The edge of Huaiyu mountain range!

He stopped his hands to tear the void, and looked down at Black Tortoise Divine Beast on the edge of the mountain range. Yu Haoran’s eyebrows could not help but wrinkle slightly. !

Whether it was a fierce clash with the Qing Long Family and the White Tiger family, or Vermilion Bird’s move to snatch the formation flame flag from the ground during his Transcending Tribulation, and the formation of the Black Tortoise family when he sealed the ancient Fiendgod family Peak Great Sects deceived him, causing his heart to be full of deep hostility and resentment towards the four guardian families.

Therefore, without occupying an absolute advantage, he did not want to have too much contact with the guardian family, nor did he want to greet his Black Tortoise Divine Beast.

Seeing Yu Haoran’s slightly frowning eyebrows, he was able to guess the black Tortoise Divine Beast that was hostile to the guardian family’s mind. While showing his goodwill as much as possible, he flew up to Yu Haoran in the air, then held his claws in pay respect. .

“Xuan Qiong has seen the emperor too!”

“Junior has seen the Senior Senior!”

Originally, according to Yu Haoran’s narrow-minded personality, since his heart was full of hostility and jealousy towards the four guardian families, he would definitely not give the other party any good looks.

Therefore, when he originally intended to ridicule Black Tortoise Divine Beast, the Tower Spirit who knew the sea suddenly made him treat Black Tortoise Divine Beast.

The reason why Tower Spirit gave courtesy is that while he was doing his best to deal with the Thunder Tribulation formed by the devastating Divine Thunder, Black Tortoise Divine Beast not only did not take the opportunity to fall down, but also repeatedly prevented Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird from wanting To undermine his Transcending Tribulation, from emotions and from logic, he must treat Black Tortoise Divine Beast.

Yu Haoran returned the gift as Junior, while Xuanqiang dark secretly relieved, he quickly asked with a smile.

“Yu Zhendi, can you talk for a while?”

“Xuanqiang Senior, this is my sister, this is my brother, they are not outsiders!”

Although he did not categorically reject Xuan Qiong’s request, Yu Haoran has already expressed his own attitude through the introduction of Yu Siqi and the identity of the red hated beast.

“okay then!”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s unwillingness to avoid Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast, Xuanqiong did not continue to insist on nodded.

Later, from the independent space he created, he cautiously took out a goose egg-sized, heart-shaped milky white stone, and gave it to Yu Haoran with a smile.

“Yu Zhendi, this milky white stone is called Tianji Stone. It is a top-level treasure that can greatly improve your understanding and potential. It is a gift for you and me for the first time.”

As the saying goes: Dedicate yourself to nothing, steal it if you don’t commit it!

Not to mention that he and the four guardian clan have hard-to-reconcile resentments. When each other just met each other, the other party sent such a precious gift. How could Yu Haoran be unconscious, so he not at all reached out Milky white stone handed to the eyes through the dome.

The Tower Spirit in the space of the sea, when looking at the black-white stone like the heart of the mysterious dome, expresses a doubtful expression.

Because he vaguely felt that the milky white stone in front of him was not like the heavenly stone that Xuanqiong just said, but rather a legendary treasure, a special treasure with inextricable links with the rules of destiny, In the face of Yu Haoran’s refusal to accept the gift of Tianji Stone, he did not at all remind him.

“Yu Zhendi, this celestial stone Yu Qi said it was a meeting gift I gave you, it might as well be a gift from my Black Tortoise family.”

Yu Haoran refused to reach out to take the move of Tianji Stone. Although Xuanqiong’s eyes flashed a expression of disappointment, he didn’t have all too many accidents in his heart.

After all, the unpleasantness that has happened before has made Yu Haoran deeply hostile to the guardian family.

How can you easily accept the precious gifts you give yourself with your prudent personality?

However, Tianji Stone is not only a bargaining chip that he uses to ease each other’s grievances, but also an important means for him to check the conjecture of the mind.

Therefore, in order to allow Yu Haoran to willingly reach out to take over the heavenly stones, Xuanqiong can only use the means of betraying the interests of the family to eliminate the hostility inside the opponent.

“Yu Zhendi, I don’t know if you remember that some time ago, you and Elder, the four Demi-God realm of the guardian family, sealed the things of the ancient Fiendgod tribe together?” After closing the smile on his face, Xuanqiang expressed seriousness. Asked.

“Really remember!” Yu Haoran nodded replied.

“Yu Zhendi, I’m really sorry!”

After receiving a response from Yu Haoran nodded, Xuan Qiong’s tone of guilty claws explained.

“In the ancient Fiendgod clan of Reseal, we guarded the family’s four Demi-God realm’s Elder, who had secretly arranged some unscrupulous means that might hurt you and your loved ones.”

“Four Self-destruction Formations hidden in the core of the formation flag!” Yu Haoran immediately gave a gloomy accusation after hearing that Xuan Qiong actively mentioned the insidious means of the Fiendgod family of the Guardian Family Seal.

“You, you, you already know!” Yu Haoran’s accurate and accurate testimony caused the mind to suddenly suffer a violent shock, and the body stepped back uncontrollably by seven steps, and shouted in shock.


Seeing the mysterious sky that was hit by the mind and a confused expression appearing in the eyes, Yu Haoran flashed an idea in his head, not only immediately confirmed by nodded, but also further explained his understanding of the means of guarding the family.

“I not only know the Self-destruction Formation hidden by the four formation flags, but I can also calculate in detail through the Self-destruction Formation. For a maximum of two months, the Self-destruction Formation will detonate the four formation flags. Completely destroy the Sun, Moon and Stars Formation used to seal, and the ancient Fiendgod tribe will return to Heavenly Profound Continent. “

Yu Haoran’s more detailed explanation of the family’s dark arrangement means, which caused the mind to suffer a stronger impact. Not only did the body gradually start to tremble, but also his thoughts began to tremble.

Taking this opportunity, Yu Haoran yelled suddenly.

“Xuan Qiong, why do you want to give Yu Haoran a precious heavenly stone?”

Facing Yu Haoran’s shouting loudly, his thoughts fell into a mysterious state, and he responded instinctively.

“I want to dispel the accumulated hatred between Yu Haoran and the Black Tortoise family through the gift of heavenly stones, and I also want to verify my speculation.”

Xuan Qiong’s instinct to answer truthfully made Yu Haoran’s eyes appear a little doubtful expression while continuing to shout out loud.

“Xuan Qiong, what kind of speculation do you want to verify?”

“I suspect Yu Haoran is probably …!”

As the Divine Beast of the God Realm Grade 6 Peak Realm, it is also the top powerhouse proficient in the arts, and the powerful cultivation base, so that the mysterious sky quickly wakes up from the trance state, and promptly recovers the real purpose that will soon be exposed.

The author Yan * qi said: There are some cards in this chapter, which have been revised back and forth seven times. It is barely a satisfactory level, so the update time is a bit late.

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