Prince Consort House!

Since ancient times, people are light, martial arts are strong, and geniuses are jealous!

Sun Yaonong is willing to actively point out those Pill Masters who have certain Pill Dao innate talents, because those Pill Masters’ innate talents and perceptions are far worse than him.

Through seemingly selfless guidance and teaching, Sun Yaonong can not only gain the respect and gratitude of those Pill Masters, but also enhance his reputation.

And Yu Haoran!

The realm who has just entered Pill Dao Grandmaster can easily refine the Five Trial Xuanmen Dan that attracted Heavenly Tribulation punishment and assisted the Martial Venerable powerhouse to survive the disaster.

The Pill Dao innate talent and understanding that Yu Haoran showed at that time were not only inferior to Sun Yaonong, but even better than some aspects of Pill Dao’s experience.

With Sun Yaonong’s pride, he not only couldn’t come forward to guide Yu Haoran’s Pill Dao cultivation base, but also avoided as much as possible each other.

This time Sun Yaonong’s active appearance is probably related to the Heaven and Earth Furnace condensed by Yu Haoran and the medicine pill being refined.

However, even the well-known Zhongli Shuiqin did not know what kind of medicine pill he wanted to make with Yu Haoran who used Taichu Xuanshen Liquid.

“Senior, with your old eyesight, I wonder if you can see the kind and grade of medicine pill being refined by Pill Emperor at this moment?” After Sun Yaonong’s return after one another, a good relationship with the Sun Clan family Demi-God powerhouse asked with anticipation.

Looking up at the oven-sized watermelon pill, recalling just a glance at the history and grade of each medicine ingredient refined by Yu Haoran, Sun Yaonong said without dignity.

“If the old man’s judgment is not wrong, at the moment Pill Emperor is refining the medicine pill, which should be the first-order Grade 9 Ascending Immortal Pill that can assist the Emperor Grade 1 Peak powerhouse and Demi-God powerhouse breakthrough Valkyrie realm.”


After hearing Sun Yaonong’s speculation, all the powerhouses of Wudi realm and Demi-God realm at the scene were shocked and silent, while looking toward the oven medicine pill’s gaze, showing expressions of greed and longing.


That is the realm that can break the mystery of Life and Death and become the Eternal Undying Spiritual God. It is also the realm of every dream martial artist who stepped on the cultivation martial artist.

Zhong Li Shuiqin stood up with excitement, because she knew very well that if Yu Haoran could finally pill concocting successfully, and would be willing to take out an Ascending Immortal Pill as a gift for marriage.

Well, the old fellows of the family who do not love their children and grandchildren will definitely not obstruct them in order to get the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill.

“Senior, according to Junior’s understanding of Dao, it seems that only Pill Dao Pill God’s realm has the ability to refine the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill. Is it possible that Pill Emperor has become the supreme realm of Pill God!”

Although I am eager to get Ascending Immortal Pill, which can help breakthrough Valkyrie Realm, the current Ascending Immortal Pill is still in its infancy, and there are many steps to the final Chengdan.

Therefore, many powerful Emperor Wudi and Demi-God powerhouse, after calming down the shocking emotions quickly, thought of a key question, and the initiative of the Demi-God powerhouse just asked.


After shaking his head to deny the speculation of the Demi-God powerhouse, Sun Yaonong expressed an expression of envy and envy.

“Just as Yu Haoran successfully promoted Pill Dao Pill Emperor realm, the entire Heavenly Profound Continent will produce a faint medicinal Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon. When Pill Dao Pill God realm breakthrough is also accompanied by the emergence of Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon. “

“By then, no matter the ordinary village and city, or the restricted area and forbidden area, even the Secret Realm in a different space from Heavenly Profound Continent, there will be an illusory shadow of breakthrough Pill God powerhouse.”

“Senior, since Pill Emperor did not become Pill God of Pill Dao realm, why did he risk refining the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill, which is simply impossible to succeed?” Combined with Sun Yaonong’s explanation just now, I know that Yu Haoran has not Become Pill Dao Pill God’s Demi-God powerhouse, could not help asking.

“According to Pill Emperor’s promotion of Pill Dao realm over the past few years, I think he wants to use the perception and gains of refining the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill to directly impact Pill Dao Pill God’s realm.”

The eyes of Sun Yaonong, who was thinking about expression, were not too speculative.

“By then, you will be able to successfully advance to Pill Dao Pill God, and at the same time you will be able to harvest Ascending Immortal Pill of Grade 1.


Inside the Prince Consort House!

Feeling that Heaven and Earth Furnace’s medicine pill has been cultivated, Yu Haoran moved the medicine pill back to the pill furnace, and then carried out the second incubation.

At the same time, taking advantage of the gap between the warming process of medicine pill, he began to try the breakthrough of Pill Dao Pill God realm.

Unfortunately, he waited until the second pass of the cultivation pill in the pill furnace was over, and he did not successfully break through the bottleneck of the Pill God realm.

In this regard, knowing that Pill Dao’s accumulation is still not deep enough, Yu Haoran, not at all too disappointed.

took a deep breath, to calm down the emotional ups and downs caused by the impact on the bottleneck of realm just now, the ten fingers quickly condensed the marks of Fendan, and then printed into the pill furnace with a watermelon-sized medicine pill.

The 1nd difficulty of the first-grade Grade 2 Ascending Immortal Pill is the mystery of the law of how to be able to perfectly divide and distribute the medicine pill in the process of dividing the Dan.

Considering his own Pill Dao cultivation base and the rustiness of first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill, Yu Haoran didn’t dare to expect that he would eventually become nine.

Therefore, he used his Peak status and his understanding of the mystery of the two laws of Life and Death. After successfully dividing and allocating the five mystic pill rules, the remaining four medicinal pills had only pure medical power.

Seeing five full and round medicine pill floating in the pill furnace, and four slightly smaller, but same coloring and translucent medicine pill, Yu Haoran secretly sighed in relief.

Later, he used his mind to send nine medicine pills to Heaven and Earth Furnace outside the mansion for the first nurturing.

At the same time, he continued to take advantage of the first warming gap after the split, and began the second realm bottleneck.


“Five Ascending Immortal Pills and four Pseudo-Immortal Pills, it seems that Pill Emperor is a prudent person!” After seeing the nine medicine pills appearing in the oven out of thin air, Sun Yaonong obsessively observed. After a while, expression sighed with admiration.

“Senior, what is a fake Immortal Pill? Is it possible to make two different medicine pills in a pill furnace?” After hearing Sun Yaonong’s sigh, he just questioned his Demi-God powerhouse and couldn’t help it frowns continued to question.

“The reason why Ascending Immortal Pill can assist the powerhouse breakthrough of Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak Realm and Demi-God realm is the key to the mysterious atmosphere of the medicine pill.”

Looking at the nine medicine pills in the oven, Sun Yaonong’s eyes exude the explanation of longing for expression.

“Since Yu Pill Emperor was able to sense it successfully, and separated the mysterious mystery of the primordial ginseng ginseng solution, it means that he has touched the strength of the law of my own major.”

“But limited by the influence of his own Martial Dao cultivation base, he cannot further enhance the level of the mystery of the mystery of the strength of law, so when he divides and distributes the mystery of the law of medicine pill …”

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