Huaiyu mountain range, Taoist Temple!

“Taoism is false, Spirit Tree is true!”

“The bright moon is false, the breeze is true!”

“Enlightenment is false, Enlightenment is true!”

Looking at the three awakening incenses that were completely ashes, Tower Spirit’s eyes exuded a further explanation of admiration for expression. Mobile terminal

“Tower Spirit, you mean that the three rooted incenses that the breeze just ignited are real, but the improvement of the mentality cultivation base is just my own illusion.” After hearing Tower Spirit’s further explanation, Yu Haoran’s slightly frowns guess Road.


After taking his eyes off Wu Daxiang, Tower Spirit nodded and continued to explain in detail.

“Yu Haoran, the Taoism that seems to exist in front of him, is actually just an illusion of the imaginary formation at the level of God Peak.”

“The formation of the God-level Peak level, the reason why even my Artifact Spirit, who is proficient in Formation, has deceived the past, because Zhen Yuanzi uses the method of combining reality with reality to enhance the authenticity of the imaginary formation.”

“Tower Spirit, since you just re-examined the Taoist temple using the Primal Chaos Seal of the ontology domain tower, have you found one of the three Supreme Treasure’s Ginseng Fruit Tree?”

Taoism is false, treasure is true, and false and real are combined!

Hearing Tower Spirit’s speculation about the way Taoist gods laid out the Taoist temple, Yu Haoran immediately thought about the key task of entering the cemetery and quickly asked.

“Yu Haoran, this is one of the main reasons why I was confused by Taoism in the beginning.”

nodded, Tower Spirit said with a hint of doubt.

“Because of this illusive Taoist temple, not only is Ginseng Fruit Tree, one of the three great spirit roots planted, but Ginseng Fruit Tree is real.”

“Tower Spirit, take me immediately to steal Ginseng Fruit Tree!”

Regardless of whether his Taoism is true or false, as long as it is real, as long as Ginseng Fruit Tree is real, and as long as he can successfully steal Ginseng Fruit Tree, then this time adventure is considered a success.

Therefore, Yu Haoran immediately got up and faced Tower Spirit instructed.

“Daoist brother, have you rested?”

But at this time, a breeze came from outside the cabin.

“Tower Spirit, you just stated that the month is false, and the breeze is true. Could it be that the breeze is a body with flesh and blood, a complete Divine Soul existence?”

The sound of the breeze outside the cabin made Yu Haoran suddenly think of the explanation from the beginning of Tower Spirit. The breeze and the moon that had been mentioned once flashed a terrible thought in his mind.

The Zhenyuan Great God was the famous Valkyrie Peak extreme powerhouse in the ancient times. As his discipline, and undergoing the cultivation in ancient and modern times, what kind of realm does the true cultivation base of Qingfeng reach?

Fortunately, Tower Spirit’s next negative answer made him secretly sighed in relief, otherwise, he would immediately give up the idea of ​​stealing Ginseng Fruit Tree, and then the horse left the cemetery.

It turns out that the bright moon is false, and the breeze is true, which indicates that the moon Dao Child is completely an illusion of formation, and the breeze Dao Child is a puppet made by puppetry and Remnant Soul.

“Tower Spirit, what kind of realm strength does the breeze after the combination of Jishu and Remnant Soul have?”

While secretly relieved, Yu Haoran eagerly wanted to know if the breeze threatened him, and perhaps whether it would affect his actions to steal Ginseng Fruit Tree.

“Remnant Soul has 36 points, allowing the breeze strength of each cemetery to fall to Demi-God Peak Realm.”

Introduced here, Tower Spirit’s voice turned, expression grave warning.

“However, if Remnant Soul relies on the imaginary formation and dilemma of the Taoist temple, it will allow him to exert infinitely close terror strength close to Valkyrie realm.”

Tower Spirit’s final warning made Yu Haoran’s fiery idea of ​​stealing Ginseng Fruit Tree immediately cool down.

After sitting back on the bed with his knees bent again, he looked up and responded to the breeze outside the cabin.

“Fellow Daoist come in!”

Pushing in the breeze coming in from the wooden door of the box room, holding a tray in hand, the tray was covered with a red brocade.

“Daoist brother, I’m sorry to disturb your rest.” Putting a tray on the table, apologizing in a breeze.

“Fellow Daoist’s kind, I just happened to adjust my breath, and I’m planning to find Fellow Daoist to visit the Zhenyuan Senior Taoist style.” After recovering the doubtful look of the tray, Yu Haoran replied casually.

“Daoist brother, Taoist is still a closed-door cultivation place of the teacher. Before getting approval from the teacher, it is better for the daoist brother to stay in the cabin.” Hearing Yu Haoran’s intention to visit the Taoist style, he quickly closed his face. The breeze of a smile immediately expressed a serious warning.

“Fellow Daoist must not blame it, Yumou remembered it!” Seeing the breeze that suddenly changed her face, and thinking of the terrifying power that the other party could use the Taoist Formation, Yu Haoran quickly got up and apologized and promised.

“Daoist brother is willing!”

Yu Haoran’s apology and assurance made Qingfeng’s serious complexion replaced by gentle again, and he was satisfied with nodded.

He then reached for a pinch of the brocade cover on the tray and explained with a smile.

“According to the instructions of the family teacher Yunyou before, all the distinguished guests who enter our Taoist temple, if they are talented and intelligent, if they are in awe, if they are approved by our brother, they will be able to get a chance from our Taoist temple.”


After hearing Qingfeng’s explanation, Yu Haoran pondered for a moment, and then followed the expression in shock.

“Fellow Daoist, is it possible to make people stand god, immortality ginseng Spirit Fruit!”

“Haha …!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s guess, Qingfeng suddenly laughed. He laughed as he uncovered the brocade covering the tray.

Later, Yu Haoran saw a tray with a doll shaped like a three or four year old, but only a dozen times smaller Spirit Fruit.

“It’s really ginseng fruit!”

Yu Haoran, who suddenly got up from the bed, showed his expression without shock.

“Daoist brother, although this Spirit Fruit is a ginseng fruit, it is far from the effect of daoist brother’s immortality and immortality.” Yu Haoran’s shocked response made Qingfeng very satisfied. He dropped the red brocade and smiled. Explained.

“Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?”

How can I overcome the mystery of Life and Death, how difficult is the Spiritual God of Eternal Undying. Countless top evil geniuses who have fallen to the threshold of becoming God have proven this. How can Yu Haoran know that ginseng fruit does not have this kind of inverse The efficacy of the day.

However, it is true that ginseng fruit is able to break the fate of human lifespan and let Wudi powerhouse obtain more than XNUMX years of lifespan.

The ginseng fruit can greatly improve the innate talent and understanding of the martial artist, infinitely increase the potential and accumulation of the martial artist itself, and directly assist the breakthrough of one or two great realm. The effect is real.

Therefore, this is the rumor of immortality and immortality.

“For the daoist brother!” Qingfeng reminded with a smile, pointing at the doll.

Looking down at the doll with a smile on the tray and looking up at the breeze with a gentle expression on his face, Yu Haoran couldn’t help falling into thought.

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