Outside Pinggu City!


The purpose of temporarily abandoning the opportunity to fight the Eastern Regions is to rescue the controlled Qin Emperor from the hands of Qingqiu Fox Race and the Zhou family.

Cold School Dirk

Now that it’s time for head-on confrontation, Tower Spirit not only demanded to leave Pinggu City immediately, but also to leave the Great Qin Empire and stay away from the southern region, which made Yu Haoran quite puzzled.

“Yu Haoran, the change of Emperor Qin was because his ambition was too inflated, which caused his mind to be completely enchanted. It has nothing to do with Qingqiu Fox Race and the Zhou family.” Looking at the barriers in the sea space, he looked at the hall Emperor Qin, explained by Tower Spirit expression grave.

“What is the reason?”

Based on Emperor Qin’s decades of emperor life, whether it is temperament and mind, or ability and vision, he has very powerful control over his own emotions.

Although the heart has always had the ambition to rule the entire Heavenly Profound Continent and become an emperor, but he has never been affected by the ambition and has done something wrong that harms the Great Qin Empire.

What’s more, fighting the Five Realms, and unified Heavenly Profound Continent can be said to be the dream and ambition of every king.

If just because of the dreams and ambitions you have, you will cause your mind to fall completely into the demonic path. It is difficult for Yu Haoran to accept the explanation just given by Tower Spirit.

“The demonic path giant in the late ancient period has the demonic path Peak powerhouse that first entered the Paragon Realm world. At the time, the demonic path emperor who almost ruled the entire ancient continent, Heart Demon Paragon, a hint of Remnant Soul.

“Heart Demon Paragon is not only the emperor of demonic path Paragon Realm, but also a top wicked genius of demonic path cultivation. The infinite magic power he created is the only mindless method that can surpass the creation of blood demons.”

“Because Wuji magic can not only devour the fleshhy body and Divine Soul of the living beings, but also the innate talent and understanding of the other party, I think this is the true reason for Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan’s cultivation base, which can be advanced by leaps and bounds. “

Sun Bu Bu Ke alone after the ball, Mo Leng Ke Yuan

Take back the Tower Spirit who paid attention to Emperor Qin’s eyes, and express no dignified explanation and reminder.

“Yu Haoran, the reason why Emperor Qin is unwilling to see you should be from his heart and doting on you.”

The enemy’s most powerful enemy

“Yu Haoran, you have cultivated the complete volume of engulfing, you should know the fatal temptation of this engulfing cultivation technique.”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, he should be afraid of not being able to control his ambitions, not tolerate the fatal temptations you carry, unable to resist the command of knowing the sea, the air, and the rain to burn Remnant Soul, and use the infinite magic power to devour you forcibly Then with the help of your ancestral witch fleshhy body, your perfect Divine Soul, your top inferior talent and potential, directly impact the realm of the Emperor Supreme Expert. “

The interpretation and speculation of Tower Spirit made Yu Haoran feel shocked, and a warm current emerged from his heart instantly, allowing him to think for the first time how to make the Emperor Qin completely escape from demonic path Paragon. Remnant Soul’s control.

“There is no way.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s questioning, Tower Spirit shook his head and explained.

“Yu Haoran, according to what I just observed, Emperor Qin was not only willing to accept the Remnant Soul who was ignited by the rain to move into Shihai Space, but also reached a certain agreement with each other.”

“So, even if I had a way to expel Remnant Soul, which was scorching by the rain, it was useless without the cooperation of Emperor Qin.”

Explaining here, Tower Spirit relied on a dozen of high-ranking empires in the congress hall by using divine thoughts, and felt the remaining magical breath of them within the body, with a hint of helpless retort.

“Yu Haoran, you have also practiced the devour of the complete volume, and you should know the fatal temptation of this devouring cultivation technique.”

“In the face of the better Wuji magic, do you think these people have the perseverance and determination to get rid of temptation!”

Facing the questioning from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran couldn’t help silent.

Enemy Yuan Keqing Sun Xuezhan Yueyang Cork

Enemy Yuan Keqing Sun Xuezhan Yueyang Cork However, thinking of the four guardian families, the five hidden inheritance families, and the seven top sects, the secret technique that can swallow the living flesh and improve the cultivation base and strength is taboo, and he can’t help it Worried for Qin Emperor.

After returning to sect for the second time, it is also through the devouring of the complete volume to improve the cultivation base and strength. Even if he has the fixation for two generations, he is not lost to the mental perception of Martial Saint realm, and he is almost lost. Devouring the joy of cultivation base and strength improvement.

Well, the concentration and mentality of the cultivation base is far inferior to that of his high-ranking empire, and he has practiced the Promise of Magic for a period of time. I am afraid that he can no longer get rid of this fatal temptation.

The enemy’s revenge section’s ship Chayueyue Youmo

However, thinking that the four guardian families, the five hidden inheritance families, and the seven top sects listed taboo secret techniques that can devour the living flesh and enhance the cultivation base and strength, he couldn’t help worrying about Qin Emperor.

After all, the demonic path giant ghost ghost Yin Sect 30,000 years ago is because of the incomplete and devouring cultivation. The Law Enforcer of the four guardian families not only slaughtered the ghost Yin Sect near the hundred thousand sect disciple, but even the ghost Yin Sect was located The mountain range also uproots hardware and hardware.

“Yu Haoran, don’t worry too much.”

Hearing Yu Haoran’s concerns, Tower Spirit persuaded with a smile.

“First of all, the changes in the environment of Heaven and Earth, the dormancy of the Heavenly Dao rules, and the birth of the Seal Clan have left the Guardian Family and the Hermit Family inheritance family with no energy and no mood to pay attention to Emperor Qin and the others who are practicing Wuji magic. “

“Secondly, through the observation of this way, I found that Emperor Qin was a very cautious person, and the whole number of the Northern Expeditionary Army practiced the Promise of Wuji was less than XNUMX. At the same time, with the name of the Central Battle, he was very capable The hidden secret of Wuji magic. “

“Finally, and most importantly, the rainy flames that have gone through the ancient tragic defeat, should have a very meticulous plan on how to safely protect Emperor Qin and the others to use the infinite magic to enhance the cultivation base and strength.”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s persuasion, Yu Haoran was finally sighed in relief.

He looked up at the surnamed Xu old man and the others of the city wall, waved his hands and dropped the fifteen bodies stared at the city wall, and arched in the direction of the Jin Clan family mansion.

Later, he greeted Yu Siqi and Chirenju, and as he rose into the air, he turned and went straight to the Shuangniu Mountain on the border of the two realms.

After far away from the ghost ghost ball by Yue Leng Ke Tai

After seeing Yu Haoran not relying on his temper to break into Ping Yang City, Emperor Qin sitting in Dragon Throne couldn’t help sighed in relief.

“Holy, do you know what special physique and Divine Soul the kid has? Do you know how anti-heavy transformation will be brought to you after devouring him?” When the Emperor Qin secretly breathed, a sudden burst of anger burst into his mind. Questioned.

“Magic, I warn you, anyone in this world can move, but Hao Ran you must not hurt him, otherwise, blame 鏈?Self-destruction Perish together with you in the space of the sea.” Hear the space of the mind After the question came from within, Qin Emperor immediately warned in a serious tone.

“Holy, indecision is not what Mingjun did.” Facing the warning of Emperor Qin, Yu Yan sneered sarcastically.

“The devil, the ultimate result of the ruthless and innocent is self-destruction.” In the face of the irony of the rain, Emperor Qin replied with coldness.

“You …!” Facing Qin Emperor’s attack, Yu Yan was suddenly speechless when he was angry.

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