Outside Fengrun City!

If it is Yu Haoran who is in charge of the fleshhy body at this moment, he will surely agree to face the Spiritual God powerhouse who can subdue a Valkyrie Grade 3 Peak Realm as a slave.

But Tower Spirit, who knows the Spiritual God powerhouse means, knows that even if he controls the opponent’s soul and soul, even if the other party makes an oath with Heavenly Dao’s rules, there are ways to escape afterwards.

Therefore, in the face of the temptation given by the youth powerhouse, Tower Spirit turned a blind eye and did not hear, and expression looked at each other without any change.

“Master Prince Consort, as long as you definitely let me go, I can tell you some secrets about the Will of Heavens and Child of Destiny.”

Seeing Yu Haoran who was not touched by the temptation, the expression of admiration and disappointment flashed in the eyes of the young powerhouse.

After all, conquering a powerhouse of Valkyrie Realm can not only get security assurance, but also get the guidance of Martial Dao cultivation.

Faced with this temptation to win both things, not everyone can resist it.

However, he admired and admired him. When he felt that his cultivation base had fallen to Emperor Wu Realm, he originally deprived of the special power of Divine Physique and Divine Soul, and began to deprive him of the life strength of only ten thousand years of lifespan. The constant threat of death made him In the end, I decided to come up with a real killing move, hoping that this would move Yu Haoran’s determination to kill himself.

If there is anyone in this life who knows the Will of Heavens and Child of Destiny best, I am afraid that only those souls who have experienced the destruction of ancient, ancient, and ancient times, and survived by chance.

Tower Spirit is one of the few Artifact Spirits that has experienced and witnessed three periods of disillusionment.

Therefore, in the face of the killing move taken by the youth powerhouse, Tower Spirit also did not have the slightest intention to move. He still looked at the other person indifferently, looking at the other person because of the loss of life strength, his appearance gradually aging, and his skin gradually withered. Eventually it turned into a pile of white powder, and then sprinkled on the ground outside Fengrun City.

The only pity is that with the demise of the young powerhouse Divine Physique and Divine Soul, the independent space used to store treasures also collapsed, and the treasures accumulated in each other’s lives completely disappeared in the turbulent space.

“I surrender!”

Originally because of the weak performance of the Void Jade Palace Spiritual God powerhouse, there were dozens of Wudi powerhouses in the heart.

When I saw the other party ’s rules and mysteries that were implemented by Yu Haoran, and easily turned into a pile of white powder, the fear that suddenly appeared in my heart and the dual effects of other thoughts made a Wudi powerhouse from the Gou family After avoiding Fang Man’s venomous attack, he immediately shouted and surrendered.

The Gou family ’s Wudi powerhouse ’s initiative to admit defeat completely aroused the minds of other Wudi powerhouses. They also shouted to admit defeat while avoiding the attacks of Qin Lingfei and the others.

“I surrender!”

“I surrender!”


Qin Lingfei and the others, who stopped attacking, turned their eyes directly to Yu Haoran and questioned his opinion.

Looking over the remaining more than 40 Emperor Wudi powerhouses, Yu Haoran regained control of the fleshhy body, and after a flash of hesitant expression, he was instructed against Yunxiang and Lanrong.

“Xiang Er, General Lan, you are responsible for counting our terrible losses at this time, and letting them make ten times compensation before letting them leave Fengrun City.”

“Yes, Master!”

“Subordinate to obey!”

After Yun Xiang and Lan Rong responded, they gathered together to discuss the amount of compensation required by several 40 Emperor Wudi powerhouses. Qin Lingfei and the others stared at them like glare like a tiger watching his prey to prevent them from tearing the void. Run away with the top runes.

In response, Yu Haoran did not continue his stay, and returned directly to the Fu Mansion floating in Fengrun City.


Sitting on the knees in the practice room of the mansion, Yu Haoran not at all looked at the insights of Pill Dao cultivation left by Zhen Yuanzi, but a little deep thought of frowns.

According to the secret revealed by Black Tortoise Divine Beast at that time, the reason why Valkyrie Realm’s powerhouse was born early is mainly to deal with the Earth Book Artifact Spirit of Zhenyuan Cemetery.

According to the requirements of the Will of Heavens consciousness, as long as the Zhenyuan cemetery is over, the powerhouses of all the Valkyrie realm of the guardian family, the hidden Shi Family family, the top sect and the Loose Cultivator must continue to abide by the agreement that the birth is temporarily prohibited.

This is the main reason why he did not pay much attention to the surrounding situation when he killed Martial Venerable and Wudi powerhouse of Void Jade Palace.

But from the sneak attack of the youth powerhouse of Void Jade Palace, he found that he was too underestimated of the shame and courage of Void Jade Palace, and ignored the importance of the Will of Heavens knowledge to the Child of Destiny.

According to the presentation of the strength of Void Jade Palace in the jade slip presented by Black Tortoise Divine Beast, although Void Jade Palace is in the dilemma of being strong outsiders, its strength is far better than itself.

If the opponent takes the opportunity to return to the virgin forest and send a more powerful Valkyrie powerhouse, then with the strength of Lu Yuan and Chiren and the others, it is impossible to resist the opponent’s attack.

Therefore, before leaving Fengrun City, he must find a way to improve Fengrun City’s defense so that Qin Lingfei and the others can persist to the moment of his return.

“Yu Haoran, rest assured! When I stayed at Divine Soul in Wuzhong, I already considered the use of the Spiritual God Divine Soul to enhance the Formidable power of Prince Consort Mansion and Fengrun City.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s concerns and thoughts, Tower Spirit thought for a moment and smiled comfortably.

“So, you only need to continue to improve your Pill Dao cultivation base during this time, and leave the rest to me and the 20%.”

“Okay, that’s bothering you!”

Seeing that Tower Spirit has a way to improve the formation defense of Prince Consort Mansion and Fengrun City, while Yu Haoran sighed in relief, he took out the Pill Dao cultivation left by Zhen Yuanzi to realize the jade slip, and continued to immerse himself in the cultivation of Pill Dao.


As Yun Xiang, who lives in the Chamber of Commerce from heaven to earth, knows how to maximize the benefits.

Therefore, based on the cultivation base, strength, potential, temperament, and strength of the powers of more than 40 Emperor Wudi powerhouses, she has made compensation conditions that make each Emperor Wudi powerhouse angry, but can barely accept it.

Although Yunxiang’s approach has enriched Fengrun City, it also allowed some 40 Emperor Wudi powerhouses to regain their freedom. Because of inner anger and depression, the era is Child of Destiny, and Yu Haoran owns ginseng fruit and Innate. The news of Spirit Treasure and Valkyrie’s strength was leaked out, which immediately caused the entire Heavenly Profound Continent to tremble like a tsunami.

Fortunately, because Yu Haoran has the strength of Spiritual God, for the time being there is no powerhouse to snatch ginseng fruit, and no force dares to challenge him.

However, the special identity of Child of Destiny, and the key role that it can play in countless robberies, have caused countless Loose Cultivator powerhouses and forces to prepare precious gifts and begin to nod and please everyone at Void Jade Palace.

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