Qinghu mountain range, in front of Qinghu West Bank!

Although Yu Haoran’s cultivation base and strength is very strong, and has a very high popularity and reputation in the Great Qin Empire, but as the dignified Monarch of the entire Country, dominate the Great Qin Empire for decades.

Emperor Qin could not allow anyone to challenge the dignity of his emperor, nor was he able to make a fuss about formulating a policy of conquering territory.

It is also his most respected and trusted Yu Haoran, but also helpless, if it was replaced by other people, I am afraid that Ling Chi would have been executed.

There is no dispute between each other, and no one wants to change their minds.

The enemies of the earth and the distant ghost Sun hate the battle moon Yutong

In desperation, both people can only choose to take a step back.

The once-hundred thousand left army that followed Yu Haoran’s battle in the Sixiangzong area officially became the private guard of the Prince Consort House, responsible for opening up the territory of the Eastern Region.

Emperor Qin is a commander of the Great Qin Empire who is responsible for conquering the territory of the Central Territory.

At that time, based on the results of the battle between the ancient Monster Race and the ancient Fiendgod tribe, the final retreat and garrison direction will be determined.

“Prince Consort, this is the march record just calculated.” Originally Commander of the Left Army, Han Guangbei, who was re-appointed as the captain of the guard, handed over a jade slip received from the elite soldier. Go to Yu Haoran, and gesture respectfully.

“Report directly!”

The jade slip, which is used to record the diet during the march, the consumption of supplies, the results of combat, and the casualties, has a variety of secret codes. It takes a lot of effort to understand it. I don’t want to waste most of my time.

Therefore, Yu Haoran not at all took the jade slip that Gan Guangbei delivered to his eyes, but the expression was slightly instructed.

“Reporting to Prince Consort, after five days and five nights, the army advances a total of 480 kilometers, during which the three beasts of the imperial realm are killed, and the imperial realm is different. Sixteen beasts, XNUMX strange beasts at the Holy Land level, countless strange beasts below the Holy Land. “Mind read the records in jade slip, Han Guangbei detailed report.

“What about the casualties?” After seeing Han Guangbei like those officials who fool the military department, but only reported with good news and unhappy news, Yu Haoran frowned and asked unhappyly.

After seeing Prince Consort’s frowning eyes and a hint of unpleasant expression, Han Guangbei secretly thought, and immediately put away a flattering smile, and continued to report with a slight sentiment.

“Martial Ancestor Realm’s elite killed XNUMX people and killed XNUMX. The Martial King Realm’s thousands of captains killed XNUMX people and killed XNUMX people, and the Martial Sovereign realm’s millionaires killed one person and killed one.”

“General and Commander of Martial Saint realm have no casualties!”

After the report was completed, Han Guangbei quietly observed Yu Haoran’s face and found that Prince Consort’s face was relatively calm and could not help secretly relieved.

Sun Ke’s revenge on the knot

since ancient times, righteousness does not support wealth, mercy does not lead soldiers!

As long as it is war, there is no way to avoid human casualties.

After Chou Ke Fang Ke’s Chamo Lengji Institute

What’s more, it is still in the harsh natural environment, and the high-level strange beasts run across the blue lake mountain range.

Therefore, the casualties of more than XNUMX elite soldiers are still within Yu Haoran’s expectations and tolerance.

“Keep vigilant and fully restore the Origin Force and Soul Power that are consumed by day and night.” After glancing over the well-hundred thousand elites who were in a good state of mind, Yu Haoran expression ordered seriously.

“Subordinate to obey!”

Hundred thousand shouts will be forced to shout at the same time, not only The earth shook and the mountain quivered, but also frightened the high-level beasts in Fangyuan several hundred li, and eventually had to leave temporarily closed-door cultivation place.

When Hundred thousand soldiers will begin to use the Spirit Stone and medicine pill to restore their strength, Yu Haoran gave nodded gestures to several generals such as Lan Rong and Lin Yuanxiang.

After learning about his relationship with the earth

“General Lin, have the remains of the dead brothers been collected?” After walking to a quiet place, Yu Haoran asked Lin Yuanxiang, who was in charge of the logistics of the army.

“Thanks to the large amount of storage ring donated by Prince Consort, all the remains of the dead brother are stored in the storage ring.” Lin Yuanxiang hurriedly bowed to the meeting.

Sun Ke fends for the ball

“Protect the storage ring containing the remains. In the future, the Prince Consort will give them a beautiful funeral to make their families proud and proud.” Yu Haoran expression Heavy instructed.

It’s not to mention Sun Ke’s revenge for Fang Qi’s ball, but entering the Qinghu mountain range where the natural environment is very harsh and high-level alien animals run rampant.

“Subordinates for those who died in battle, many thanks to Prince Consort for your kindness!”

Most of the more than one hundred soldiers who died in the Qinghu mountain range were mostly scouts responsible for vigilance and belonged to the subordinates and confidants of General Qi Wei Xian.

So, after hearing Yu Haoran’s order, Qi Wei Xian immediately thanked him on one knee.

After waving Wei Qi Xian, Yu Haoran instructed Lan Rong, who is still the Great General.

“General Blue, fill up the vacant positions immediately, and do not affect the next battle.”

“Subordinates obey!” Lan Rong immediately turned around to learn about the vacant military post.

“Okay, you guys go first!”

After shaking hands to Lin Yuanxiang and the others, Yu Haoran turned his head to the red-nosed beast that was fighting together with the army, and then went straight to the center of Qinghu Lake.

As the most central location of the Qinghu mountain range, the blue lake with a width of about ten thousand li not only contains sufficient world’s spiritual energy, but also survives the mountain range’s most powerful dignity and imperial realm.

Not far off from revenge

If you want to cross the blue lake safely with the army of the left thousand elites, and if you want to successfully avoid a safe route that can be reached at any time in the future, you must find a way to kill Qinghu’s realm and emperor’s realm. The beasts below the shocking state are afraid to act blindly without thinking now and in the future.

Enmity is not far away, and the Moon Choutong of Dokushoushu is “No general casualty for General Martial Saint realm and Commander!”

Taking the red hated beast to fly directly to the center of Qinghu Lake, Yu Haoran first let Tower Spirit take advantage of the Demi-God realm’s thoughts to thoroughly investigate the strength distribution of the strange beasts in the lake.

In the absence of the need to use the spirit of Tower Spirit to perform the attachment technique, only by using Trapping Immortal Sword and Slaying Immortal Sword with Red Tired Beast, he was able to deal with the three highest-ranking and most powerful Qinghu Lakes. After the Water Element Emperor Realm, Yu Haoran directly took a pill bottle from the storage ring, and then poured out nine medicine pills from the medicine pill that smelled thick and stinky.

When Yu Haoran just poured out the medicine pill in the pill bottle, the complexion could not help but immediately closed his six consciousness, and quickly turned his head away from paying attention to the nine medicine pill.

Hou Kediyuan’s only enemy ball by Leng Taigu

Because he had used the medicine pill in the mouth, he was too aware of the fatal temptation of the medicine pill to the strange beast, and the consequences of swallowing the medicine pill.

Ignoring the thick stench from medicine pill, Yu Haoran directly used the Origin Force to shatter its six medicine pills, and then sprinkled all of the medicine pill’s powder to Qinghu.

As the medicine pill’s powder merged into the lake water, the calm lake surface gradually began to wave. An azure catfish with a length of more than thirty centimeters quickly floated out of the lake surface, and then opened its mouth to suck the medicine pill powder that blended into the lake water.

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