Wolong Lake, mid-air!

“Zhao Jinglin, immediately use the taboo secret technique of Bloodline inheritance to stare at death!”

The potential of the top evildoers and the strength of the more challenging challenges, Yu Haoran’s means are not what Jun Jun is most worried about. !

What really frightened him now was that the sword weapon with the scabbard in the opponent’s hand vaguely gave him a sense of extreme danger.

The sinister and sinister nature of the snake made Jun Jun intend to consume nearly half of his lifespan to perform the Bloodline taboo secret technique to test the true formidable power of the sword with a scabbard sword in order to determine the next action.

After hearing Jun Jun’s command, Zhao Jinglin, the blue-haired beauty snake, flickered with a horrified expression, but thinking of the cruel means of extermination of human nature, the horrified expression was instantly replaced by firmness.

Immediately after, Zhao Jinglin closed his eyes slowly, and a special breath quickly rose from him.

Whether it is the dual-strength strength of law or the flashing dual-strength strength of law, it can enable Yu Haoran to interrupt the contraindication secret technique being performed by the opponent.

But he did not all do it.

Ke Chou ruthless ship Cha Zhanyang then Duyang


Because he wanted to really see what the so-called inevitable death, touching taboo secret technique is, how powerful is the formidable power of death.

The lone Nozat, a distant land behind the ghost ball, now really made him feel frightened that the sword weapon with the scabbard in the opponent’s hand vaguely gave him a sense of extreme danger.

After all, the death cohesion secret technique of the Bloodline inheritance of the merman snake is ranked ninth in the Heavenly Profound Continent’s top ten secret techniques.

While stimulating the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body defense, he mobilized the Ruyi Bell that has not been used for a long time. After forming a double defense, he agreed to try the taboo secret technique. Tower Spirit, which formed the formidable power of death, and laid a layer of defense on him. Formation.

When Yu Haoran had just prepared the strongest three-layer defense, Zhao Jinglin opened his eyes suddenly.

“Death gathers!”

Along with Zhao Jinglin’s violent drinking, the two lines contained a puzzling gaze, spanning the distance of time and space directly, and instantly blasted the defense formation laid out in Tower Spirit.

One second!

Tower Defense’s personally-formed defense Formation only persisted for only one second, and was torn apart by the two special eyes formed by the death technique’s forbidden secret technique, and then blasted in Ruyi Bell heavily.

“this is!”

Because Ruyi Bell is a Magical Artifact by Divine Soul refining, when Ruyi Bell suffered strikes from the contraindicated secret technique death, Divine Soul realized and controlled the Life and Death dual-strength strength of Law, which suddenly began to boil.

With his own strength getting stronger and stronger, Yu Haoran’s understanding of the Life and Death dual strength of Law has become deeper and deeper.

With his current control and understanding of the Life and Death dual series of the Strength of Law, he can easily integrate with the flyhy body and Divine Soul, and let the cultivation base with no difficulty be promoted to Emperor Wu Realm.

Haunted by Haunted Sail Moon

But affected by the condensed eyes of the taboo secret technique, he suddenly found that not only he lost control of the Life and Death dual line of strength of Law, but also that the Life and Death dual line of strength of Law was undergoing some kind of transformation, which made him panic. I hurried to Tower Spirit for help.

“Obvious chance!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s remarks on the changes in the Life and Death dual strength of Law, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but sighed in surprise and reminded him quickly.

“Yu Haoran, the current situation is not easy to explain in detail, but I tell you that this change of the Life and Death dual system is a good thing, it is a kind of anti-opportunity that can help you break through the Valkyrie realm as soon as possible.”

After hearing a brief reminder from Tower Spirit, surprise quickly replaced the terrified Yu Haoran, and immediately removed Ruyi Zhong’s defense so that death could gather his gaze and bring more transformational energy to the Life and Death dual strength of Law.

Unfortunately, Zhao Jinglin was limited by her grade and the purity of the Bloodline, and the secret technique of taboo secretion persisted for a short time.

Just five seconds.

After five seconds, Zhao Jinglin, who closed her eyes again, was instantly replaced by white hair, and the original life aura also fell to the twilight.

The moment Zhao Jinglin closed his eyes, the boiling Life and Death dual strength of Law quickly calmed down, which also allowed Yu Haoran to regain control of the major strength of Law.

But he doesn’t like the feeling of control now, so the flash of strength of Law made him appear in front of Zhao Jinglin instantly. After a fist bombarded Zhao Jinglin’s Divine Soul, he turned his gaze directly on Jun Jun, hoping that his strength would be stronger Xun Jun can also use the taboo secret technique to death cohesion.

The taboo secret technique of Bloodline inheritance of the mermaid not only failed to force the opponent to use a sword with a scabbard, but also did not bring the slightest pressure to the opponent, which made Pan Chun’s heart panic.

Especially when he saw Yu Haoran’s sharp gaze, his resignation instantly appeared in his heart, making him immediately turn to the lake.


But when he was three or four meters away from the lake, a huge fist blasted quickly and directly blasted him back into the air.

The flash of the dual strength of Law made Yu Haoran instantly appear in front of the stunned Jun Jun. The imprint of the ten fingers immediately sealed the opponent’s Divine Soul, which was a complete capture of the opponent.

“Brother Yu, did you kill the opponent’s nest?” Hong Fei Jun Jun’s red hated beast, left hand clenching the hilt of Slaying Immortal Sword, asked Murderous-looking.

“Brother, don’t panic!”

While shaking his head to reject the offer from the Red-Beasted Beast, Yu Haoran took out one of Jun’s purple long hair and a drop of blood exuding strong spirit strength, and quickly formed the magic marks of the magical path.

Hou Yuan Ke Enemy War Cold Enemy Cock

Wait until the seven marks of the seven spells merge into the purple hair and blood, and the purple hair and blood quickly condense the appearance of Jun Jun.

With his control and understanding of the Life and Death dual line of strength of Law, he can easily integrate into the flyhy body and Divine Soul, allowing the cultivation base with no difficulty to advance to Emperor Wu Realm.

Extend the hand Pointing at Jun Jun with purple hair and blood, leaving a sentence full of provocation and shame, the Jun with purple hair and blood disappeared instantly.

Endless hatred of Fangship hated by Lengyue Mosun

Only less than thirty seconds later, a powerful and terrifying breath quickly emerged from the bottom of Wolong Lake.

After feeling a stronger breath than his own, the red hated beast standing on the lake’s face changed slightly, and then quickly lifted off to Yu Haoran’s side.

Not far away from hatred and early childhood war

“One Emperor Wudi Grade 7 Peak, Two Emperor Wudi Grade 6 Early-Stage, Eleven Emperor Wudi Grade 3 Peak Realm.”

After the divine thought swept across the bottom of the lake quickly, Tower Spirit introduced in detail the number and strength of the opponents to be faced next.

As long as it is not the pseudo-god of the Demi-God realm, Yu Haoran has no worries at all, as he is the top Supreme Expert of Wudi Grade 9 Peak, so after hearing Tower Spirit’s introduction, he expression looked at the lake indifferently.

“Young man, please let go of Jun Jun.” Fourteen mermaids quickly rushed out of the lake, one with the same purple long hair as Jun Jun, and the cultivation base reached the old man of Wudi Grade 7 Peak. More politely asked.

“Senior, letting him go without any problems, but only if you release my two friends.”

Since the other party’s requested attitude is kind, Yu Haoran will not treat each other with bad words.

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