Prince Consort House!

Heavenly Profound Continent Because of the storm rolled up by Child of Destiny and ginseng fruit, it did not affect Yu Haoran immersed in Pill Dao cultivation. !

With the help of Pill Dao cultivation left by Zhen Yuanzi to realize jade slip and his own innate talent at Pill Dao, it took less than five days to successfully touch the bottleneck of Pill God realm.

Later, he got up and left the practice room, sitting directly on the grass in the courtyard with his knees bent.

Then, from the storage ring, a total of eighty strains of precious medicine ingredients from the second-grade Grade 1 to the second-grade Grade 9 were taken out, and a drop of the first-grade Grade 1 Taichu ginseng ginseng liquid that was originally harvested in the ancient god trial ground.

Looking at the pile of precious medicine ingredients placed next to him, and looking at the pill bottle filled with the ginseng ginseng liquid, Yu Haoran’s eyes showed careless expression.

“Yu Haoran, what kind of medicine pill are you going to make?”

Looking at Yu Haoran who left the practice room, he took out eighty strains of different kinds and different grades of medicine ingredients at a stretch, and Tower Spirit, whose expression was slightly tired, showed a hint of doubtful expression.

Five days!

Even with the help of the 20th percentile, Tower Spirit took almost five days to completely transform the defense formation of Prince Consort Mansion and Fengrun City.

After the transformation, the Defense Formation can not only withstand the continuous attacks of the Valkyrie Grade 6 Peak Spiritual God powerhouse, but also absorb the power of the attack, slow down the consumption of Spirit vein spirit strength by the Formation, and increase the strength and time of the Formation defense.

Of course, with the Divine Soul cultivation base of Tower Spirit Valkyrie Grade 3 Peak, if he wants to smoothly arrange such a powerful and defensive Formation, the consumption of his Soul Power is also huge, which is also an important reason why he looks so tired. .

“Ascending Immortal Pill of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX!”

Yu Haoran responded to Tower Spirit’s questions while relocating the eighty medicine ingredients in the order of refining.

“Yu Haoran, is it the same as the third-grade Grade 1’s Huazun Dan, and the second-grade Grade 1’s Emperor Dan, which can help the Emperor Wu’s Grade 9 Peak powerhouse and Demi-God powerhouse directly impact the Ascending Immortal Pill of Valkyrie realm?

After hearing the medicine pill that Yu Haoran was going to make, Tower Spirit recalled it a bit, and the tired expression was immediately replaced by shock, and the tone of questioning was a little trembling.


While responding to nodded, I rearranged Yu Haoran, who sorted the medicine ingredients. After the dignity of the eyes was firmly replaced, expression explained confidently.

“Tower Spirit, I plan to directly impact the realm of Pill Dao Pill God by refining the first-level Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill.”

“Zi …!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Pill God!

Even in the ancient and ancient times of the auxiliary path of cultivation flourishing period, Pill God exists as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. The influence of Pill Dao Pill God realm powerhouse is not lost to the non-existence that first entered the realm of Paragon Realm.

If Yu Haoran can successfully advance to Pill Dao Pill God realm through the first-grade refinement of Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill, then the sensation will not be lost in the storm caused by fake Child of Destiny and ginseng fruit.

At the same time, the impact of Pill Dao Pill God on the situation of Heavenly Profound Continent will probably arouse the attention of the Will of Heavens and speed up the return of some powerhouses.

“Yu Haoran, how confident are you that it will impact success?”

It is precisely because the impact of Pill Dao Pill God realm breakthrough is too great, so Tower Spirit eagerly wanted to know how much Yu Haoran was able to advance to success, so that he could make advance preparations.

鈥淴NUMX% 钖э紒鈥

With his current accumulation of Pill Dao, combined with the Vill Pill technique that has been promoted to 2nd Layer, he has at least a 80 to XNUMX% chance of breakthrough.

But Pill Dao Pill God realm, like the breakthrough of Valkyrie realm, involves the mystery of the strength of Law.

If it had not been for the ginseng fruit that he swallowed, he had already touched the mystery of the two laws of Life and Death. I am afraid that he now has no confidence in 20% breakthrough.

“It’s time to take a risk!”

Under normal circumstances, whether it is the breakthrough of the Martial Dao realm or the realm breakthrough of the auxiliary path of cultivation, as long as it has a breakthrough probability of two to 30%, it will basically choose to try.

Even the breakdown of the realm in the end does not matter. You can accumulate experience from the failure process and be more fully prepared for the next breakthrough.

“Tower Spirit, please trouble me for the next time!”

The defense for the improvement of the Form formidable power guarantees the security of the Prince Consort mansion, but nothing is afraid of XNUMX, just in case.

What’s more, in case he successfully promotes Pill Dao Pill God, the Heaven and Earth vision generated by the Pill God realm promotion process will surely alarm all the forces of Heavenly Profound Continent.

At that time, Yu Haoran will not have the slightest certainty in his heart if some mischievous people will take the opportunity to do something extreme.

“Yu Haoran, rest assured, everything is mine!” Faced with Yu Haoran’s worries, Tower Spirit promised with a smile.

After being guaranteed by Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, then closed her eyes slowly, and began to adjust her emotions.

After the mood completely calmed down, he suddenly opened his eyes, his fingers began to quickly condense the imprint of the pill technique.

But unlike in the past, the mark condensed at this time, not at all, marks the independent space where the flames are condensed in the air, but it is directly separated from the Prince Consort mansion and directly integrated into the ground below the mansion.

After the first condensed mark melted into the ground, the land within a hundred miles of Fengrun City suddenly shook.

After the second condensed mark merged into the ground, the land within a thousand miles of Fengrun City shook a bit.

After the third condensed mark merged into the earth, the earth in the area of ​​Fengrun City ten thousand li shook a bit.

After the fourth condensed mark merged into the earth, although the earth around Fengrun City was not trembling, a trace of delicate earth veins fire gradually poured out of the ground, then slowly lifted off, and a huge pill condensed in the middle furnace.

In the backyard of the Prince Consort mansion, Yu Haoran also condensed a pill furnace with a slightly smaller volume and burning earth veins fire.

“This is the legendary son-in-law Qiankun furnace, and also the Heaven and Earth flood furnace known as Pill Dao Holy Artifact!”

Looking through the barriers of the sea space, looking at the slightly smaller pill furnace in front of me.

The divine thought penetrated the obstacles of the Prince Consort mansion, looked at the huge pill furnace, and a sense of familiarity made the Tower Spirit once again shout out the origin of the pill furnace because of extreme shock.

“Double refinement, double warming, double gestation!”

Looking at the pill furnace that was beginning to solidify, Yu Haoran explained with a touch of excitement.

“Tower Spirit, it is precisely because of the existence of the Heaven and Earth flood furnace that I have the confidence to refine the first-grade Grade 1 Ascending Immortal Pill.”

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