Graveyard Taoist Temple, inside the Scriptures Pavilion!

“If Yuan Tu and A Bi’s Artifact Spirit are not there, the formidable power will be directly reduced by 60%, and it can only withstand up to three destroying Divine Thunder.!”

While responding to Yu Haoran’s question, Tower Spirit mobilized the Primal Chaos Seal in the body tower, and then assisted the gods to slowly approach Yuantu Divine Sword and Abi Divine Sword.

After all, the power of Annihilated Origin contained in Yuan Tu and A Bi must be slightly better than Xuanyuan Sword and Xuanhuangdao.

Nowadays, Yuan Tu and A Bi Artifact Spirit are not the opponents at all when the body injuries have not been fully recovered.

Cautiously touched, carefully penetrated, carefully inspected!

“Hu …!”

Revenge on the ground alone to receive cold school war hate

After confirming that Yuan Tu and A Bi’s Artifact Spirit had been disappeared, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but sighed in relief, and sighed unfortunately at Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran. Fortunately, Yuan Tu and A Bi’s Artifact Spirit of Divine Sword have been disappeared. Otherwise, you will never have a chance to get these two Divine Swords.”

Although the loss of Artifact Spirit ’s Yuan Tu and A Bi ’s two Divine Sword formidable power has been greatly reduced, they can resist the ability to destroy Divine Thunder in three ways, and they can really get their chance, so that Yu Haoran is not disappointed at the same time. Endless surprises emerged.

“Tower Spirit, how can I get Yuan Tu Divine Sword and Ah Bi Divine Sword?”

“Using the Art of Refining I taught to you before, thoroughly connect the two core original energy of Divine Sword, so you can thoroughly grasp Yuan Tu Divine Sword and Abi Divine Sword.” Tower Spirit explained in detail A nose two means of Divine Sword.

Think carefully about Art of Refining taught by Tower Spirit before, before deciding to start refining Yuan Tu Divine Sword and Abi Divine Sword, Yu Haoran faced Tower Spirit warned repeatedly.

“Tower Spirit, while I was refining Yuan Tu Divine Sword and Abi Divine Sword, you continued to pay attention to the situation in the mountain range. If the four Divine Beasts guarding the family and all the clansman perform the fusion secret technique, you must inform me in time. “

“I see!” Tower Spirit nodded signaled.


Huaiyu mountain range!

An Enemy Ground Ghost Kickball Battle

Counting Earth Book as the top of the Innate Spirit Treasure, Artifact Spirit has close to the strength of Peak Realm, but in the face of a combined attack of XNUMX Valkyrie realm powerhouses, Earth Book Artifact Spirit is falling behind. .

Fortunately, with the invincible defense that is not lost after the integration of the innate Five Elements Formation flag, even if it is completely down, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit will not present any fatal danger for the time being.

Next, he only needs to continue to persist until the means reserved by Zhen Yuanzi are opened, so all enemies who come today will be buried in the cemetery forever and become the energy for the promotion of the cemetery.

“Not good !”

Having just resisted the attack by XNUMX Valkyrie powerhouses, Earth Book Artifact Spirit was planning to control three Innate Spirit Treasures to counterattack. Zhen Yuanzi’s reserved means were touched, making him unable to resist the complexion changed.

“Damn human!”

The powerful spirit quickly swept through the 3rd-layer of the Scriptures Pavilion in the No. XNUMX cemetery. When seeing Yu Haoran, who was refining Yuan Tu and A Bi, Divine Sword, Earth Book Artifact Spirit could not help but curse.

Later, he immediately controlled the three pieces of gold snips of Innate Spirit Treasure, quickly entered the Taoist Temple of No. XNUMX cemetery, and then headed straight to the Scriptures Pavilion in the backyard.

After the long distance to hate independence

Looking at the rushing gold scissors, Tower Spirit not only did not immediately remind Yu Haoran, who was refining Yuan Tu and A Bi, Divine Sword, but instead began to print his fingers with surprise.

When the golden scissor emitting dazzling rays of light just rushed to the Scriptures Pavilion and smashed the door of the Scriptures Pavilion, it has successfully condensed the Tower Spirit of nine marks, and directly used the space-time source energy contained in the domain tower to let the nine An imprint crosses the barriers of time and space, and instantly merges into the golden scissor.

The dazzling rays of light dimmed quickly, and the volume of nearly 100 meters quickly shrank!

In just three seconds, the golden snips turned into a pair of ordinary scissors the size of a slap, with a dull color.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Xiu was dragged by a special energy and disappeared directly in front of the gate of the Scriptures Pavilion.

The change of the golden snips makes the Complexion that Earth Book Artifact Spirit can’t help but change.

Although he didn’t know what happened to Jin Xiu and the real reason for his disappearance, he knew very well that there must be a powerful enemy hidden in Cemetery No. XNUMX.

Originally, I did not want to use secret preparations for countless years, but the situation has reached a very dangerous level. Continuing to hide the preparations may eventually affect Zhen Yuanzi’s ambitions for countless years.

Sun Yuan Qiuyuan Cool Enemy Secret Post

In desperation, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit can only gnashing the ten-finger coagulation marks of the teeth.

As the condensed mark of the Earth Book Artifact Spirit continued to integrate into the cemetery, a tan-like gas gradually emerged from the entire Huaiyu mountain range.

“Everyone be careful, this is the pure ground vein power condensed by the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, and it also has very strong defense and attack power.” When seeing the yellow fading gas emerging from the mountain range cemetery group, from the Black Tortoise family Black Tortoise Divine Beast reminded aloud.

After mobilizing the graveyard to store the power of the nearly one third ground vein, Earth Book Artifact Spirit first used the power of the ground vein to completely block the Scriptures Pavilion to avoid the powerhouse hidden in the Scriptures Pavilion and the mountain range Valkyrie powerhouse from attacking together.

Chamo, who is far from being alone

At the same time, Yu Haoran, Divine Sword, who escaped from refining Yuan Tu and A Bi was also prepared.

Later, he turned his gun directly against the Valkyrie powerhouse in the mountain range.

The power of the earth’s veins quickly condenses a giant palm covering the sky, fiercely shoots at the XNUMX range Valkyrie powerhouse in the mountain range.


Feeling the giant palm of the Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s transfiguration, it contains the horrible force of destruction. The Black Tortoise Divine Beast from the Black Tortoise family reminded him that the turtle shell on the back immediately broke away from the body.

Subsequently, whether it was the Valkyrie powerhouse that guarded the family, or the Valkyrie powerhouse from the Hidden Shi Family and the sect, they all mobilized the divine force to penetrate into the turtle shell.

The enemy is invincible

Get more than a hundred tortoise shells penetrated by the Valkyrie powerhouse divine force. At the same time, the shape suddenly became larger, and the same fierce charge rushed to the giant palm.


With the collision of the turtle shell and the giant palm fiercely, a roar sounded enough to shake the entire eastern region.

With the deafening roar sounding, numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the tan giant palm, and then it exploded completely.

Although there are no scars on the surface of the turtle shell, the impact force formed when it was forcibly shaken back directly spit blood into the mouth of more than fifty powerhouses who entered the real world of Valkyrie.

“Keep coming!”

With just 1% of the power of the earth’s veins, more than fifty martial arts realm’s powerhouses can spit blood and be injured. The tentative shot just now gave Earth Book Artifact Spirit a moment of confidence.

Roar said that Earth Book Artifact Spirit was slightly excited while a giant palm covering the sky was reunited.


Mind controlled the turtle shell back to the crowd, Black Tortoise Divine Beast expression sharply reminded.

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