Inside the Spirit Space!

If Tower Spirit can confess what was once concealed, then it can completely eliminate the estrangement between each other. Yu Haoran believes that the affection of the two can still be restored. !


Facing Yu Haoran’s inquiry, Tower Spirit nodded confirmed it, and said with a little regret.

“During the period of leaving you, I have thoroughly understood the reason for the various problems and troubles I experienced. That is, monofilament is not a thread, and lone wood is not a forest. local.”

“So, believe me, I will never hide anything from you in the future.”

“Tower Spirit, I believe in you!” The guarantee of Tower Spirit solemnly vowed completely eliminated Yu Haoran’s only trace of survival qi, and he replied with nodded delight.

After receiving the reply that Yu Haoran was willing to believe, Tower Spirit secretly relieved while looking at the sleeping azure rock, his eyes asked with a doubt.

“Yu Haoran, what’s going on?”

“Tower Spirit, during the time you left, I used to make a poisonous sleep …!”

Taking a step towards Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran began to detail the refining process and efficacy of Spiritual God sleeping pill, as well as things that have just been experienced underground.

Qiu Di Qiu Dui kicked the ball too early

“Op chance!”

Tower Spirit couldn’t help sighing after hearing that Yu Haoran was able to use the refined Spiritual God to sleep medicine pill, and let the plastic spirit who has an instinctual consciousness, and whose cultivation base is infinitely close to the real God of Valky, fall asleep.

“Tower Spirit, what the hell is this?” Yu Haoran asked, referring to the sleeping azure rock in Huz Huz.

“Sculpting the soul, the process that Heaven and Earth gave birth to, is a kind of puppet that can be grown and promoted by the Emperor Spell Master, and can feed back the best of the Spell Master.”

While explaining the origin of the azure rock, Tower Spirit walked to the front of the azure rock, then extended his left hand to press on the azure rock, and carefully felt the growth of the plastic spirit.

Feeling almost 30% of the time, Tower Spirit turned with surprise and looked at Yu Haoran and asked.

“Yu Haoran, how many Spiritual God pill do you have?”

“Thirteen pieces!” Yu Haoran opened his mouth and responded without looking and thinking.

Although a large number of promoted Qianroubaimei was originally collected from Qiandie Valley, but due to the limitation of its own auxiliary medicine ingredients reserve, it can only be opened twice, and there are eighteen pieces of Dan.

Except for the four Spiritual Gods used in the poison source and the sculpting body, when Cheng Dan came out, he once tested one on the Fire Element giant dragon in Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak Realm.

“How many Spiritual God pill do you need to let the plastic spirit fall into this state of sleep?” Tower Spirit continued to ask.

“Three!” Yu Haoran replied truthfully.

Sun Keyuan’s far-reaching surgery institute is so cold

“Yu Haoran, immediately go to these two places, and then use the same method to put the plastic spirits in these two places into a deep sleep.”

Just the three second-level Grade 1 Spiritual God sleeping medicine pill, can make the plastic spirit infinitely close to the Valkyrie realm fall asleep, while Tower Spirit laments the continuous enhancement of Yu Haoran pill concocting ability, it is also immediately instructed.

“no problem!”

Without questioning the reason for the other two ghosts sleeping in the poison, Yu Haoran reached out and took the jade slip from Tower Spirit. After knowing the exact location of the two locations, he immediately broke the limit speed and quickly hurried to the valley. A jungle outside 30000 li.

“Red hate, if I need to use your Slaying Immortal Sword in the future, do you know if you would like to borrow it for a while?” After Yu Haoran left the valley, Tower Spirit turned to look at Red hate and asked.

“Master Zi Zun, here!”

Faced with Tower Spirit’s request to temporarily suspend Slaying Immortal Sword, Chiyanju took out Slaying Immortal Sword without hesitation and handed it to Tower Spirit respectfully.

“Red hate, you keep your defense first, and I will look for you in the future when I need Slaying Immortal Sword.” Tower Spirit is quite satisfied with the nodded, and then reminds me of the gentleness of the move. .

“Red hate obeys the order!” After a command, Red hat beast obediently put away Slaying Immortal Sword.

“Red hate, the body of Immortal Beheading Four Swords is made by Tongtian Paragon using the bones of ancient Ten Great Ominous Beasts, and I usually appreciate the remaining fiendish qi of Slaying Immortal Sword, which will help improve the purity of your hate Bloodline . “

At the same time, Red Spirit’s docile and respectful attitude makes Tower Spirit more satisfied, and also intends to give pointers to his cultivation.

This will not only repay the kindness of temporarily borrowing Slaying Immortal Sword, but also allow the red hated beast to better assist Yu Haoran.

After school, after school

After finishing the school, after studying and fighting, Gu Mo faced with Tower Spirit’s request to temporarily suspend Slaying Immortal Sword, and Chiyanmon took out Slaying Immortal Sword without hesitation and handed it to Tower Spirit respectfully.

“Master Zizun, Chiyan doesn’t want to inherit the ancestor Bloodline consciousness, and wants to go out of his own way of martial arts.”

Tower Spirit’s guidance flashed a little gratefulness to the eyes of the red hated beast, but when he thought of escaping the cave house of the ancient Demon Race seal, he eventually set up the courage to show his true thoughts, or Too arrogant ambition.

“Thinking of the ancestors that surpass the Bloodline of the ancestors, you must let your realm and strength surpass the ancestors so that you can completely wipe out the influence of the Bloodline consciousness of the ancestors.”

Faced with the expression of not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, Tower Spirit did not warn sarcastically.

Yangdi Nuoji

“Red hate, because you are a mixture of the ancient Divine Beast red and Zhu hate, it is very difficult to surpass the blood consciousness of Zhu Yan’s ancestors, let alone the red pDivine Beast of Paragon’s high realm.”

“So, if you want to complete your ambitions, you need powerful assistance, such as the number of medicine pills that can help to improve realm and strength, and the opportunity to continuously make the physical shedding body, exchanging bones.”

In the past few days after leaving the Secret Realm, the red beast has used various methods to understand Yu Haoran’s experience, and it is also very clear who the help mentioned by Tower Spirit is just now.

Hate the ground without hate the haunted ball alone

He Had no respect for Yu Haoran’s affectionate character, nor did he say that he still owes Yu Haoran’s second human relationship without paying back, which is to protect the poisonous source that follows Yun Xiang, and he cannot easily Leave Yu Haoran.

“Okay, I will often guide your cultivation in the future.”

The towering beast’s rational and important reply made Tower Spirit feel relieved and can’t help but give it a guarantee.

“Many thanks Lord Zizun!”

After the excitement of bending and thanking him, the Red-Beasted Beast stepped back, then took out the Slaying Immortal Sword, and began to feel the fiendish qi remaining on the sword body carefully.

Since there is no need to venture into the Spirit’s within the body, you only need to put three Spiritual God sleeping pill into life strength and rely on the disappearing position.

So, Yu Haoran returned to the valley in less than ten minutes.

“Tower Spirit, what is the purpose of you to let me sleep three spirits?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled, as he landed quickly beside Tower Spirit.

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