible wave of power suddenly appeared in the void stared by Sun Yaonong.

Immediately afterwards, the calm void was as rippled as it was cut.

“Drug farmer, stop!”

From the cut void ripple, a very helpless voice came out.

With helpless voices, seven white haired old men in different costumes flashed from the cut void ripples.

Looking at the seven white haired old men flashing from the ripples of the void through the mirror condensed by Formation, Qin Lingfei immediately asked hostilely.

“Helly sister, who are these seven old fellows?”

“Boqing, Bohong, Hailan, Dege, Luoqing, Tachen, Leaving, and the last seven people who became the real God of Valor before the bust in the ancient times are Loose Cultivator powerhouse. They are also one of the few lucky people who survived the bust in the ancient times.” Zhong Li Hydrophonic expression grave replied.

“Hydro elder sisters, since they are already the Spiritual God powerhouse of Eternal Undying, why do you still look at the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill being refined by Prince Consort?”

Void Jade Palace’s performance of being greedy for fear of death and kneeling for mercy has completely changed Qin Lingfei and the others’ views on the Spiritual God powerhouse.

Therefore, even when Zhongli Shuiqin heard that the other party was the powerhouse of Valkyrie realm, Qin Lingfei didn’t feel the slightest fear, but asked with a puzzling heart.

“I do not know either!”

Shook the head, Zhong Li Shuiqin’s eyes also looked at seven other people like Bo Qing with confusion.

“Brother Bo, are the seven of you trying to destroy the breakthrough of Yu Haoran Pill Dao Pill God realm, or do you want to take his life?” Sun Yaonong, who is familiar with and understands the seven Boqings, asked Grave.

“What’s the difference!” Looking at the nine medicine pills being nurtured by Heaven and Earth Furnace, the seven had the highest cultivation base and the strongest waves, expressing indifferent rhetorical questions.

“Of course!”

Extend the hand means stroking the head of the little white snake, Sun Yaonong said nodded.

“If you want to break through the breakthrough of Pill Emperor Pill Dao Pill God realm, then I hope you can give up this idea in the face of old man. Because the breakthrough of Pill Dao Pill God realm is about whether Pill Dao’s luck can really rise Hope. “

“If you want the life of Pill Emperor, then I think I’m not your opponent’s old man. I’m leaving here now.”

After hearing Sun Yaonong’s statement, the seven members of Qingbo glanced at each other. The most outstanding step marks took a step forward, and then took out a purple rays of light.

“Follow the orders of the heavens and follow the order of destiny: Yu Haoran has the most sinful crimes, ten evils are forgiven, the humans and the gods are angry, and the crime is intolerable. . “

“If there is a man who conforms to the destiny, he will be rewarded with eternal life without suffering from reincarnation, and he will never fall into the calamity of immeasurable calamity!”

“If there are those who act against the sky, destroy the Nine Clan!”

After hearing the imperial edicts announced by Tachen, whether it was Sun Yaonong or Zhongli Shuiqin in the mansion, his face suddenly gloomed.

Because the imperial edicts just read by Tachen represent both the Will of Heavens and the official involvement in the Heavenly Profound Continent, and the foreseeable beginning of the Child of Destiny era to start the calamity of countless robberies.

“Tread marks, if my Sun Yaonong does not obey his destiny, are seven of you really going to destroy my Sun Clan family!” Sun Yaonong, who was flaming with a mighty flame, stared directly at the step marks that had just read the decree, gnashing teeth. Questioned.

“Those who do not comply with the destiny and those who do not behave against the sky, although not subject to any punishment, will not receive any protection from the sons of destiny, and will still have no way to escape when countless robberies come.”

After putting up the sacred purplish of light rays of light, step marks looked at the little white snake coiled around Sun Yaonong’s fingers, and with a dreadful expression, kept his tone as warm as possible.

“So, brother Yao Nong, no matter for yourself, or for the countless clansmans of the family behind you, today you’d better stand on our side and work together to annihilate the sinful sinner Yu Haoran.”

“Life and Death are rich and rich are in heaven!”

Faced with the persuasion of the tread marks, Sun Yaonong’s eyes showed a refutation as if he was dead.

“If my Sun Yaonong and the Sun Clan family are finally destroyed by the calamity of countless robberies, it will be our luck, and clansman must be able to understand my current choice and face the coming of death calmly.”

“But if we become the walking dogs of the Will of Heavens consciousness and discipline, then we lose not only dignity and freedom, but also the heart of Martial Dao, which we have always adhered to, weak spots will appear, and will forever lose the impact on Valkyrie and Paragon. Realm hope. “

Sun Yaonong’s refusal to treat death as if he was dead, made many hesitants and Demi-God powerhouse hesitate at the scene, quickly replaced by firm expression.

“well said!”

The Qin Lingfei under the White Tiger statue in the mansion even shook his fists and shouted with excitement.

Because Sun Yaonong’s refutation just made Prince Consort avoid the danger of siege.

“Good, good, good!”

The mild smile on his face was instantly replaced by the gloom. After three consecutive sounds of stepping gnashing teeth, he turned his head and asked Bo Qing.

“Big brother, what do we do next?”

Looking down at Sun Yaonong, who was as dead as death, and glancing at the little white snake coiled around his finger, Bo Qing couldn’t help sighing again, and then re-focused on the oven, showing a sharp murderous aura’s instructed.

“Immediately break the defense of the mansion, quickly kill the guilty Yu Haoran, and fulfill the order of the Will of Heavens and the Son of Destiny.”


Seeing that the big brother finally let go of Sun Yaonong who dared to provoke the Will of Heavens, the son of consciousness and destiny, although TaChen felt a little dissatisfied, but thought of the special relationship between the two of them, and that grade seemed low. However, the little white snake that can hurt the Spiritual God powerhouse can only help but shrug his shoulders.

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