Wolong Lake!

Divine thought controlled Jun’s body floating in front of her eyes. Although Yu Haoran’s tone of reply to the other party was kind, the required attitude should not be questioned. !

“Young man, who are your two friends?”

Thinking of the hundreds of human powerhouses that have been fraudulently used for all their use values, Zifa Old Man has the idea of ​​agreeing to exchange.

After all, as the top powerhouse of Wudi Grade 7 Peak Realm, he can feel a dangerous breath from the two swords with scabbards.

The enemy ’s enemy is the most lonely in the battlefield.

The enemy ’s enemy ’s own ship is the most powerful Sword Energy formed by Trapping Immortal Sword and Heaven and Earth ’s Sword Art. The formidable power has reached the realm of the Emperor’s Grade 7 Early-Stage. With Shihai and Divine Soul all strangled.

In today’s unpredictable context, some potential dangers are best avoided.

“Two girls, such as marriage and Ruyun!” Yu Haoran stared at Zi Zi’s old man’s eyes.

Sun hates hatred, Sun hates him


After Yu Haoran had just spoken the names of Ruyi and Ruyun, fourteen powerful horrors appeared on the surface of the lake, and fourteen beautiful snakes looked towards his eyes, all showing no intense murderous aura.

“Young man, what’s your relationship with those two lowly maids?” Zifa asked the old man gritting his teeth as he forcibly suppressed the urge to shoot.

“Friend!” Knowing why the other party was so angry after hearing the names of Ruyi and Ruyun, Yu Haoran replied without fear.

“That being the case, then accompany the two lowly maids to death!”

The moment I got a reply from Yu Haoran, I couldn’t suppress the purple man who was boiling the Murderous Aura, and then he rushed over.

“Brother Yu, let me hold on to the old man for the time being. You take the time to solve the other mermaid snake, and then we will work together to destroy him.” After seeing the fourteen mermaids who rushed over, the red beast from the sword sheath Pull out Slaying Immortal Sword, and propose to Yu Haoran.

“Got it!”

Without the assistance of Tower Spirit and Chen Long, the strength of Chiyanju is far more powerful. Because he temporarily holds the strongest Zifa old man, it is the most feasible way.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who also pulled Trapping Immortal Sword, responded to the red beast’s proposal, and rushed directly to the mermaid.


Flashing the assistance of the dual series of strength of Law, Yu Haoran instantly appeared in front of the mermaid of Wudi Grade 6 Early-Stage.

The sharp sword energy formed by Trapping Immortal Sword in cooperation with Heaven and Earth to fight Sword Art, the formidable power has reached the realm of the Emperor’s Grade 7 Early-Stage. The sharp sword energy directly annihilates the opponent’s body, connecting Shihai and Divine Soul. .


Assisted by the dual strength of the Speed ​​of Law, he instantly appeared in front of another Mermaid of the Emperor Wutai Grade 6 Early-Stage realm, with the same Sword Art moves and attacks, while strangling a powerful Mermaid.

As the two-headed Emperor Wutai Grade 6 Early-Stage realm was beheaded and killed, the remaining eleven headed Emperor Grade 3 Peak Mermaid was no longer at risk and was easily executed by Yu Haoran holding a Trapping Immortal Sword.

Immediately after, he overdrawn part of his ancestor Bloodline, and raised the power of the Trapping Immortal Sword attack to the Emperor’s Grade 7 Peak, and the murderous-looking rushed to the purple-haired old man of the Emperor’s Grade 7 Peak Realm.

After the sublimation of the red hated beast, although the strength has been improved once, but limited by the influence of his realm, when facing the purple hair old man who has reached the limit of the Emperor’s Grade 7 Peak, his strength is still comprehensive In the downwind.

Fortunately, the powerful fleshhy body defense, the powerful sword energy possessed by Slaying Immortal Sword, although he fell completely down, but there is no danger to his life.

When some of the overwhelming ancestors Bloodline was able to play Yu Haoran, the Emperor Wu’s Grade 7 Peak sword energy, and the situation of falling behind was instantly reversal, the purple-haired old man was immediately in a precarious situation.


When Yu Haoran used Heaven and Earth to kill Sword Art’s 诛 Heavenly Sword style, cut off a few purple hairs of the old man with purple hair, and cut his cheek, the old man with purple hair immediately used a move that both sides suffer, Retreating from the joint attack of Yu Haoran and the Red Dog, then a special roar sound was made towards the lake.

After the roar, the purple-haired old man closed his eyes slowly.

“Brother, let me come!”

Ghost to Ghost

Feeling the familiar atmosphere emerging from the purple-haired old man, Yu Haoran flashed and stood in front of the Red-Beasted Beast, expression with a touch of excitement to prepare for the secret technique carefully prepared by the other party.

Suddenly the eyes of the old man with purple eyes opened, his eyes immediately shot two special gazes, and the two gazes spanning the space and time distance instantly merged into Yu Haoran’s within the body.

Fate of Vengeance and Fate of Love

Feeling the violent boiling of the Life and Death dual strength of Law, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed the joy of inner passion, pretending to have a painful expression, to avoid causing the other’s suspicion, and ended the execution of the death condensation secret technique in advance.

At the same time, consciousness also consulted the Tower Spirit who knew the sea.

“Tower Spirit, how many death cohesion secret techniques do I need to withstand in order to complete the final transformation of the Life and Death dual strength of Law?”

“do not know!”

Facing Yu Haoran’s expectation, Tower Spirit shook his head to remind.

“Whether it is the strength and law of the life and death dual system, or the taboo death condensation secret technique, I only know a little bit before, but I am not very proficient, so you need to understand and appreciate all of this yourself.”

The reminder from Tower Spirit made Yu Haoran immediately stop pretending to be in pain, and then slowly closed her eyes carefully to experience the boiling Life and Death dual strength of Law.

The explosion of life aura, the fall of the breath of death!

The fall of life aura, the surge of death.

Life aura A breath of death bred when it soared to the limit, and a breath of life aura that emerged when the breath of death fell to the limit.

Through careful feelings and experiences, Yu Haoran felt as if he was feeling the essence of life from the boiling Life and Death dual system of Law of Life and the mystery of death.

Looking at her eyes closed, calm, Yu Haoran with a smile on her face from time to time, at the cost of thousands of years of lifespan overdraft, the purple hair old man who performed the taboo death condensation secret technique almost spit out blood.

Fortunately, a strong mentality cultivation base allows him to quickly dispel his depression, and by slowly closing his eyes, he forcibly cuts off the death cohesion secret technique.

As a result, of course, they will suffer from the secret technique backlash.

When the taboo death condensed secret technique is lost, the boiling Life and Death dual line of strength of Law is quieted down again, and Yu Haoran also loses the opportunity to continue to realize the true meaning of life and the mystery of death.

In this regard, he opened his eyes indifferently, looking towards purple clothed old man’s eyes, showing a trace of greedy expression.

Because through the feelings and experiences just now, he knows that the real cause of boiling and metamorphosis of the Life and Death dual strength of Law is not the taboo secret condensation secret technique, but the special energy of the Mermaid snake Bloodline.

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