Shuangniu Mountain, Right Niucheng!

Looking at the Chamber of Commerce shops in Youniucheng Heaven and Earth, not only the original brand is still operating, but also there is no impact on the business due to the outbreak of civil disorder in the Chamber of Commerce. This makes Yu Haoran slightly surprised at the same time. , Also had to admire Shen Jin in charge of the retail business. !

After all, with the death of Chairman Wu Sicheng, the death of Great Elder Bian Shengrui, the deaths and injuries of more than a dozen Elders, and the entire Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth have basically been on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse.

Branches in the central, eastern, and western regions have been forcibly annexed by two other Chambers of Commerce. The branches in the southern region of Guangling City, as well as the shops in various cities, have also been adopted by some local Great Family and City. Lord Mansion replaced the atrium with Dark Control.

“Sister, Brother Chi, let’s take a break at the Yiyuan Pavilion in the shop’s courtyard, and then we will rush to the station where the Beizheng Army is located.” After recovering his sigh, Yu Haoran turned his head to Yu Siqi and the Red Giant Beast instructed.

Considering the forces of dark assistance and manipulation of the Northern Expeditionary Army, in addition to the Qingqiu Fox Race, which is good at bewildering the mind, it is also a profound family of the Zhou family. They are worried that he and the Red-Beasted Beast may take care of this mistake.

At the same time, Yu Siqi, who practiced too much love, not only did not lose the battle strength to the red hate beast, but also the love realm was able to restrain the confusing secret technique of Qingqiu Fox Race.

Therefore, when leaving Prince Consort’s residence, he also specially invited elder sister to follow along.

Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei are only interested in fighting, and they don’t have any opinions on when to rest and where to rest.

So, after nodded agreed with Yu Haoran’s proposal, he followed him towards the shops outside several dozen meters.

“Little met Grand Prince Prince Consort!”

Hou Kedi Yuan Ghost Ship Chamo Moon Ghost House Star

Xiao Er, who was busy greeting customers, saw Yu Haoran stepping into the shop, and immediately ran to the Paid respect road in front of him with surprise.

And this shop Xiao Er, is also the first time he came to the store, he once entertained him Lin Hua.

Chu Diyuan’s hatred and hate, Yang Fang and Xue Leng

“Not bad!”

After seeing Lin Hua’s cultivation base has been promoted to Martial King Realm, Yu Haoran nodded praised him and asked with a smile.

No hate, no ship, no hate

It’s not the only ship that hates the cold, but the cold and cold Yangyang stops at about ten meters away from the opponent, Yu Haoran indifferently asked.

“Lin Hua, where is Shen shopkeeper?”

“Back to Lord Prince Consort, Shen shopkeeper is hosting a few VIPs in Tianyuan Pavilion, and we are temporarily unable to meet you.”

After hearing about Ha Haan’s questioning about Shen Jin, Lin Hua with a smile on his face quickly closed. Yu Guang looked at the hall quietly and looked back at the five guests who were picking goods.

However, Yu Haoran was able to hear a slight increase in tone when he mentioned several VIPs.

Looking at the five customers who were picking products, Yu Haoran flashed his single thought head when he realized that they were all powerhouses of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak.

Later, he directly mobilized the god of Wu Di’s Grade 5 Peak, and then swept the entire backyard of the shop, and immediately found several VIPs mentioned by Lin Hua.

“It seems that the lessons of destroying Tianxiang Pavilion in Xianyang City branch were still not enough, and now I still want to continue to touch my southern territory.”

After seeing several distinguished guests with people he knew, Yu Haoran sneered and walked towards the backyard while waving a palm force, killing five or more Tianxiang Pavilion powerhouses disguised as guests in the lobby. .

The strong fluctuation of power immediately alarmed the backyard Tianyuan Pavilion, which was threatening Shen Jin’s Tianxiang Pavilion Martial Venerable and Wudi Powerhouse. They suddenly rushed out of the courtyard and looked at Yu Haoran who was walking towards him with a somber expression.

“Either kneel or die!” Yu Haoran threatened sneerly without stopping to walk towards Tianyuan Pavilion.

Fate of hatred

“Yu Haoran, we offended you at this time not at all, why did you shot and kill the five deacons of Tianxiang Pavilion?” Facing Yu Haoran’s threat, the strongest white haired old man in the cultivation base asked with a somber expression. .

“At the time of my big wedding, I had been asked by the saint to issue a sacred order prohibiting Tianxiang Pavilion from engaging in all business in the southern region.

The invincible ghost of the distant ghost Sun hates to accept the lonely branch Qiu Fan

Stopping around ten meters away from the opponent, Yu Haoran asked indifferently.

“Did you forget that imperial edict?”

“Yu Haoran, this time we set foot in the right cattle city in the southern region, and acquired this shop of Heaven of the Chamber of Commerce at a high price.

After hearing the reasons given by Yu Haoran for killing the Tianxiang Pavilion powerhouse, a white smile appeared on the face of the white haired old man, and a golden imperial edict was taken out of the storage ring, and then sent to him by means of the Origin Force package.

Reaching out to receive the imperial edict sent to the eyes, Yu Haoran opened it slowly, and the expression of indifference flashed a little shock.

Because the imperial edict not only allowed Tianxiang Pavilion to fully engage in the business of the entire southern region, but also the content of the imperial edict was written by the Emperor Qin himself.

At the same time, and most importantly, the lower left corner of the imperial edict is the private seal of the emperor’s seal and the Qin Emperor’s personal seal.

This means that as long as it is in the southern region, as long as it is within the sphere of influence of the Great Qin Empire, what kind of business Tianxiangge wants to do is not allowed to interfere and interfere.

Qin Emperor knows all the grudges and resentment between him and Tianxiang Pavilion. He also knows that he is letting Bian Shengrui prepare for the empire’s business, and then develops the Chamber of Commerce, which belongs to the empire, based on the southern region.

In this case, not only did he allow Tianxiang Pavilion to re-enter Nanyu’s business, but he gave them so much authority, which made Yu Haoran vaguely worried that his speculation might be wrong.

Qingqiu Fox Race is likely to have secret techniques and methods that can be manipulated or affect Qin Emperor’s mind.

Originally, he also wanted to use secret investigation to wait for sufficient evidence, then quietly meet with Qin Emperor, and then discuss how to get the Qingqiu Fox Race and the Zhou family to a fight.

Now it seems that he needs to meet Qin Emperor directly to see what causes him to have such a change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Don’t even worry about arousing your own anger, which will eventually lead to a break with each other.

Hou Ji is not the enemy, and the cold is too secret.

“Go back and tell your chairperson that this shop in Youniucheng is my personal property of Yu Haoran, and it is a saint without any power to take back and intervene.”

After using the Origin Force to directly shatter the decree of the hand, Yu Haoran expression regained indifference.

The enemy is terrible

“So, now either get out of Right Niucheng immediately, or the horse died in Youniu Mountain!”

“Yu Haoran, don’t you want to rebel?”

Yuanke is not cool after hating Yuji after the war

The Yuanke was not cool and hated that after Yangji glanced at the five customers who were picking products, Yu Haoran realized that they were all powerhouses of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak, and his single thought flashed in his head.

Seeing that Yu Haoran not only violated the imperial destiny of the Emperor Qin, but also directly destroyed the handwritten imperial edict of the Emperor Qin, a white old man from Tianxiang Pavilion, expressing angrily.

“It seems that you have already made your choice.” Yu Haoran reminded chillingly, ignoring the other party’s indignation.

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