Valley beyond Blue Moon Secret Realm!

Although Zhou Youze’s plan was crazy, it was not without the possibility of success. Zhou Luhao’s complexion gradually eased, and there was still a little worry in his eyes.

“Patriarch, what if they can finally win?”

Local Enemy Investigations

“Lu Hao Old Ancestor, they are very powerful. Is it inheritance from the four guardian families of ancient times, the Zhongli Family of inheritance mysterious is the weak.”

Zhou Yuze sneered back, asking a trace of worry that still existed in Zhou Luhao.

Then he looked up in the direction of Xianyang City, his eyes continued with a trace of hatred.

“What’s more, according to Feng Xiang’s Old Ancestor’s calculations using the ancestral inheritance of Zhouyi Numerology, the ancient Divine Race hidden in the ancient god trial ground will last for ten days and half a month, and will return to Heavenly Profound Continent. . “

“By then, with the hatred that they have accumulated for many years, they will be irreconcilable until death after the meeting.”

“So, the greater the risk of Early Stage investment, the greater the final return.”

“You are the patriarch of the Zhou family, and everything is arranged according to your wishes!”

Zhou Youze considered each step of the plan very carefully. While completely eliminating Zhou Luhao’s inner worry, he finally chose to support this time’s adventure plan.

“go with!”

After the sharp sword energy blasted out several cracks in the Secret Realm barrier, the Formation Masters of the three Great Grandmaster Peak Realm paused for 30%, and then the second Formation Master in the southwest direction merged the mark made by the ten fingers into the sword. When scabbing the sword, the same screamed.

Sun Di Qiu is not a ghost, Sun hates the cold and early promise

Resulting from the enemy’s hatred


With the applause of the second Formation Master, he was forced to pull out a one-centimeter sword, and a more terrifying sword energy broke out, and under the guidance of nine formation flags, he accurately bombed the cracks in the Secret Realm barrier .

Not far away, Sun Cha picks up Jifan

Not far away, Sun Cha picked up Jifan “bang!”

Under the horrible sword energy strikes, although the cracks in the Secret Realm barrier were a few more and the gaps in the cracks became larger, they were very different from the results they had predicted in advance.

“Zhou Zhengyuan, what’s going on?” Looking at the second strikes after the combination of Formation and sword energy, the effect was far worse than the first strikes, Zhou Youze’s face suddenly somberly asked.

Ignoring Zhou Youze’s inquiries, Zhou Zhengyuan got up and flew to Secret Realm’s barriers, then reached out and pressed the cracks in the barriers, feeling and looking carefully.

After one minute, Zhou Zhengyuan quickly returned to his original position, and expression grave replied to Zhou Youze.

“Patriarch, there is a person Formation powerhouse in Secret Realm, which is using the formation of the order of the day to enhance the defense of the Secret Realm barriers. I am afraid that the plan to open the Secret Realm channel three times in advance is no longer possible.”

“How about the counterpart’s Formation cultivation base?” After hearing Zheng Zhengyuan’s reply, Zhou Youze’s silhouette immediately appeared in Yu Haoran’s silhouette, which made him couldn’t help asking gnashing teeth.

“Much better than the three of us!” Zhou Zhengyuan replied with a bitter smile who had already guessed who was the Formation Master in Secret Realm’s defense formation.

“Yu Haoran!”

The Formation cultivation base can far surpass the Formation Master of the Great Grandmaster Peak. Only the Formation Dao realm is promoted to Yu Haoran and Dongfang Huaiyun.

Dongfang Huaiyun, who just broke through the Formation Dao Realm, is retreating to consolidate the breakthrough Realm. At the same time, Secret Realm is located on the southern side of the southern region, only tens of thousands of kilometers away from Prince Consort of Xianyang City.

Enemy in the ball after the enemy’s love

The enemies of the ball after the enemy’s hatred are under the horrible sword energy strikes. Although the cracks of the Secret Realm barrier have increased a few more, the cracks of the cracks have also become larger, but they have predicted the result , But there are great discrepancies.

Then, the Formula Master who used the Formula to enhance the Secret Realm barrier defense can only be Yu Haoran, who has deep hatred with the Zhou family.

Although I don’t know how Yu Haoran entered the Secret Realm in advance, but thinking of the Extinguishing Immortal Sword collected by the family’s hard work, the carefully cultivated Zhou Mengling has already carried out the alliance plan with the ancient Divine Race for nearly thirty years. It was forcibly destroyed by Yu Haoran, which made Zhou Youze endlessly angry in an instant, and couldn’t help roaring to the sky.

“Patriarch, calm qi!” Seeing Zhou Youze suddenly getting out of control, Zhou Luhao immediately used his powerful strength to forcibly suppress the rise of terror and shouted harshly.

After Zhou Luming’s harsh slap and reprimand, Zhou Youze who quickly woke up took a deep breath, and asked his face somber and watery.

“Zhou Zhengyuan, can you break through the defense formation laid out by Yu Haoran?”


Seeing Patrickarch’s somber and watery complexion, Zhou Zhengyuan flashed a hint of fear in his heart and immediately nodded, but he did not dare to say anything about the time required to break through the defense formation.

“However, it will take at least ten minutes.”


According to the Secret Realm rules, the time and quantity of the Void Fruits are aggregated. Within ten minutes, it is impossible for Yu Haoran to collect all the Void Fruits, and it is impossible to leave the Secret Realm in advance.

The enemy’s technology is lonely

Then, in the face of the siege of hundreds of Martial Saint, Martial Venerable, and Emperor Realm powerhouses of the Zhou family, they must be able to successfully kill Yu Haoran in the Secret Realm.

Therefore, the anger was quickly replaced by Zhou Youze who was excited, and his face returned to calm and nodded agreed.

“Just Old Feng, Ji Old Feng, then directly use the taboo formation flag to turn on all the formidable power of Trapping Immortal Sword, and strive to completely collapse the barriers of Secret Realm within ten minutes and open the safe passage to Secret Realm. . “After Zhou Youze’s consent, Zhou Zhengyuan immediately took out a blood red formation flag and instructed the other two Formation Masters.

“Everything is obeyed by Yuan Li’s Old Brother!” The two Formula Masters immediately took out the same red formation flag.

Not far away from the post-mortem aftermath

Subsequently, the three replaced the nine formation flags floating around the Trapping Immortal Sword with a red flag array, and continued to use the Formation to enhance the sword energy formidable power of the Trapping Immortal Sword.

The ship is not far away from the aftermath of the war Zangyang Institute “bang! Bang!”


Blue Moon Secret Realm!

After waiting for the 20th percent to form the nine attack formulations, Yu Haoran returned to the poison lake of the poison mist, then looked up at the colorful clouds gathered in the void of Secret Realm.

At this moment, the nine-colored clouds and mist have just sprayed out twenty-seven colorful fruits.

Coincidentally, the direction in which the two seven-colored void fruits fell quickly was the red rock group where the poisonous lake was located.

“bang! bang!”

With two strong impact sounds, two colorful void fruits fell on the north and south ends of the red rock group, respectively.

After the enemy’s love

Yu Haoran and Chirenjue glanced at each other, then immediately rose into the air without hesitation, quickly rushed out of the poison mist, and went straight to the place where the two seven-colored void fruits had just fallen.

The area of ​​the entire red rock group is not very large. With the assistance of the Strength of Law, Yu Haoran appeared in the blink of an eye at the southern end of the red rock group in a blink of an eye. Colorful void fruits.

Looking at the size of a baby’s fist and emitting a colorful aroma of special aroma, Yu Haoran’s eyes immediately revealed a hint of surprise expression.

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