Blue Moon Secret Realm!

After hearing the reminder of Zhou Luhao’s use of divine thought, Zhou Youze took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his strong hatred, and Fiercely glanced at Yu Haoran.

Subsequently, he took out a dark gray copper coin from his sleeve.

Immediately after the coin was taken out, the coin immediately broke away from Zhou Youze’s palm, and then went straight to the depths of Lanyue Secret Realm.


Giving a signal to the nine people behind him, Zhou Youze immediately broke out of the limit speed, followed the copper coins and quickly entered the depths of Secret Realm.

“Well, why are they all gone?” Seeing Zhou Youze and the others rushing into the depths of Secret Realm, he walked out of the red misty beast of poison mist, his eyes full of doubt and regret.

After all, with his strong fleshhy body, he hid into the poison mist in advance. In addition to wanting to sneak attack the two martial arts Grade 3 Peak supreme experts of the Zhou family, he also wanted to take the opportunity to capture Zhou Youze’s Trapping Immortal Sword.

Because of his special experience, he knew very well how Sword Immortal, a four-in-one sword, possessed formidable power.

“They are planning to release a group of monsters that kill and not blink, a group of monsters that can bring endless disaster to Heavenly Profound Continent.”

After taking out the dark green bottle gourd that had been harvested at Secret Realm, after falling all the spiritual liquid in the bottle gourd, Yu Haoran explained the gnashing teeth to the red hated beast while drawing the water of the poisonous lake.

“Brother Yu, you already know!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s mention of the devil who didn’t blink, the eyes of the red tired animal flashed a shocked expression, and thought of the Senior who was hiding in the space where he knew the sea, the expression instantly returned to peace.

Nodded, Yu Haoran continues to accelerate the speed of absorbing the blood of the Blood Lake, and strives to prevent Zhou Youze and the others from lifting the seal as soon as possible.

However, thinking of the supreme experts of the two Emperor Grade 3 Peak Realm, and the horrible formidable power of Zhou Youze’s Trapping Immortal Sword, he also needs the help of the red hated beast, who also has Slaying Immortal Sword, and sincerely asked.

“Red Brother, the ancient Demon Race is cruel by nature. It is for the pleasure of killing souls. If you break away from the seal of the Secret Realm, it will bring endless disaster to Heavenly Profound Continent.”

“So, Yu Haoran here is begging Brother Chi to help me stop these people from breaking the seal.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s sincere plea, the red beast who put up Slaying Immortal Sword asked with a wry smile.

“Brother Yu, have you always wondered why I have only the rank of Grade 9 Peak XNUMX Peak, why can I have the strength to enter the real emperor of Wudi!”

“Yes!” Yu Haoran nodded signaled.

“That’s because more than a hundred years ago, I once entered the sealed ancient Demon God cave, and …!”

Later, the eyes of the red hated beast flashed fortunately, and sometimes a fear emerged, telling about the bits and pieces that had happened between him and the ancient Demon Race.

In fact, as far as more than a hundred years ago, the seal formation and spells of the ancient Demon Race had problems.

Although the powerhouse of the ancient Demon Race is temporarily unable to leave the sealed Dongfu, the Demon Race supreme expert of the Emperor Realm can use gods to control and guide the beasts of Secret Realm, enter the Dongfu through the weak spot of the Formation and the spell, and then be taken by them Either eat it directly, or die after cruel torture.

The red beast was also introduced into the sealed cave by this means.

Perhaps it is because the Red-Beasted Beast within the body has a Bloodline that belongs to Zhu Yan ’s fury, which is very similar to the ancient Demon Race’s bloodthirsty personality, or it may be because the Red-Beasted Beast has too strong perseverance and toughness.

After fortunately escaping the fate of being eaten, the red hated beast, with tenacious perseverance, forcibly survived hundreds of inhuman tortures and successfully escaped Dongfu by taking advantage of an internal fighting opportunity of the ancient Demon Race.

It is precisely because of the hundreds of cruel tortures of the ancient Demon Race that made the Fryhy body and state of mind of the Red Tired Beast undergo numerous transformations of shedding body, exchanging bones, so that he truly has a realm without upgrading his own grade, and can continuously improve Own strength.

It is also because of the ten years that he was confined that he secretly learned a lot of ancient Demon Race secret technique, learned a lot of secrets from ancient times, and let him know how to be able to harm and destroy the rules of Secret Realm and become a seal. The Secret Realm is not just in name only, but also in reality.

“Brother Yu, after the end of the battle for the Void Fruit, the reason why I immediately left the Secret Realm with the poisonous brother, in addition to restoring the Secret Realm rules of the Peak state, will have the terrifying power of the Paragon Realm world, but also in the end The ancient cave formations and spells of the Sealed Demon Race will be completely invalidated. “

Speaking of this, the red hated beast’s eyes showed a hint of fear.

“So, with or without the help of those people, the birth of the ancient Demon Race is inevitable.”

“oh! ”

Yu Haoran couldn’t help sighing after hearing the story of the Red Demon Beast about the ancient Demon Race and the seal of Dongfu.

It is not that he is unwilling to stop the birth of the ancient Demon Race, but it is too late to stop it!

“Brother Yu, taking advantage of the nine people to lift the seal of Dongfu, you and I will collect the remaining void fruits as soon as possible, and then leave Secret Realm in time!”

The torture of inhuman for more than a decade has made the Chireni instinctively afraid of the ancient Demon Race.

Therefore, until he has the ability to protect himself, he does not want to have any conflict with the ancient Demon Race.

“Brother, according to your knowledge of the ancient Demon God cave seal, how long will it take for them to truly be born?”

The reminder of the red annoying beast full of fear is exactly what Yu Haoran thought, but the locations where the hundred void fruits fell were too scattered, and it was impossible to collect them all in a short time.

So, he needs to know how long he can stay in Secret Realm.

“Three days!”

He looked up at Secret Realm in the sky, ten thousand li, and said the expression of grave.

“Brother Yu, after three days, Secret Realm’s rules will pass through the period of weakness and officially enter the Peak period of the Paragon Realm.”

“At this time, the environment and terrain of the entire Secret Realm will change drastically, which will cause the formation and spells of the ancient Demon God cave to be completely invalidated.”

“So, after three days we have to leave the Secret Realm, otherwise we will face the ancient Demon Race powerhouse of tens of thousands of Martial Venerable, Emperor and Valkyrie realm, and the Secret Realm rule with the power of Paragon. One. “

Considering that Zhou Youze, who owns the Trapping Immortal Sword, is likely to speed up the formation of Seal Caves and spells, Yu Haoran decides to reduce the time spent searching for void fruits for one day to avoid unpredictable changes and dangers.

Regarding the proposal to reduce one day in search of the fruit of the void, the red beast that wants to leave the Secret Realm in advance will not object.

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