Inside the Spirit Space!

The azure rock that can breathe freely in front of me is most likely a mysterious powerhouse with a Demi-God realm. Mobile terminal

The terrible thoughts flashed through his head made Yu Haoran instinctively take a few steps back, staring at the azure rock with a shocked expression, his eyes revealing a hint of fearful expression.

Because within the body of mysterious powerhouse, facing the increasing Demi-God power, he did not feel the limit of the opponent’s strength climbing at all.

This shows that the other party is likely to be the Peak false powerhouse of Demi-God realm, or the Spiritual God of Valkyrie realm.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, how can he not feel nervous and timid.

“Brother Yu, what do you do?” Asked the red-nosed beast clenching Slaying Immortal Sword, his eyes showing a strong murderous aura.

As a kind of inheritance Divine Beast Bloodline, an unusual animal with extraordinary extraordinary natural talent, facing the azure rock that suddenly showed life aura, the red hated beast immediately felt a strong and lethal sense of danger, which made him instinctively want to destroy other side.

“Destroy it directly!”

Although the various changes of the azure rock are very consistent with the creatures born from Heaven and Earth, the rich life strength gathered under the ground indicates that the process of azure rock breeding has been manipulated by Void Jade Palace.

That is to say, when the azure rock was born, when Void Jade Palace harvested the powerhouse of the Demi-God realm, it was also possible to get the Spiritual God of the martial realm.

Although the opponent may be the pseudo-god of the Demi-God realm, or the Spiritual God of the Valkyrie realm, but now that the spiritual pill has been poisoned by the Spiritual God, it also loses the ability to resist.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who had a bit of intolerance and jealousy, took out the Trapping Immortal Sword directly, and then responded Murderous-looking.

When Yu Haoran and the Red-Beasted Beast planned to use Divine Sword to directly destroy the azure rock with life aura, a tower spirit stopped suddenly in the valley.


Osmanthus forest!

Forcibly suppressing the surprise that came out of her heart, Tower Spirit began to see where Yu Haoran and the red hated beast were trapped, and how to enter the trapped space.

After observing the copper mirror that can show the image of the trapped space, a sense of familiarity suddenly burst into my mind.

Turning his head and glancing at the Sealed Divine Soul’s Formation Master, Tower Spirit flashed a ruthless expression, then appeared in front of him, then reached out and pressed the other person’s head, and began to use the soul search secret technique to check the other person’s memory.

“Sure enough, it is the formation of the sun-shading sun seal that can form a spatial fault.” Looking at the memories of the Formation Master, Tower Spirit’s eyes flashed a clear comprehension expression to himself.

After smashing Divine Soul’s knowledge of the Formation Master and the Supreme Expert, Tower Spirit directly emptied and observed the entire osmanthus forest, and finally found nine locations that could be temporarily connected to the sky-covering Sun Formation.

Subsequently, he took out nine nine-colored formation flags from the ontology domain tower, and then inserted the nine formation flags in the nine positions locked by the divine mind.

Immediately afterwards, he began to mark quickly with his ten fingers, and incorporated the marked marks into nine formation flags.

A total of 81 mysterious imprints were made. After all fuse into nine formation flags, Tower Spirit flashed back to the copper mirror, and then the fingers continued to print abnormally slowly.

But as he slowly began to print, he accidentally saw a picture of Yu Haoran taking out the Trapping Immortal Sword from the copper territory.

What made him even more horrified was that Yu Haoran and Chiyanbei intended to use Trapping Immortal Sword and Slaying Immortal Sword to destroy the plastic spirit that he didn’t dare to easily deal with.

Di Yuan Qiu Cool Sun Xuezhan Lengyang Qiu Mo

After temporarily halting the ten fingers that were printed, and suddenly spitting out a mysterious yellow spirit toward the copper spirit, Tower Spirit stopped loudly.

After seeing Yu Haoran and the Red-Beasted Beast obediently stop attacking the azure rock, and quickly put away Trapping Immortal Sword and Slaying Immortal Sword, Tower Spirit took a sigh of relief, and continued to carry out the ending behavior just stopped.

When the slow-finished marks of ten fingers are incorporated into the copper mirror, Tower Spirit ’s hands are inserted into the copper mirror surface along with the knot, and then the powerful strength of the Demi-God realm is used to tear the copper mirror surface slowly forcibly. Come.


Inside the Spirit Space!

“This is the voice of Purple Spirit Paragon!”

Hearing the sound of a sudden sound in the valley, the face of Chiyanju immediately showed no excitement, but there was a trace of nervous expression.

Sun Chou Di Ke Fang Jie Xuetong made trouble

Thinking of Bloodline inheritance’s description of the Purple Spirit Paragon, and the ancient fear when Demon Race talked about the Purple Spirit Paragon, the red beast quickly put away the half-drawn Slaying Immortal Sword, and organized the clothes, a respectful respect Look, waiting for the advent of Tower Spirit.

“oh! ”

Yu Haoran, who also picked up Trapping Immortal Sword, couldn’t help but sigh.

Although in the secret storehouse of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth, he has made up his mind to find Tower Spirit, but when faced with Tower Spirit, the guilty and guilt that suddenly appeared in his heart made him feel quite embarrassed. Know what to say then.

Solve the problem and love Sun Xue to meet Yang Nuo’s enemies

“Zla …!”

While the Red-Beast beastly and respectfully waited, when Yu Haoran didn’t know how to face the upcoming Tower Spirit, there was a sudden torn voice in the void.

Suddenly looking up, Yu Haoran and the Red-Beasted Beasts found that the azure mask and the space fault were torn apart forcibly by a long palm of Dual Cultivation.

At the same time, through the torn void gap, Yu Haoran also saw several osmanthus trees outside the Formation.

When the void above the head was torn into a crack about three meters high and about two meters wide, Tower Spirit in a yellow gown was slowly tearing out of the void with an excited expression.

Although it hasn’t been a long time since each other, and it hasn’t been more than a month since they were added back and forth, for Tower Spirit and Yu Haoran, the inner thoughts and guilt of each other seems to have spent tens of thousands of years. Hundred thousand years.

So even Yu Haoran, who didn’t know how to face it, couldn’t help getting excited at this moment.

“The red hated beast has seen His Excellency Zi Zun!” The red hated beast without expression of excitement and tension, not at all found the anomaly between Tower Spirit and Yu Haoran, and kneeled down in respect of pay respect.

“Come up!” Glanced across the dantian position on the abdomen of the red hated beast, and slowly descended to the Tower Spirit in the valley, expressing a gentle gesture.

Later, Tower Spirit looked directly at Yu Haoran, who was equally excited, and took the lead to lower his posture.

“Yu Haoran, I will confess in detail the things that I have concealed from you after I have dealt with the three plastic spirits of the Seal Formation.

“Tower Spirit, are you sure?” Yu Haoran asked in surprise.

It was precisely because Tower Spirit had deliberately concealed what had happened before, that caused irreconcilable contradictions and estrangements between each other, and eventually led to a complete separation between the two.

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