Huaiyu mountain range, Taoist Temple!

Regardless of whether the tray’s ginseng fruit is real or false, it’s real. Yu Qing’s move just now makes Yu Haoran vaguely have the illusion of unclear way, as if he has an ulterior motives to himself. !

“Yu Haoran, the tray’s ginseng fruit is real, and it has the anti-sky effect of three to 50% probability to help breakthrough Valkyrie realm.”

At the moment when the breeze uncovered the ginseng fruit, Tower Spirit directly mobilized the twelve Primal Chaos Seals of the body and carefully checked the ginseng fruit from the outside to the inside and from the inside to the outside three times.

When confirming that the tray’s ginseng fruit is exactly the same as the ginseng fruit he took in ancient times, Tower Spirit also puzzled.

“Fellow Daoist, as far as I know, the Ginseng Fruit Tree blossomed every three thousand years, and it took three thousand years to bear fruit. It will mature in three thousand years, and it will only yield thirty fruits in the past ten thousand years.”

The reminder from Tower Spirit made Yu Haoran’s inner feeling stronger. In order to avoid unforeseen accidents, he could only ask oneself.

“Yu have some skills and abilities, can I get a gift of fairy fruit?”

“The daoist brother, I have countless years of breeze. I have seen countless geniuses. They do not lack the talent talent of other Pill Dao, but they are far less impressed by the daoist brother.”

Knowing how unfathomable mystery I was suddenly giving away ginseng fruit, so before deciding to give away, Qingfeng had decided to reveal some of her true thoughts in order to be able to get help from the blue clothed youth in front of her.

“At this moment, I have a very strong feeling in my heart. As long as the daoist brother’s Pill Dao realm can successfully advance to the god state, then he can use the Tianyuan Tao soul fruit to refine the first-order Grade 1 soul fruit.”

“Fellow Daoist, I see!”

The special state of Qingfeng at this moment, and the desire for the first-order Grade 1 soul spirit, allowed Yu Haoran to understand the other party ’s real motivation for giving away ginseng fruit, and also thoroughly understood what the other party wanted to do.

Take a jade box made from sapphire from the storage ring, and load the ginseng fruit from the tray into the jade box.

“Fellow Daoist, on the day of the Pill God, it is time for you to refine the soul spirit!” After putting away the jade box with ginseng fruit, Yu Haoran solemnly promised.

“Many thanks daoist brother!” After being solemnly promised by Yu Haoran, the breeze immediately bowed in excitement and thanked him.

“Fellow Daoist, now that you have all planned to use Yunhundan to get rid of the predicament in front of you, then the next thing I have to do, can Fellow Daoist open one eye and close one ??” He waved to indicate the need for be breeze Later, Yu Haoran suggested slightly.

“Daoist brother, although Qingfeng also does this very much, but due to the influence of this body, he can’t sit still and ignore it!” Qingfeng replied helplessly.

“So this is ah!”

An expression of disappointment flashed through his eyes. Yu Haoran glanced at the outside view through the open door of the compartment. An idea flashed in his mind, making him eager to discuss with Tower Spirit.

Therefore, he arched his hand off to the breeze.

“Fellow Daoist, I was exhausted at a certain day and night, and wanted to rest as soon as possible, you see …”

“Daoist brother take a rest as soon as possible, Qingfeng quits!”

At a glance, the shrewd breeze could see Yu Haoran’s intention of chasing passengers. While responding in the same way, he turned and left the room directly.

But when he walked to the door of the compartment, he stopped suddenly, with a hint of coldness in his tone.

“Daoist brother, although the family teacher travels around the Quartet, some things that happened in Taoism cannot be hidden from his elderly people. I hope that the daoist brother can think twice before acting!”

After hearing the reminder or warning before Qingfeng left, Yu Haoran’s complexion instantly gloomed.

“Yu Haoran, what kind of medicine pill is Yunhundan in the end? What kind of agreement have you reached with Qingfeng? What does his last reminder mean?” Yu Haoran sitting on the bed was somber. Water-like silence, Tower Spirit, full of doubts, couldn’t help asking.

“Yunhun Dan is a top-level medicine pill that can enhance the Valkyrie powerhouse Divine Soul. It is also one of the few Divine Souls that can help the incomplete Divine Soul to reshape the fleshhy body and regenerate the new Immortal Pill.”

took a deep breath, dissipating the heavy pressure that came from my heart, Yu Haoran explained in detail.

“The breeze is to use Yunhun Dan to get rid of the shackles of Remnant Soul, and leave this dark graveyard completely, so the rules of Taoism are used to reach me for a refining Yunhun Dan with a ginseng fruit.”

“Tower Spirit, as for the reminder before he left, in fact, it proves your initial guess that Zhen Yuanzi did not die in the ruins of ancient times. He is still survived in the world, but he doesn’t know where to hide.”

“Yu Haoran, what do you want to do next?”

Yu Haoran explained in detail that while making Tower Spirit feel the same heavy pressure, there was an urge to leave the cemetery immediately, but he needed to know Yu Haoran’s thoughts.

“do not know!”

Shook the head, Yu Haoran speculates slightly annoyingly.

“According to the information just disclosed by Qingfeng, the three Supreme Treasures owned by Zhen Yuanzi, in addition to Ginseng Fruit Tree, seem to have one Supreme Treasure remaining in the cemetery.”

“It is through the second Supreme Treasure that remains in the cemetery that Zhen Yuanzi can keep track of what is happening in the cemetery at any time and prevent someone from stealing the treasure of the cemetery.”

“Earth Book!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s speculation, Tower Spirit pointed out the origin of the second Supreme Treasure without thinking about it.

“Why?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“Earth Book is one of the top Magical Artifacts of Innate Spirit Treasure. Earth Book’s defenses can withstand Paragon powerhouse attacks, and formidable power far exceeds the combined Five Elements flag.”

When referring to the defenses owned by Earth Book Magical Artifact, Tower Spirit’s tone of envy explained.

“Also, Earth Book is also the oldest Magical Artifact that accompanies Zhen Yuanzi. He and Earth Book Artifact Spirit have formed a telepathy that is not lost between you and Avatar.”

“So, through the Artifact Spirit of Earth Book, he can grasp every move of the cemetery Taoist concept at any time, and he can also rest assured of the safety of Ginseng Fruit Tree.”

“Tower Spirit, can you completely suppress the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, and cut off the telepathy between him and Zhen Yuanzi?” Tower Spirit’s interpretation and understanding of the Earth Book made Yu Haoran, who had been desperate, suddenly rise inside Asked a glimmer of hope.

“Earth Book, also known as the ancient continuous fetal membrane, is the foundation that gives all beings life, so the Artifact Spirit of Earth Book is not only strong defense, but also kind-hearted.”

While shaking his head to say that he could not completely suppress the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Tower Spirit also gave a feasible solution.

“If you want to cut off the telepathy between Earth Book Artifact Spirit and Zhen Yuanzi, you can only use your speech to persuade him.”

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