Such as Yun’s ascension to Grade 7 Early-Stage, as well as the decisive light drinking sound, not only allowed Ru Yi to wake up from the chaotic state, but also allowed Yu Haoran to successfully suppress the inner thoughts.

Whether it was the woman who had the Bloodline of charm, or the confusion that Ruyi just showed, he couldn’t control the flow of thoughts, which made him gradually realize that his recent cultivation must have appeared problem.

Otherwise, relying on his strong mentality cultivation base, the experience of the Second World, should not be so easy to appear in the face of temptation.

Taking advantage of the marriage between Ruyi and Ruyun to consolidate the realm, Yu Haoran, while looking at his own situation, discussed with Tower Spirit who knows the sea space.

“Yu Haoran, don’t worry, so far your cultivation has not shown any hidden dangers.” After hearing the concerns and distresses mentioned by Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit thought about it for a moment, and smiled and relieved.

“Tower Spirit, then why was I able to face the charm of marriage like it before, but now it seems to be so fascinated by her temptation?” Tower Spirit’s relief did not eliminate Yu Haoran’s inner confusion.

“Yu Haoran, the reason why you can’t resist the temptation of Meizu women and like marriage is not because of your determination, nor is it because of your cultivation base, it is because of their special charm, for all people who have flesh and blood There is a temptation for the body’s beings that you simply cannot resist. “

The enemy is too secret

“Really!” Yu Haoran questioned still unbelievably.

“Yu Haoran, if you don’t believe it, now you can ask the Red Beast and ask him what he thinks when facing the sisters like Marriage.” Did not care about Yu Haoran’s doubt, Tower Spirit proposed with a smile.

“Brother, do you have that kind of special thought in the face of Ruyi and Ruyun?”

Although it is a bit rude to directly ask the question of the red annoying beast, in order to eliminate the inner troubles and not affect the next cultivation and breakthrough, he can only ask oneself.

“Brother Yu, do you know why I dodged that mermaid named Qingrou? Do you know why I stay away from the sisters?”

In the face of Yu Haoran’s follow-up, although Chiyanjue did not answer directly, the Tower Spirit’s explanation was proved by two rhetorical questions, which also made him finally sighed in relief.

Realm’s promotion to the top Grade 7 Early-Stage’s Ruyun already has the ability to protect itself.

Thinking of the temptation erupted when Ruyi just fell into chaos, thinking of the crisis that Fengrun City may encounter, thinking of Qin Lingfei and Jian Wu, who are far away in Xianyang City Prince Consort, thinking that the time since the opening of the cemetery of Zhenyuan Great God Recently, Yu Haoran suddenly felt divorced.

Select ten spirit veins from the domain tower and your storage ring, several pieces of Magical Artifacts at the Peak level, several top notes, and more than a dozen medicine pills for healing, placed in an idle storage ring Later, he quietly placed a piece of bluestone in front of Ruyun.

Later, he used the divine mind to inform the red hated beast, then left the mountain peak and headed for Fengrun City outside ten thousand li.

Half an hour later, Ru Yun, who was the first to consolidate the breakthrough realm, slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of surprises to find the person who brought her a new life and made her miss day and night.

But when she saw the empty peak and the storage ring of bluestone in front of her eyes, the surprise of her eyes was replaced by the moment.

Reached out to the storage ring placed by the bluestone, the storage ring slowly fell on her hand, and then thought into the space of the storage ring.

After seeing ten fifth- and sixth-order spirit veins placed in the storage ring, several top grade Magical Artifacts, several top escape escape symbols, and a dozen different types of medicine pill, such as clouds The warm current that came out of her heart made her finally make a bold decision.


Knowing the specific coordinates of Fengrun City, Yu Haoran directly used the method of tearing the void to leave Fengrun’s peak, and returned to Fengrun City at the moment Ruyun ended the consolidation of realm.

“Master, you are back!”

After seeing Yu Haoran who suddenly appeared in the City Lord’s courtyard, Xiang Muling, who was grilling an eighth-level Grade 1 thorn bird in the courtyard, immediately lost his food and rushed to him cheerfully.

Sun Di Keke hates trouble by the ship

“Hungry again!” Yu Haoran said with a touch of indulgence, watching a spiny bird with a head and feet of two meters and a red wooden pig with a body of more than three meters beside the fire.

Seven days ago, after successfully quelling and pacifying the civil unrest in Fengrun City, he had a hard time with Xiang Muling, who refused to leave his half-step for life and death.

Because whether it is using the yin and yang fire to refine the energy of black and white double feathers, or to discuss future cultivation plans with Tower Spirit, and arrange for the revenge measures of the Great Han Empire, absolute hidden and quiet space is required.

At the same time, Xiang Muling’s miserable life experience made him not bother to scream sharply, but also unwilling to see the sadness she showed when she was driven away.

Not far away from Ghost Knot Study by Yang Zhu Di Xing

Eventually, at the proposal of Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran could only accept her as an apprentice, and planned to arrange for her to be carefully cared for by Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuhen when returning to Xianyang City.


Seeing that the Master had noticed the second beast that he had poached and killed, Xiang Muling seemed like a small child who had done something wrong and was found by the adult.

“Stupid girl, the teacher hasn’t told you that, no matter what you want to eat, when you want to eat, you can arrange those subordinates to prepare for you.” Originally I wanted to reach out and touch Xiang Muling’s head, but Seeing that she even raised her hand, she barely touched her ear, eventually she could only clap her arm to remind.

“Master, I don’t want to bother others!” The reminder came with a hint of dissatisfaction, making Xiang Muling afraid that the Master would quickly go away because of anger, and explained quickly.


Knowing Xiang Muling’s previous experience made her unwilling to bother anyone, Yu Haoran was also not good at saying anything.

After taking a look at the spiny birds that have been roasted almost, and the Akagi pigs that have not yet been processed, and thinking of the special physique’s need for food in Xiang Muling, a smile replaces the helpless expression, Yu Haoran’s mild warming repeatedly.

“Mu Ling, for the teacher, we have to discuss some things with General Blue. You continue to enjoy your delicious food, but don’t forget to go to cultivation after you are full!”

“Know, Master!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s instructions, Xiang Muling, a young child temperament, immediately forgot about the worries and annoyances just now, bèng bèng bèng jumped up and picked up the spiny birds that were just thrown away, then happily continued to enjoy the food.

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