Prince Consort House!

Although with his current cultivation base and strength, he is still not an opponent of Wudi Grade 7 Peak nine-tailed green fox, but if he uses Trapping Immortal Sword with all his strength, it will not be without a fight. !

What’s more, there are still strengths around him that are not inferior to him, and they also have Slaying Immortal Sword to enhance their strength.

Therefore, Yu Haoran intends to fight against the nine-tailed green fox of the Emperor’s Realm Grade 7 Peak without the aid of the spirit possessed by Tower Spirit and rely on his cooperation with the Red-Beasted Beast, which is also officially opened. Conquest of Yau Fox Race.


After returning to complied, clinging to the Slaying Immortal Sword, the expressionless rushed out of the Prince Consort mansion.

“Red brother, a nine-tailed green fox from the Imperial Realm Grade 7 Peak Realm, are you afraid?” Yu Haoran, who also took Trapping Immortal Sword, asked with a chuckle.

“Brother Yu, I’m not afraid of Nine-tailed Arctic Fox at the Imperial 7 Grade XNUMX Peak, let alone just green foxes that are generally rubbish.” He shook his ugly head and replied with a smirk.


After receiving the arrogant reply from the red hated beast, Yu Haoran with ten thousand zhang pride also emerged in his heart. After clinging to the reminder of the Trapping Immortal Sword, he went straight to the cross mountain range of beyond a thousand miles.


Kedi not cool ship to pick up the cold technology post

Because the combination of Immortal Beheading Four Swords is Paragon Level’s other Magical Artifact, it has far exceeded the control and influence of Kendo airlift.

At the same time, considering that your cultivation base had no breakthrough Valkyrie realm, you still need to rely on the powerful attack power of Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword.

Hou Di Ke Qiu Ku Hou Shu Yang Yang Ship

Therefore, in the spiritual awareness of cultivation jade slip, Yu Haoran also took a moment to specially practice the Heaven and Earth Sword Art given to him by Heaven Demon Emperor inheritance.


Although he despised Bloodline’s low-quality green fox, when he really faced the nine-tailed green fox that had reached the level of the Imperial Realm Grade 7 Peak Realm, the red hated beast not only dealt with it very seriously, but also directly used his best Sword Art martial skill. .

Whether it is Yu Haoran, who uses speed and flashes of four strengths of law, or a red hated beast that is inherently good at extreme speeds, it is too fast to reach the cross-mountain range and attack. It is as fast as Trapping Immortal Sword and Slaying Immortal Sword. When the attack was fully formed, the nine-tailed green fox who was struggling at the entrance of the strikes was really noticed.

Feeling that the two sword energy contain the terrifying power of destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth, it is too late to take out the nine-tailed green fox that defends Magical Artifact, and can only risk the nine giant tails to resist and counterattack.

“Pu chi…!”

After the sound of the six items being cut off, Yu Haoran used the sword energy displayed by Trapping Immortal Sword to directly cut off the six giant tails of the nine-tailed green fox.

“Pu chi…!”


When Yu Haoran cut off the six giant tails of the nine-tailed green fox, Sword Art cast by the red hated beast. After the remaining three giant tails were severed from behind, the formidable power consumed only half of the sword energy. The tail of the blue fox almost split it in half.

“Mount Tai topping!”

When I saw the nine-tailed green fox that was severely hit instantly, the breath fell directly to Paragon Realm Grade 1 Early-Stage. Yu Haoran, who had just taken a breath, continued to wave the Trapping Immortal Sword that had not yet returned to the sheath, using a basic Sword Technique. Cut directly in the wound of Qinghu.

Even with the fox body and the Divine Soul knowing the sea, the nine-tailed green fox died without a single chance to fight back.

Slowly falling beside the body of the nine-tailed green fox, the expressions of Yu Haoran and the red hated beast seemed very excited.

After all, the nine-tailed green fox is the first Emperor Powerhouse that they have really killed since they possessed the strength and realm of Emperor Wudi, or a top-level powerhouse that reached the Emperor Realm Grade 7 Peak. .

In this regard, Shi Spirit’s Tower Spirit didn’t say much, just looked at them with a reassuring smile.

Because he knew that Yu Haoran and the Red-Beasted Beast needed this kind of excitement to speed up their cultivation base.

After gazing away from Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit looked towards the deep pit blasted by the nine-tailed green fox, and the smile that followed was immediately replaced by shock.

Immediately afterwards, he directly mobilized all the deities of the Demi-God realm, carefully inspected the deep pits, and the bottom of the cave about ten thousand meters deep.

After careful inspection, Tower Spirit determined that the Seal Formation hidden in the deep pit was exactly the face of Sun, Moon and Stars and Heavenly Cycle Star, which faced the sky, and looked at Yu gradually. Haoran instructed.

“Yu Haoran, calm down, calm your emotions!”

“Tower Spirit, what’s wrong?”

After taking a deep breath, after quickly calming the excited emotions, Yu Haoran questioned Tower Spirit while looking at the same deep hole that was blasted by the nine-tailed green fox.

“Yu Haoran, next I want to tell you a cruel reality. I hope you will be well prepared.”

Although the ancient Fiendgod tribe was born, not at all caused any harm to Heavenly Profound Continent, but Tower Spirit knows as much as Yu Haoran, the grand Qin Empire Prince Consort, who was under heavy pressure.

If it hadn’t been for the past life that he had been hunted down, his mind had experienced Hundred Refinements, and his perseverance and patience far exceeded the top evil spirit genius.

If it wasn’t for the promises and guarantees of his own life in this life, I am afraid he would have taken the Prince Consort mansion away from Xianyang City far away from the Southern Region to avoid the ancient Fiendgod tribe that descended on the Southern Region.

However, the birth of the ancient Fiendgod tribe was completely different from the secrets hidden in the deep pit, so he was a little worried that Yu Haoran would eventually make a decision to escape the southern region because he could not bear the pressure of too much sleep. Destroy his deep Tao heart, affect the strong luck.

“Tower Spirit, you say it!”

Even the ancient Fiendgods came to Heavenly Profound Continent and so cruel things have been experienced in person. Yu Haoran does not believe that this world has this more cruel reality.

“In ancient times, King Divine Beast of the Nine Great Paragons realm, when deciding to have a final battle with the ancient ancestor witch, in order to prevent the counterattack of the ancient witch ancestors and ancient peoples after the defeat of the battle, he used the Heavenly Cycle Star Fight Formation Seal. More than 40% of Monster Race. “

“Among them, most of them are powerhouses at the level of emperor and gods, and other elites at peerless and monstrous talent level.”

Signaled Yu Haoran to use the divine mind to view a formation flag embroidered with stars at the bottom of the ten thousand meters pit, reminding Tower Spirit expression grave.

“Yu Haoran, the star embroidered with the formation flag is called the Sunray Rat, and it is the flag array used to arrange the Heavenly Cycle Star bucket seal Formation.”

The relaxed expression was instantly replaced by dignity. After Yu Haoran retracted and looked at the deep thoughts, he turned his head to look at the direction of Xianyang City, and then looked at the direction of Hundred Chi Sect, and then sat directly on the edge of the tiankeng.

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