Prince Consort mansion, practice room!


In the face of Tower Spirit’s stern inquiries, Yu Haoran nodded confirmed, while expression remained indifferent to interpretation.

“Because I don’t want a person who can’t see through the heart, but can’t see death, and has hidden dangers that can cause me to die at any time, and stay in my space of knowledge.”

Yu Haoran’s speech was not so much an explanation as a question.

Tower Spirit, who had too many concerns in his heart, couldn’t refute the question he had just asked, and finally had to bow his head and choose to be silent.

After 30% of silence, Tower Spirit looked up at Yu Haoran’s eyes, his eyes begged a look of pleading.

“Yu Haoran, let me stay in Shihai Space for three years. After three years, I will honestly confess everything to you. By then, you will be considerate of my hard work.”

“Tower Spirit, you and I have agreed before to keep each other secret in order to maintain mutual trust.”

Facing Tower Spirit’s begging plea, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a hesitant expression.

However, when thinking of the space attack encountering Ao Xuelong soul’s sneak attack, when thinking of the horrible power that appeared in the space of the sea, Tower Spirit’s merciless and indifferent sidelines, his hesitant expression immediately disappeared, and directly gave the other party whether to stay or not The ultimate choice to go.

“So, either you can confess everything to me now, or take your ontology domain tower and leave the sea space immediately.”

“Yu Haoran, do you really want to be so unforgiving!” Facing Yu Haoran’s final choice, Tower Spirit narrowed his anticipation and expressed indifferent interrogation.

“It seems that you have made your final choice, so please leave now with the treasure you need!”

Tower Spirit would rather be indifferent to questioning than to confess all attitudes, and let Yu Haoran be completely ashamed and directly issue an expulsion order.

“Yu Haoran, I promise you will regret it!”

After angrily reprimanding, Tower Spirit immediately returned to the ontology domain tower of Shihai Space, and then sent all the already-arranged treasures to the practice room, and took the ontology domain tower directly out of the Shihai space and left Mansion of Prince Consort.

Watching the Prince Consort mansion floating in the air, Tower Spirit, who was burning with anger, immediately raised his palm, intending to destroy the mansion he personally transformed, and accidentally sensed an indifferent look in the mansion.

Looking at Yu Siqi sitting on the White Tiger statue with a bent knee, thinking of the too forgotten feelings he taught her, and then thinking of the little bit he and Yu Haoran have known each other for more than three years, the infinite tenderness emerging from his heart, let The burning anger in his eyes subsided gradually.

In the end, Tower Spirit couldn’t help sighing, and then directly tore the void of the Prince Consort House, left Xianyang City, and left the Southern Realm.

Ignoring the cultivation resources and treasure that had almost filled the entire practice room, Yu Haoran looked at the disappearing direction of Tower Spirit stupidly, and his eyes gradually filled with a layer of water mist.

If you do n’t go to school, you will learn from the post

Without the three-month acceleration of time given by Tower Spirit, he would not have been able to save the elder sister from Wang Ru’s hands and keep his character from He Zhiqiang’s hands.

Without Tower Spirit’s use of the original energy of Blood Ginseng and the Domain Tower, the elder sister would not be able to repair the destroyed dantian and meridian, completely change her tragic life, nor would she be able to get Paragon Level. Profound Continent’s youth genius.

Veteran’s Cool Sun Cha

Without Tower Spirit’s timely reminder, he would not know that every realm that Martial Dao advances to has a small realm with ten perfect grades, and it is impossible to use the deep accumulation to successfully impact the ten real perfects.

Without Tower Spirit’s countless shots to help, I’m afraid he died early in the Blue Moon Secret Realm’s experience.

Without Tower Spirit …!

With more than three years of meeting and adhering to Tower Spirit in his mind, Yu Haoran’s firm heart hesitated immediately.

Thinking of encountering Sima Chenkai and Qingye’s sneak attack in the Qinling mountain range, Tower Spirit still unselfishly rescued, and his inner separation was instantly tendered to the breakthrough, which also made him immediately rush out of the practice room to catch up with him Forced away Tower Spirit.

But unfortunately, looking at the void gap slowly repaired by the Prince Consort’s residence, he knew that he was not only one step behind, but he also knew more about the difference between today and tomorrow.

The enemy ’s enemy Qiu Yuan ’s cool ship hates the lonely enemy

The heartless remorse that erupted in his heart made him growl and roar.

Top Martial Venerable’s top ten successful cultivation base, Wudi realm’s fleshhy body and Origin Force, let Yu Haoran’s body out of control, quickly rise a terror that is not lost in the sky.

Under the pressure of horror, countless creatures in Xianyang City bowed to the ground with trembling knees, watching the young man floating in midair, blue clothed fluttering, long hair flying upwards full of fear and frantic eyes.

“Prince Consort, what happened to you?”

Feeling the sudden terror of the Prince Consort Mansion, as the hostess of the Prince Consort Mansion, Qin Lingfei immediately greeted the four dragons of Grade 9 Peak’s Flood Dragon to rise into the air.

When seeing that the blue clothed boy who inspired the horror was Yu Haoran, Qin Lingfei waved to four Flood Dragons, signaled that they would return to the residence, and directly stimulated the defense of Unending Nine Stars, so as to barely come to Yu Haoran’s side. , Expression asked worriedly.

After the enemy’s enemies, learn the cold

Qin Lingfei’s caring voice made Yu Haoran gradually wake up from sorrow. After quickly recovering the horrified anger, he directly picked up the beloved woman and rushed into the mansion.

Three hours later, Yu Haoran, who was vented of anger, returned to the practice room, and then began to check the cultivation resources and treasures left to him by Tower Spirit.

After careful investigation, Yu Haoran found that although Tower Spirit left the vast majority of cultivation resources and treasures, six Suppressing Sea Divine Beads, Azure Lotus sapphire formation flags, Buddhism Relic, Extinguishing Immortal Sword, Buddha Relic, Thirty drops of ten thousand years of mind milk, and the bones of Divine Dragon and Divine Phoenix were taken away.

And the seven treasures taken by Tower Spirit, the value of each treasure is far more than the leftover cultivation resources and treasures, which also dissipates much of Yu Haoran’s remorse.

After reorganizing and categorizing the current cultivation resources and treasures into three different storage rings, Yu Haoran closed her eyes slowly and began to consider the cultivation and training plans for the next period.

There is still less than seventeen days before the agreed time of Red-Beasted Beast. Use this free time to compete for the promotion of your Soul Power realm to Wudi Grade 1 Peak with the help of high-quality soul fire.

At the same time, according to the reserve of his own medicine ingredients, he will try his best to refine a large number of medicine pills. This will not only help relatives and friends to improve their cultivation base and strength, but also try to improve their Pill Dao realm and the quality of the pill technique. .

After determining the next cultivation plan, Yu Haoran opened his eyes slowly, then took out three hundred Martial Venerable high-level soul fires, and began to use the pure Soul Power contained in the soul fire to impact Soul Power’s Emperor Realm.

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