At the entrance to Blue Moon Secret Realm, in the valley!

Ten thirty percent!

After 30 to 47% of continuous attacks, a total of XNUMX clansman corpses of Martial Saint and Martial Venerable realm were lost, as well as Zhou Qingsheng and Zhou Qingmin, two emperor supreme experts. At the cost of serious injuries, they successfully broke through a dozen species at the end of the channel. Attack Formation. !

After repeatedly confirming the safety of Zhou Daowu and Zhou Zhiwei, Zhou Youze took the two Emperors of the Warriors Grade 3 Peak Realm’s Old Ancestor and Zhou Zhengyuan’s three Formation Peak Realm’s Great Grandmaster into Blue Moon Secret Realm.

“Separate hundreds of miles away from each other, and then use the secret technique to form a god-mind, and take me out of Yu Haoran!” Looking at the 47 corpses placed on the ground of Secret Realm, watching Zhou Qingsheng who was healing on the knees With Zhou Qingmin, Zhou Youze exudes a sharp murderous aura, instructed by gnashing teeth.

“Zhou patriarch, don’t have to be so troublesome, I have Yu Haoran here waiting for you!”

As soon as Zhou Youze ordered the voice to drop, Yu Haoran’s provocative voice immediately came to his ears.

The red rocks are only a thousand miles away from the entrance of Secret Realm. With Zhou Youze and the others’ cultivation base and strength, you can only find Yu Haoran standing in front of the poison mist poison lake with a glance of God.

The enemy meets extraordinarily!

Immediately after discovering Yu Haoran of beyond a thousand miles, Zhou Youze immediately instructed the remaining XNUMX Martial Saint and Martial Venerable powerhouse of the Zhou family.

“Give me Yu Haoran right away, I want to let him know what it means to die!”

Watching loved ones die one after another in the formation attack, but they have no ability to rescue them, which filled the remaining XNUMX powerhouses of the Zhou family with guilt and self-blame.

The culprit of guilt and self-blame was Yu Haoran, who attacked Formation at the end of the Secret Realm channel.

Therefore, after hearing the order from Zhou Youze’s gnashing teeth, the XNUMX-family Zhou Family powerhouse that ignited endless anger instantly rushed towards the red rock group Murderous-looking and slammed Yu Haoran standing by the poisonous lake.

Seeing the four Emperor Wu expert standing behind Zhou Youze, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but stunned.

At the end of the battle for the Hidden Dragon List in the Five Realms, when facing the siege of the three family members of the Shang family and the Zhou family, the supreme expert of the Emperor Wu of the Zhou family joined forces to siege.

Then, Zhou Youze why not instructed the Emperor Wudi supreme expert to do it!

Are these sixty-eight Martial Saint and Martial Venerable realm powerhouses good at combos that can enhance their strength!

However, his rich combat experience only made him a little stunned, and then quickly entered the combat state.

“Ssangyong plays beads!”

Inspiring the power of the ancestral witch’s fleshy body and directly performing the ancestral witch’s inheritance, Yu Haoran suddenly wanted to use the poisonous lake water to incorporate the martial skill in the palm of the hand to see if the formidable power of the palm can be improved through the poisonous lake.

Due to the integration of a large number of poisonous lake waters, the purple giant dragon that should have been condensed in the palm of the show, eventually turned into two black giant dragons with a length of 1000 meters.

When the sixty-eight powerhouses of the Zhou family were less than 100 meters away from the two black giant dragons, the fighting consciousness imparted by the palm of the hand allowed the two black giant dragons to open their huge dragon’s mouth directly and spray out two black poisons. Lake water.

In the face of the black lake rushing like a storm, the XNUMX Zhou Family powerhouses instinctively used the Origin Force and Soul Power to form a defensive cover.

But what they don’t know is that the poisonous lakes and waters that have mutated when they passed the poison source level upgrade, even Yu Haoran, the ancestral and witch body that has the strongest fleshhy body in the ancient times, and is proficient in poisonous channels, dare not easily Touching the water of the poisonous lake is enough to show how powerful the formidable power of the poisonous lake is.

Therefore, the lake that just landed on the defensive cover immediately became a black snake, quickly corroding the defensive cover condensed by Origin Force and Soul Power, and directly integrated into their within the body.


Martial Saint realm’s powerhouse, after the little black snake integrated into the inside of the body, even screamed before he could scream, it was completely turned into a pool of black water.

The martial Venerable realm’s peerless powerhouse, although it persisted for a little longer, ended up only screaming a few times, and was also corroded into a pool of black water by the black snake.

Thirty-seven Martial Saint realm’s powerhouses and thirty-one Martial Venerable realm’s peerless powerhouses have all turned into a pool of black water with a stinky smell in just three seconds.

Watching the XNUMX powerhouses carefully cultivated by the family annihilated in the blink of an eye, Zhou Youze and the others’ eyes showed panic and fear, and an urge to immediately turn away.

The red hated beast hidden in the poison mist also flashed a look of horror.

Although he was well aware of the terrible formidable power of the poisonous lake water, he did not expect that Yu Haoran could integrate the water of the poisonous lake into the palm of his hand, and finally let the exerted palm of the magical power reach the Emperor Grade 3 Peak.

“Zhou patriarch, just a little gift from Junior to you, no respect, and I hope you can smile.” The red hated beast is more aware of the horror of the poisonous lake, Yu Haoran. For the formidable power that is integrated into the palm of the blood lake. No accidental arching hand continued to challenge Zhou Youze.

Facing Yu Haoran bully intolerably’s provocation, Zhou Youze could not wait to pull out his Trapping Immortal Sword, and then chopped him into countless pieces.

But the black water that fell on the red rocks reminded him how terrible Yu Haoran was that he could use the water of the poisonous lake. In the end, he forcibly suppressed the urge to shoot.

“Yu Haoran, if you have the courage, would you dare to fight against me in the void!”

Yu Haoran’s move to extract poisonous lake water when he showed his palms just now, Zhou Youze sees it clearly, so after suppressing his inner urge, he immediately thought of a way to deal with Yu Haoran.

“Zhou Youze, if you have the courage, would you dare to fight with me in front of the lake!”

Even the peerless powerhouse of the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak Realm cannot resist the formidable power of the poisonous lakes, how could Yu Haoran give up this powerful auxiliary means in front of him in vain!

What’s more, Zhou Youze’s hand also has Trapping Immortal Sword, and the Supreme Expert of the two Emperor Grade 3 Peak Realm behind him.

Therefore, Yu Haoran’s eyes showed a slight disdain, and he used the same tone and words to fight back.


In the face of Yu Haoran’s counterattack with the same tone and words, Zhou Youze was speechless.

“Patriarch, don’t continue to struggle with Yu Haoran, we will now immediately find the place where the ancient Demon Race was sealed.”

When Zhou Youze was about to fall into rage, Zhou Luhao behind him immediately reminded him by using divine thoughts.

“As long as we can successfully establish an alliance with the ancient Demon Race, it is entirely possible for the ancient Demon Race powerhouse to hunt down Yu Haoran.”

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