Blue Moon Secret Realm!

Although it fell from the void counting ten thousand meters from Secret Realm, the seven-colored void fruit that fell on the red rock group was not only intact, the red rock on the ground of the void fruit was also intact.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple!

Looking at the seven colors presented by the seven-colored vanity fruit, Yu Haoran flashed out and appeared red rocks. When he reached out to get the seven-colored vanity fruit from the rocks, the five red shadows that appeared suddenly attacked several key points of his body like a blast. .


Ignoring the dark sneak attack at all, Yu Haoran excitedly put the seven-color void fruit into the jade box, and his body shook slightly, directly giving Zhenfei his five red shadows.

“Pa …!”

Looking at the bloody scorpion, blood snake, millipede blood centipede, bloody toad, and octapod blood spider directly given to his powerful fleshhy body, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a strange color.

Because this time sneak attack his five poisons, not only the grade far exceeds the limit of Secret Realm rules, they all reach the realm of king realm Grade 1 Peak, but the poison contained in each poison within the body is far better than Passing through the holy world of Grade 9 Peak.

“xiu …!”

Although I would like to check carefully why the toxicity of these five poisons is so violent, Secret Realm overhead sounded the sound of the item passing, so that he could only quickly pick up the five poisons and look up at the colorful clouds spraying out Eighteen eight-color void fruits.

Not as fortunate as to get the seven-colored void fruit. Eighteen falling eight-colored void fruit. None of the falling positions are biased towards the red rock group.

After a glimmer of disappointed expression, Yu Haoran vacated back to the poisonous lake of poison mist, and the red hated beast had already come back one step in advance, and tracked the specific locations where the three eight-colored void fruits had fallen.

Looking up at Secret Realm’s increasingly colorful nautical clouds, Yu Haoran and the red hated beast could not help but get nervous.

“xiu …!”

With the sound of the more intense falling sound of the Nine Roads, even if it is known that the Divine Thought is difficult to track the nine Nine-colored Void Fruits sprayed from the Nine Colorful Clouds, Yu Haoran not at all gave up and mobilized all the Divine Thoughts, desperately pursue Its a nine-color void fruit.

Although there is no exact location for the final fall of the nine-colored void fruit, the approximate orientation is locked, and the search area will not exceed 50 li.

The range of 50 li is basically an early income for Yu Haoran, who has first entered the real emperor of Wudi.


When all nine nine-colored void fruits dropped to different positions in Secret Realm, a deafening roar turned around at the Secret Realm’s void barrier.

Immediately turned to look at the location of the Secret Realm barrier, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but changed the complexion, and asked the 20th percentile in the space of the sea.

Qi Mo Di Ji Leng Ji Ji

“Ran, didn’t you say that using the golden light sky array at the level of the order can delay the attack time of the opponent for XNUMX minutes!”

“Brother Yu, it seems that the other party not only used the combination of Formation and Magical Artifact to attack the barriers of Nether of Secret Realm, but also the Magical Artifact grade just used, I am afraid that it is already the top Divine Item like Extinguishing Immortal Sword.”

After hearing the explanation of the 20th percentile, especially referring to the top Divine Item that does not exist like Extinguishing Immortal Sword, Yu Haoran’s mind flashed immediately to the silhouette of the Zhou family patriarch Zhou Youze.

Then he turned his head and interrogated him at the Red-Beasted Beast.

Hou Ge Ke Qing Sun Xuemo’s loneliness

Hou Di Ke Ke loves Sun Xuemo’s loneliness, and he is cold “xiu…!”

Sun Didi Cool Cool Sun Ball

“Brother, if you use a third eye that can see through everything, can you see the powerhouse at the entrance to the sober Secret Realm?”

“Yes!” Nodded replied.

“So Trouble Red, using all means that can see through all the real and false, give me a detailed description of the physical characteristics of the group of people.” Yu Haoran hurriedly signaled.

“no problem!”

Ke Yuan is not an invincible enemy

At the same time as nodded agrees, the red hated beast directly uses the divine thought to imitate the picture of the valley.

“Sure enough, he!”

Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a gleam after seeing the picture of the valley transformed by the red hated beast using the divine mind, the purple clothed man standing in front of the crowd.

However, when he saw floating in mid-air, the sword with a simple and vigorous scabbard had been pulled out of the sword by five centimeters, he could not help crying out loud.

“Divine Sword of Immortal Beheading Four Swords!”

“Brother Yu, that’s Trapping Immortal Sword from Immortal Beheading Four Swords!”

Relative to Yu Haoran, when he saw the scabbard swords floating in the mid-valley of the valley, his expression was extremely shocked and eclipsed. He could see the red beast from the scabbard swords, and expression calmly reminded.

“Brother, do you know the origin of Immortal Beheading Four Swords?”

In the face of the Trapping Immortal Sword, which was able to slay the Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak Spiritual God, the red hate was too calmly reminded, which made Yu Haoran feel a little difficult to understand, and he couldn’t help asking directly.

“Of course I know!”

nodded, said the hateful look of the red hated beast.

“Immortal Beheading Four Swords are the ancient swords of Paragon in ancient times. They are composed of Executive Immortal Sword, Slaying Immortal Sword, Trapping Immortal Sword, and Extinguishing Immortal Sword.” Divine Sword. “

Keke is not cool

“The four swords are combined into one that is not lost to the innate Supreme Treasure level of Paragon Magical Artifact. Separately, it is not to be lost to Innate Spirit Treasure. It is the top of the magical artifact and has the horrific formidable power of killing Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak . “

“Brother, since you know the origins and formidable power of Immortal Beheading Four Swords, why do you seem so calm when facing the Trapping Immortal Sword of Immortal Beheading Four Swords?” The explanation of Chiren Beast makes Yu Haoran more difficult to accept Asked.

“Your brother, because I have the grade and formidable power, I am not lost, and even slightly stronger than the Slaying Immortal Sword of the Trapping Immortal Sword.” Facing Yu Haoran’s questioning, red hate eyes hate The more prosperous side replied, while taking out a sword with the simple and vigorous sword sheath.

Looking at the Slaying Immortal Sword of the red hated beast, Yu Haoran’s face suddenly gloomed.

Hidden Enemy Enemy

Because some time ago when refining the second-grade Grade 9 for the Qianyuan resurfacing, Zhongli Shuiqin had wanted to use some of the top treasures to exchange three Suppressing Sea Divine Beads with him.

Since six Suppressing Sea Divine Beads have been taken away by Tower Spirit, although the final transaction has not been reached, the understanding of Heaven and Earth’s secrets is not lost to Tower Spirit’s Zhongli Shuiqin, and he will be introduced in detail about some special magical artifacts. Meaning.

From the Immortal Beheading Four Swords, Heaven and Earth slaughter shows that all things are born with blood and countless robberies, which is the meaning of Tongtian Paragon’s destiny Magical Artifact Immortal Beheading Four Swords.

Executing Immortal Sword of Immortal Beheading Four Swords is in the hands of Demon Emperor, Extinguishing Immortal Sword in the hands of Tower Spirit, Trapping Immortal Sword in the hands of Zhou Youze, and Slaying Immortal Sword in the hands of the Red Beast.

When the contention of the Void Fruit is over, the Red-Beasted Beast will leave Blue Moon Secret Realm with a poisonous source, and officially appears in Heavenly Profound Continent, which represents the true birth of Immortal Beheading Four Swords, and also indicates that Heavenly Profound Continent really entered confusion.

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