The edge of Huaiyu mountain range!

“oh! ”

Seeing the mysterious sky that quickly sobered up from the state of puppets, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sighed in disappointment after finally failing to say his true intention of gifting Tianji Stone. !

Fortunately, he already knew that Xuan Qiong had no malice towards himself, and the original apathy expression suddenly eased a lot.

“Yu Zhendi, good means!”

Although he didn’t reveal his truest intentions in the end, he thought that Yu Haoran could just find out his state of mind, and use this state to seize his secret in time.

When Xuan Qiong felt a little scared for a while, he had to admire his keen observation and intelligent understanding.

“Love is not yours, Hope Xuanqiang Senior can forgive me!”

Now that he knows that Xuan Qiong has no malice towards himself, Yu Haoran also feels a bit embarrassed about the attack that was just launched with the help of his mind. He faced Xuan Qiong with a bit of complaint, and he hurriedly cup one. fist in the other hand

Later, Yu Haoran even directly reached for the heavenly stone that Xuanqiang had been holding, hoping to show his goodwill.

“Yu Haoran, hurry up!” When Yu Haoran’s outstretched finger was about to touch Tianji Stone, the Tower Spirit had already learned the true origin of Tianji Stone through the secret technique, and his face suddenly changed with warning.

The enemy’s investigations are cold and early

Unfortunately, Yu Haoran reached out to get the Celestial Stone faster because he had no hostility or alert to the Xuanqiong in his heart.

So, even when you heard Tower Spirit’s anxious warning, the fingers that had too late to retract had touched Tianji Stone.

Hockey Complex

At the moment when the index finger and the finger just touched Tianji Stone, Tianji Stone suddenly burst into white milk of light.

The rich milky white rays of light forced the retreat of Xuanqiang, Yu Siqi, and the Red-Beasted Beast at the same time, and quickly wrapped Yu Haoran.

Ground-breaking Enemy

“It seems my guess is correct, Yu Haoran is really Child of Destiny!”

Seeing Yu Haoran who was completely enveloped by milky white rays of light, because the emotion was too excited, the body could not help but tremble violently, and his heart shouted like a river.

A far-away enemy inspects the moon from the moon

An Enmity Geosciences Sun Sun Xue Takes Leng Dufan Test

However, when Erdao was full of powerful murderous aura, while locking his eyebrows to recognize the sea, he quickly calmed down the mysterious sky and immediately looked up, and found that Yu Siqi and the red hated beast were holding their swords. The murderous-looking pointed at himself and explained quickly.

“Don’t get me wrong, I have no malicious intentions, and I guarantee that the emperor will not be in any danger.”

Endless Enemies Hate Battle Moon Mood Division

It is a pity that Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei did not believe his explanation and assurance at all. Not only did he not withdraw the sword that pointed to the eyebrows, but also continuously raised the hostile murderous aura.

This made Xuan Qiong vaguely feel a slight stabbing and pain in his brows, and his face was instantly gloomy.

Deliberately please Yu Haoran, because he is the son of fate who can start and end countless robberies and decide the life and death of countless souls!

In order to be able to gain advantage in the immense amount of robbery that will soon be opened, and to preserve the inheritance of the Black Tortoise family, Xuanqiang can tolerate any difficulties and indifference of Yu Haoran.

However, in the face of Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei who have no ordinary background and dare to act recklessly, Xuan Qiong feels very annoyed. At the same time, his heart can’t help a strong murderous intention.

After all, he is not only the Old Ancestor of the Black Tortoise guardian family, but also the Divine Beast of Valkyrie Grade 6 Peak Realm, and the Spiritual Divine might might be easily offended and provoked by mortals.

However, considering the special relationship between Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei and Yu Haoran, they would definitely not work if they harmed them in a brave way, but in order to ensure their safety in advance, take a shot and teach them to let them know what is Heaven and Earth is thick, what is called a divide might not be offended, and it should not offend Yu Haoran afterwards.

Thinking of this, Xuan Qiong’s huge body shook slightly.

Subsequently, a momentum without terror, approaching Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast like Mount Tai’s top pressure.

Facing the horrible momentum inspired by the mysterious sky, Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast did not to be outdone and waved the hand sword, intending to attack the horrific oppression by means of attack.

But when the horrific momentum was about to meet Yu Siqi and the red hated beast, the milky white rays of light that originally wrapped Yu Haoran quickly disappeared, and then Yu Haoran reappeared in the sight of everyone.

Quickly retracting the rising horror, Xuan Qiong displayed an unrespectful look, looking at Yu Haoran with anticipation and tension.

And Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei also stole the sword, and looked at Yu Haoran with the same tension and worry.

After turning his head to give Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei a reassuring look, Yu Haoran looked down at the slightly dim milky white stones in his hands, his eyes exuding no complicated expression.

Hou Yuan is not the enemy

Because the milky white stone in his hand is not the heavenly stone called by Xuanqiong at all, but the heavenly stone with a trace of the origin of the law of destiny.

As a mysterious unpredictable destiny rule, it can not only greatly enhance the understanding and potential of the martial artist, but also increase the luck of the martial artist, gaining the chance of seek luck and avoid calamity.

However, the destiny law contained in the Destiny Stone was originally absorbed by the sudden formation of suction within the body when he had no idea what was going on.

Thinking of Tower Spirit’s brief introduction to Destiny Stone, Destiny’s Law, Destiny’s Son, Destiny Stone Tablet, and Infinite Destruction, Yu Haoran felt that his shoulders were suddenly under great pressure, and his thoughts were not confused.

Kokodi Cool Checkup by Nao Xianke

Therefore, after taking back the eyes of Tianming Stone, Yu Haoran cup one fist in the other hand thanked Xuan Qiong.

“Xuanqiang Senior, many thanks for the special stone you gave me, so that I finally know who I am.”

Invincible Love by Yang Yue Kefan

“Yu Zhendi is polite, this is what Xuan Qiong should do.” Facing Yu Haoran’s gratitude, Xuan Qiong quickly put down his polite manner.

“Xuanqiang Senior, because the information contained in this particular stone is too shocking, the impact on Junior’s mind is too great, causing Junior’s thoughts to be very confused.”

“At this moment, Junior just wants to return to the Prince Consort mansion immediately, and then adapt and accept the new identity through closed-door cultivation.”

Having said that, Yu Haoran expression explained apologetic recuperation in the other hand.

“So, Junior can no longer follow Senior’s instructions and can only leave here first.”

Although I can understand the identity of the destiny’s son, how shocking it will be to Yu Haoran who did n’t know it in advance, but actively taking out precious heavenly stones, in addition to confirming the identity of Yu Haoran Child of Destiny, Xuan Qiong wanted to take this opportunity to gain the favor of Yu Haoran and enhance the friendship between them.

So, in the face of Yu Haoran’s unsolicited departure, Xuan Qiong hurried out to save his way.

“Yu Zhendi, please wait a moment, Xuan Qiong has a few words to say.”

End of the game by the side of the ball

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