Rich City, Inside the City Lord Mansion!

After the enemy is not a ghost, he receives Gu Jixian

After hearing Rong Rong’s detailed report, Yu Haoran, sitting in the Imperial Tutor chair in the City Lord Mansion study, frowned slightly. !

Originally, according to his initial expectations, the Great Han Empire, which suffered five defeats in succession, whether to eliminate the hidden dangers behind the empire, or for the nine Divine Beast corpses hidden in the Divine Beast Mountains, will be assembled in a short time. The empire’s millions of elite soldiers will regain the city of Fengrun at all costs.

This is also the main reason why he is eager to return to Fengrun City.

However, according to an eyeliner survey arranged by Lan Rong, the Great Han Empire has indeed assembled more than 5,000,000 elite soldiers recently, and is also a leader personally bringing troops into battle.

Sun Qiu did not pick up the enemy at the local police station

But the goal of the battle was not Fengrun City, but the more powerful Central Territory.

Being able to let the Ministry of Defense and the Imperial Family of the Great Han Empire ignore the hidden dangers and temporarily abandon the bodies of nine Divine Beasts is definitely a change that Heavenly Profound Continent did not know during this time.

“Master Prince Consort, would you contact Saint?”

As Lan Rong who has been on the battlefield for decades, he instinctively thinks that the sudden change of the Great Han Empire ’s goals of the battle is likely to be related to the plan of the Great Qin Empire to choose to fight in the Central Territory. Reminded.

The ship is far away from school, and Yuuki Xianyu knot

Lan Rong’s reminder made Yu Haoran immediately realize the connection between the two things, and quickly took out a top Chuan Xun jade talisman, recorded his doubts in Chuan Xun jade talisman in detail, and then transmitted it to Xianyang City Prince Consort. Qin Lingfei at the residence.

At the same time, considering that Qin Lingfei was not at the forefront of the battle and was not very familiar with the situation of the army, he took out a top passer jade talisman and sent it to Meng Zhengkai, who rejoined.

Subsequently, Yu Haoran began to wait with closed eyes, waiting for the reply from Qin Lingfei and Meng Zhengkai.

Fortunately, jade talisman, the top newsletter, passed the message very quickly. After only five minutes, he received a reply from Qin Lingfei.

“The realm of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak!” Yu Haoran expression shouted suddenly after reading the content of Qin Lingfei’s reply.

Yu Haoran’s shouting shouts left Lan Rong and Han Guangbei and the others waiting in the study waiting for a glance of doubt, glancing at each other, but no one dared to take the initiative to interrogate.

Although the eye contact between Lan Rong and the others was also discovered, Yu Haoran not at all intended to explain. After closing his eyes again, he waited for the reply from Meng Zhengkai, while thinking about the changes that happened to Emperor Qin himself.

The content of Qin Lingfei’s reply is very simple. That was that the Great Qin Empire Central Battle was not only smooth, but also led the army to Qin Emperor. The cultivation base was successfully promoted to Grade 9 Peak Realm.

It was because of this that he was shocked!

At the beginning, when arguing whether the target of the battle was East or Central, Qin Emperor just used the high-quality soul fire he gave away. The cultivation base just broke through the Grade 2 Early-Stage of the Martial Venerable realm.

Today, only half a month has passed since the time of the original debate. With Qin Emperor’s own innate talent and accumulation, it is difficult to improve the cultivation base of a small realm, let alone break through the cultivation base of the seven small realm directly to Martial. The Peak of Venerable Grade 9.

While Yu Haoran was wondering about the cause of Qin Emperor cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, the jade talisman of Chuan Xun, who was in contact with Meng Zhengkai, suddenly trembled violently, which temporarily suppressed his inner doubt, and then read the biography with his thoughts. Xun jade talisman’s information.

Air transport!

According to Meng Zhengkai’s information at jade talisman of Chuan Xun, the reason why Qin Emperor was able to directly promote the realm of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak in just half a month.

The reason is that in the Northern Expedition, all the way like a hot knife through butter to attack hundreds of cities and mountains, gathered a large amount of air transport in the central region in a short time. Qin Emperor, with the blessing of Pang Great Destiny, finally realized the advancement of cultivation base. by leaps and bounds.

Although Meng Zhengkai’s explanation seemed reasonable, Yu Haoran knew that the situation was absolutely abnormal.

First of all, sufficient world’s spiritual energy, rich cultivation resources, retaining the complete Martial Dao inheritance, the cruel competitive environment, let the Central Family’s inheritance family and sect, not only its own strength is very strong, but also fierce and aggressive character, it is difficult Let them take the initiative to surrender.

Secondly, although the Great Qin Empire battled the army of the Central Region, although it is said to be more than ten million elite soldiers, in fact, nearly half of the elite soldiers are actually only recruits of Martial Warrior and warrior realm.

These recruits ’cultivation base and strength, insight, and courage are not only of little use, they will also delay the speed of the army.

That is to say, in just half a month, the strength and speed of the north expeditionary army cannot possibly occupy the forces of one hundred cities and mountains.

Finally, and most importantly, the hundreds of cities and the gates that the mountain gates can converge on cannot be compared with the great Destiny of the entire southern region.

The Great Destiny, who gathered the entire southern region, was eventually forced to break through the ordinary Martial Venerable realm with a large number of top-notch medicine pills.

So, it is far worse than the transportation of the entire South Region. How could Qin Emperor break through the bottleneck of the seven small realm in succession and reach the realm of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a strong feeling in his heart, that someone secretly manipulated the Great Qin Empire’s north expedition plan and process, and secretly provided countless imaginary help.

Even the Great Han Empire’s sudden change in the goal of the battle is likely to have a direct relationship with that person or with that power.

Thinking that Qin Emperor was likely to reach an agreement with a secretly influential force, or that it was controlled by someone, he immediately wanted to return to Xianyang City and then go to the army of the North Expedition to learn about the situation.

With the development of a future phase for evacuation, the safety of Emperor Qin and the survival of ten million soldiers will be even more important.

Therefore, Yu Haoran suddenly stood up and instructed Lan Rong.

“General Blue, next I will leave Fengrun City for a while. Your task is to stick to Fengrun City, and then use the special environment of the Qinghu mountain range and the cultivation resources I have left to do my best to enhance myself and the army.”

Originally, the 5,000,000 elites drawn by the Great Han Empire would conquer the Central Territory, which would inevitably lead to the emptiness of the rear defense, which was a good opportunity for them to expand the great territory.

However, due to the influence of the strength of the top powerhouse of the left army, without the escorting of itself and the red beast, losing the protection of the Sun, Moon and Stars defense Formation, the risk of conquering the battle may lead to the danger of annihilation of the entire army.

After all, Lan Rong and Qian Guangbei, the strongest troops on the left, are just the cultivation base of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak, and he can only temporarily give up this opportunity once in a lifetime.

“Subordinates get orders!” Several generals of Lan Rong and the others hurriedly took orders.

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