Prince Consort mansion, practice room!

“The absence of Paragon Realm can detect the found mystery of Between Heaven and Earth, trace the origin of life, and use the thousands of rules in the refining world for myself.”

Since it was decided not to conceal any secrets, Tower Spirit did not postpone the excuses as before in the face of the secrets involving Paragon powerhouse.

“So, the power used by Paragon powerhouse, alert not in is simply the Origin Force and Soul Power, but a more advanced divide force.”

“Yu Haoran, with your current cultivation base and strength, you still can’t feel the Paragon divine force left by the leaves.”

Qiu Di Qiu Cool Sun Xuemo troubled by technology

Don’t say that the non-existent Paragon Realm realm is the Valkyrie realm of Eternal Undying. He is still 108,000 li away!

Therefore, Yu Haoran is not interested at all in the power and method of Paragon powerhouse cultivation. What he really wants to know now is how to get the cultivation insight of the evergreen Paragon left in the leaves.

“When you can refining the strength of Law, the cultivation base, and promote the Valkyrie realm of Eternal Undying, you will get the cultivation insight of the evergreen Paragon left in the leaves.” Tower Spirit reminded with a smile.

Later, he took out the Azure Lotus treasure flag and the reduced version of the dragon corpse from the tower, and signaled to Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran, Azure Lotus is used to defend itself, and the dragon corpse is used to enhance Aotian’s realm and strength.”

Faced with Tower Spirit’s Azure Lotus and flag corpse, Yu Haoran shook the head, he reminded him when he returned to the space.

“Tower Spirit, the Azure Lotus sapphire flag is given to the 20th body, and with the off-ground flame flag he just got, he can better play the strong defense that the Five Elements flag has.”

“As for the body of Divine Dragon, Aotian who got the chance is no longer used!”

After the reminder was finished, Yu Haoran’s consciousness exited the sea-conscious space, and then took out the slightly damaged jade slip again, and began to cultivate the spiritual cultivation consciousness recorded in the jade slip.

After hearing Yu Haoran’s mention of the Five Elements Banner’s off-ground flame flag, Tower Spirit suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong and could not help frowning and thinking carefully.

Separated from Yu Haoran for less than a month!

In such a short period of time, he obtained Slaying Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword from Immortal Beheading Four Swords, the Five Elements flag and the off-ground flame light flag, the Nine Nether Fires that reached the level of Divine Realm, and the illusion stone containing the origin of gold. The leaves of the evergreen Paragon body, and the black Bai Yu wings of the ancient Fiendgod that can accelerate the realm and strength without limit and so on.

It is considered that because of the Child of Destiny, Yu Haoran can be sheltered by Heaven and Earth’s luck. His luck is far better than the general evil genius.

But in a short period of time, you shouldn’t reap so many opportunities!

However, things that shouldn’t have happened already, which means that the situation and luck of the entire Heaven and Earth must have changed, otherwise, it is impossible to explain what happened to Yu Haoran.

Thinking of this, Tower Spirit instantly returned to the top room of Yuta, sitting on the jade bed with a bent knee, and then mobilized the XNUMX Primal Chaos Seals owned by the body to begin to see what happened to the Heaven and Earth situation and luck. Change.


It was about seven thousand miles away from Xianyang City to cross the mountain range. The calm mountain range was empty, and was suddenly torn directly by a powerful force.

Then, from the torn void gap, a fox with a height of about half a meter appeared, and his eyes flashed with cunning and insidious expression.

After leaving the torn void crack, the azure fox took a closer look at the terrain that traversed the mountain range, and his eyes finally stopped at the entrance of the Grade 7 Black Lotus.

Flashing in front of the cave entrance, looking down at the dark tunnel entrance, the azure fox said to himself.

“According to the original records of the family, when the King Divine Beast of the ancient Nine Great Paragons realm decided to annihilate the race of the ancient ancient ancestor witch, in order to prevent the failure of the killing task, he later suffered a counterattack from the ancient ancient ancestor witch and the ancient hundred. The Heavenly Cycle Star, which used the three major seal formations, has sealed one of the elites of nearly 40% of the ancient Monster Race in Secret Realm. “

“Now that both ancient Fiendgod races have been born shortly, then the ancient Monster Race that was once sealed should also be time to come to Heavenly Profound Continent.”

“If I can get the Monster Race support from Qingxuan Secret Realm in Qingqiu Fox Race, it will be easy to reproduce the glory of ancient times.”

After talking to himself, azure’s fox jumped back and retreated 1000 meters, and then his body began to rise quickly.

With the rapid climbing of the body, the tail section of the azure fox quickly stretched out nine huge furry fox tails.

Sun Dike’s Enemy Learns Lengxian’s Connection

The nine azure foxtails represent the azure foxes that are transforming, and possess the powerful strength of the emperor level.

The time is not very long. The azure fox, which was about half a meter high, eventually turned into a giant beast with a height of more than 1000 meters and exudes horror.

At the end of the transformation, the nine-tailed green fox directly waved nine giant tails longer than the body, and fiercely smashed into the hole.


With the deafening roar, the opening of the hole, which was only a dozen meters in diameter, quickly turned into a huge deep pit with a diameter of more than 1000 meters under the consecutive strikes of the nine giant tails of Qinghu.

The mountain range was XNUMX kilometers away from Xianyang City. The nine-tailed green fox used the strong roar of nine giant tails to the entrance of the cave, and soon shocked Yu Haoran who was in the closed-door cultivation of the Prince Consort mansion.

After cultivation of the Tao, Yu Haoran flashed out and left the Prince Consort mansion, and then used the powerful thoughts of Emperor Grade 4 Peak Realm to directly trace the source of the roar.

“If you don’t want to die, get out of me immediately!” The divine thoughts in Yu Haoran had just reached the mountain range, and the nine-tailed green fox’s insidious eyes directly locked the divine thoughts, and then threatened with murderous-looking.

Yu Haoran’s gaze on locking the mind, Yu Haoran knew that before the formal breakthrough of Emperor Wu Realm, he was not yet the green fox opponent with nine tails.

Therefore, he did not stubbornly continue to provoke the other party, and immediately withdrew the thought of inspection.

“Realm of Imperial Realm Grade 7 Peak!”

Staying in the room at the top of the domain tower is refining Tower Spirit, which can reseal the ancient Fiendgod formation flag. At first, not at all, I heard the roar from the mountain range.

I waited until Yu Haoran suddenly left the Prince Consort mansion, and tracked the source of the roar with divine thoughts, and found the anomaly. When he left the domain tower quickly, he also began to use the powerful divine thoughts of the Demi-God realm to check.

Therefore, when Yu Haoran was afraid of the powerful strength of the nine-tailed green fox, he had to withdraw the god spirit, and at the same time, he recalled the tower spirit of the god thought, easily reminding him.

Resulting in a local horror

The result is that there is no place where the enemy hates the hacking ghost. “So, the power used by the Paragon powerhouse is simple Origin Force and Soul Power, but a more advanced divide force.”

“Brother Chi, accompany me to kill the fox!”

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