Huaiyu mountain range!

The powerhouse of XNUMX Valkyrie Realm includes both people from the Guardian and Hidden Shi Family clan, and the powerhouse from the Sect power.

As the saying goes: a hundred people, changing minds!

Facing the order of Black Tortoise Divine Beast, in addition to the nine Valkyrie powerhouses from the Black Tortoise family, which can be executed 100%, the other XNUMX Valkyrie powerhouses of the three guarding families have been reserved, let alone hidden. Valkyrie powerhouse of the Family tribe and sect forces.

It is also said that the first encounter between the turtle shell and giant palm just now is not a manifestation of the true strength of the XNUMX Valkyrie powerhouse.

It is also because of the defeat of the first encounter and the injury of more than fifty new bloods into the real God powerhouse of Valkyrie.

Therefore, in the face of the second attack launched by the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, before facing the threat of being hit hard, no one on the scene dared to retain their strength with dissatisfaction and mobilized their eight to 9-Layer Divine force penetrates into the turtle shell.


With the second collision between the tortoise shell and the giant palm, a roar shook the entire eastern region.

With a strong roar, the giant palm condensed by the power of the earth’s veins was instantly broken by the shell of the turtle.

Looking at the turtle shell!

Not only wasn’t Zhenfei flying, but after smashing the giant palm, the formidable power blasted to the cemetery group unabated.

The reversal of the result of the fight made Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s face slightly changed, and directly mobilized the power of 5% of the earth’s pulse without hesitation.

5% of the power of the earth veins quickly condensed a giant palm tortoise shell, while mobilizing 1% of the power of the earth veins to penetrate the two Innate Spirit Treasures, and then control the two Innate Spirit Treasures to kill the crowd on the mountain range side. .

“Azure Dragon big brother, White Tiger Two, immediately took their own hands to capture two Innate Spirit Treasure.” When seeing the two Innate Spirit Treasure rushed over, Black Tortoise Divine Beast’s eyes flashed a surprise expression Reminded.



Azure Dragon with body over ten thousand meters, and White Tiger with height up to 100 meters, after making a roar on the sky, they brought the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger family’s nine Valkyrie powerhouses to welcome the two Innate Spirit Treasure.

The powerhouse from the Guan family and the Lan family has the most powerhouse. After glanced at each other, they immediately took out the magical artifact of the god level, and then took the clansman behind to join the Innate Spirit Treasure.

The actions of the official family and the Lan family have also caused other families and sect forces to follow suit. They have joined the competition of Innate Spirit Treasure under the leadership of the most powerful powerhouse.

Seeing that except for the eighteen Valkyrie powerhouses of the Vermilion Bird family and the Black Tortoise family, they have not participated in the competition of Innate Spirit Treasure for the time being. All the remaining Valkyrie powerhouses on the scene did not care about the consumption of the divine force and Soul Power, and did not care about their own safety and desperation. At the same time, Black Tortoise Divine Beast’s expression turned gloomy, and his eyes flashed a regretful expression.

I regret that I should not have arrogated the preciousness of Innate Spirit Treasure, and arranged Azure Dragon and White Tiger to openly rob two Innate Spirit Treasure, which caused the people’s internal greed at the same time, and also destroyed the plan made in advance.

Originally because of the sharp increase in the strength of the turtle shell, the slightly gloomy expression of Earth Book Artifact Spirit, when seeing the Valkyrie powerhouse in the mountain range because of two Innate Spirit Treasure, there was an expression of surprise immediately.

Subsequently, the mind palm that controlled the condensing of the power of the earth ’s veins accelerated the tortoise shell that came from the earthquake, and then mobilized 30% of the power of the earth ’s veins in one breath, condensing six giant palms that covered the sky and then fiercely shot Confront dozens of Valkyrie powerhouses who are desperately fighting for the Innate Spirit Treasure.

“Azure Dragon big brother, Brother White Tiger Two, immediately took back with clansman.”

The Black Tortoise Divine Beast that quickly retracted the turtle shell, because it could not withstand the shock of the turtle shell, spit three a mouthful of blood in succession, and his face paled instantly.

However, when he saw that Earth Book Artifact Spirit condensed six giant palms that did not lose any of the formidable power in the quake shell, he could not use medicine pill to treat the injury caused by the quake, and expressed horror at Azure Dragon and White. Tiger reminded loudly.

As the guardian of the family, Azure Dragon and White Tiger have long been used to obeying Black Tortoise’s orders.

So, after hearing the loud reminder from Black Tortoise Divine Beast, the two Divine Beasts gave up the two Innate Spirit Treasures they were about to get, and then quickly left the battlefield with eighteen clansmans.

At the moment when Azure Dragon and White Tiger took clansman out of the battlefield, six giant palms covering the sky were shot on the battlefield for the Innate Spirit Treasure, separated by half a second.



With six deafening roars, Fang of Huaiyu mountain range suddenly began to rain.

But unlike ordinary blood rain, the dripping blood rain of Huaiyu mountain range not only shows the color golden, but also every drop of blood rain contains the unimaginable horror energy.

One, two, three, four, five!

Looking at the battlefields of the six giant palms that were covered by the sun, there were only five Valkyrie powerhouses already scared, and the four Divine Beasts from the guardian family instantly gloomed.

With the special secret technique, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, which helps the graveyard to devour and absorb the blood rain, contains net pure energy, but the face has a happy smile.

Although the flesh and blood and Divine Soul essence of dozens of Valkyrie powerhouses are not yet able to advance the cemetery to another level, they can improve the overall defense of the cemetery.

Next, it is not to use the power of the stored earth veins. The defense of the graveyard alone is enough to resist the attack of the guardian family Valkyrie powerhouse.

“Fourth child, what to do next?” Interrogation of Azure Dragon expression grave can clearly feel the advancement of cemetery defense by advanced by leaps and bounds.

“It seems that only the natural blood left by the ancestors can be used to defeat the upgraded defense of the graveyard with the Divine Formation Dixiang Formation, and then use the fusion of Divine Physique to kill the Earth Book Artifact Spirit.”

Black Tortoise Divine Beast, whose face was also unsightly, looked at a layer of azure rays of light gradually rising from the mountain range below.

“Four younger brothers, is it worth it?” Vermilion Bird, a beautiful figure, fanned the flames of his wings, expressing some reluctance to remind.


Hard nodded, Black Tortoise Divine Beast said firmly.

“As long as we can kill the Artifact Spirit of Earth Book, we can not only harvest three Innate Spirit Treasures, the Earth Book’s ontology, Ginseng Fruit Tree and thirty ginseng fruits, but also complete the tasks that the sons of destiny and the three adults have told us, It will not affect our secret plans. “

Having said that, Black Tortoise Divine Beast suddenly shut up and then used the means of divine sound transmission to remind Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird.

“The big brother, second brother, and three sisters, the five yuan Five Elements Formation method in Zhenyuan’s cemetery was cracked by Yu Haoran, and Xuanyuan Old Ancestor used the Innate Spirit Treasure river map book left by his ancestors to calculate the town. A grave in Yuan cemetery contains Supreme Treasure Yuan Tu and A Bi’s Divine Sword.

“So, no matter what the price we paid, today we must break the defense of Zhenyuan’s cemetery and kill the Artifact Spirit of Earth Book.”

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