Qinghu mountain range!

In the azure catfish more than thirty centimeters long, I just took a breath and melted into the lake water of medicine pill powder. A vegetarian catfish with a length of five meters suddenly burst out of the lake. With scarlet fish eyes, I swallowed the azure catfish directly. .

However, the vegetarian catfish just swallowed the azure catfish, and was planning to continue to suck the lake water integrated into the medicine pill powder. A ninth-order ancient crocodile with a body length of more than ten meters, opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and swallowed the vegetarian catfish.

In the next few minutes, more and more large, higher-level Water Element beasts began to rush out of the lake, and devoured those beasts that had once absorbed the medicine pill powder.

When a lobster with a body length of more than 1000 meters and a level of ordinary rank Grade 1 Early-Stage rushed out of the lake, Yu Haoran signaled the red beast to follow his own altitude to ten thousand meters, and then started to use Soul Power to drive the medicine. Pill ’s medical power makes its medical power reach a wider range and attracts more high-order aliens.

Qiu Chou Yuan fights alone with hate and battle

The ship, Qiu Chouyuan, hated and fought alone. “Yu Xiong, the octopus octopus of Grade 3 Peak, the emperor’s realm, is not worthy of your own hands, leave it to me!”

“Brother Red, try your best to slay the strange beasts of Respect level!”

When the 40 beasts of the holy realm and nine-headed realm were unable to endure the temptation of Soul Power’s medicinal power, they began to rush towards the Qinghu Nether, and Yu Haoran turned his head toward the Red-Beast Beast instructed.

“Got it!”

After a nodded response, the red beast waved the Slaying Immortal Sword with a scabbard, directly welcoming dozens of strange and divine beasts.

Regardless of grade and strength, or Magical Artifact and martial skill, with the sacred and divine Water Element alien beasts that come, the red hated beasts have absolute advantages.

In less than a minute, all of the fifty beasts of the holy realm and exalted rank were all slaughtered by the red beast.

However, under the temptation of Soul Power driving the medicine pill medicinal power, the figure inside the bottom of Qinghu Lake has crossed over 1000 meters, and the beasts that have reached the highest level of honor have gradually begun to emerge from the lake, and glared with scarlet eyes.

You do n’t need Yu Haoran ’s initiative to command. The red annoying beast clenching the Slaying Immortal Sword will kill him directly, whether it is a green crocodilian that reaches the top level Grade 9 Peak, or a cannibal whale of nearly ten thousand meters in size. Easy to kill.

The blood scattered in the air, combined with the blood formed by the lake’s tearing, gradually dyed the ten thousand li Qinghu into the blood lake, which made Lan Rong and the others standing on the west bank of Qinghu express a shocked expression. .

“Prince Consort, Deity is still true!” Lin Yuanxiang couldn’t help when he saw a huge beast with a body size of more than 1000 meters and still exuding powerful breath, because the waves formed by the tumbling water rushed to the shore of Qinghu Lake. Sighed.

“General Lin, immediately tell the medic to come and see if this powerful Water Element beast is suitable for food.”

Although marveling at Yu Haoran’s horrific strength, Lan Rong, the Great General on the left, spends more time thinking about how to improve the army’s battle strength.

When he felt the huge beast of more than 1000 meters inside the body, which contained abundant energy, an idea flashed in his mind, and he was immediately instructed by Lin Yuanxiang.

“You don’t need to ask a medic, this blue-bellied whale that has just been promoted to the state of honor is given to the army by this Prince Consort.”

When Lin Yuanxiang turned around and went to ask the medic to look at the corpse of the beast, suddenly everyone heard Yu Haoran’s voice.

“Thank you Lord Prince Consort for the gift!”

Without any hesitation, Lan Rong and the others immediately thanked Shane on one knee, and then used the Origin Force and Soul Power to lift the blue-bellied whale’s body out of the lake and hand it over to the military chef.

As more and more dead beasts died, as the color of the Qinghu Lake became brighter and redrish, a terrible momentum gradually rose from the bottom of the lake.

Affected by this terror, whether it is the dozen or so top beasts rushing into the void, or the ordinary beasts that are being torn away from each other by the lake, all fled back to the bottom of Qinghu Lake like a bird of surprise.

The blistering massacre completely released the blood-thirsty and blood-thirsty nature of the red hated beast, and he quickly demanded to Yu Haoran.

“Brother Yu, the octopus octopus of Grade 3 Peak in the imperial realm is not worthy of letting you do it yourself, leave it to me!”

However, the voice demanded by the red hated beast just dropped, and a more terrifying momentum rose quickly from the bottom of Qinghu Lake.

“Brother Yu, the mysterious water turtle of Grade 5 Early-Stage in Emperor Realm is not worthy of letting you do it yourself, please leave it to me!” After feeling the 2nd horror that just appeared, the red hated beast demanded more excited .

However, when the horror of the third far better than the octopus octopus and the mystic turtle was raised, the Red-Beasted Beast did not arrogantly ask Yu Haoran not to act.

Because of the rising terrifying momentum of the third, it not only represents that the grade of the beast at the bottom of the lake has reached the imperial realm Grade 6 Peak, but also gives him a sense of deadly danger.

“The tyrant water Margin, the grade of the Emperor Realm Grade 6 Peak, the true emperor beast of Qinghu, is also the nemesis of the ancient Divine Beast Chi P.” It is very clear why the Chi Nai Beast suddenly silent, Yu Haoran took the Trapping Immortal Sword, Reminding with a smile.

“No wonder!”

When I heard that the owner of the third horror turned out to be another nemesis of Bloodline inheritance, the red beast finally knew that the opponent’s strength was not much stronger, but why did he give himself a fatal sense of danger.

“Brother, the next step is to challenge the tyrant Leech who can restrain half of your Bloodline, or to deal with the average octopus and black turtle?” With one hand clenching the hilt of the Trapping Immortal Sword, Yu Haoran gave a choice with a smile.

“Tyrant Water Margin!” The red hated beast also clenching the Slaying Immortal Sword’s hilt, his eyes responded with a strong fighting spirit.

Now that you have made a grand vow that surpasses Bloodline’s ancestors, defeating and beheading Bloodline’s nemesis is the first step to surpass Bloodline’s influence.

There is no hesitation in seeing the Red-Beasted Beast. The Tower Spirit in the sea space reveals the nodded look of appreciation.

As an innate Supreme Treasure born of chaos, Heaven and Earth had formed a consciousnessless existence when it was first opened. Tower Spirit knows the difficulty of surpassing Bloodline, the ancestor.

But at the same time, he became more aware of how powerful beings could be beyond the influence of ancestors Bloodline.

Therefore, when seeing the nemesis facing the ancestor Bloodline, but without the slightest hesitation, he chose the positive challenge. The Tower Spirit is full of expectations, expecting him to be like the Paragon powerhouse across ancient and ancient times. Within the body The influence of the ancestors Chi p and the ancestor Zhu Ji Bloodline.

Respecting Yu Haoran’s choice of the Red-Beasted Beast, he didn’t persuade him much, but told him to pay attention to his safety, and looked at an octopus with eight tentacles waving more than 1000 meters in length.

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