Bone City!

Facing Yu Haoran’s questioning, Aoxue Dragon’s huge dragon eye immediately shook his head with a expression of fear.

“Bone spirit, what kind of secret is hidden underneath the bone city?”

Through the fear revealed by Aoxue Dragon Soul Dragon Eye, Yu Haoran knew that his answer not at all was lying, and he really did not know why the necromantic energy that erupted in ancient city this time was completely different from the past.

Therefore, instead of continuing to struggle with the first question, he pursued the question that he most wanted to know the answer.

“I don’t really know what secrets are hidden underneath Bone City.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s second question, Aoxue Dragon Spirit explained with a frown.

“It’s just that when Bone City explodes every hundred years, the bone tower I can feel is buried under the ground …!”

When Ao Xuelong’s soul was about to say that the ground was buried and so on, a force that made Yu Haoran and the 20% body feel fear-free, appeared in the formation of the sea-conscious space out of nowhere, and instantly killed Ao Xuelong who had no time to escape. soul.

With the death of Aoxue Dragon Soul, the terror power that appeared in Shihai Formation from nothing also disappeared.

“Ran, take away the Formation of the Behead Immortal, and put away the exquisite chessboard!” Looking at the Ao Xuelong soul and that terror force that disappeared in the Formation, Yu Haoran’s face was somber and watery instructed for the 20% body.

“Got it!”

After the nodded signal, the 20% body quickly withdrew the Formation, and after retracting the exquisite chessboard, no horse returned to the domain tower, and continued to stand behind Yu Haoran.

“Go back!” Turning his head to look at the 20th percentile behind him, Yu Haoran expression was complex instructed.

“Brother Yu, I have a good relationship with Ta Lao, maybe I can mediation …!” Not at all obeyed Yu Haoran’s orders, and the 20% reminded kindly.

But before he reminded him, he was interrupted by Yu Haoran angry look.

Di Yuan Ke Chou Gui Sun Xuejie Leng Houyue

“I don’t need you to get involved with Tower Spirit. Go back immediately!”

“Okay!” Facing Yu Haoran’s angry look and reprimand, the 20% was shrugged, and turned reluctantly to return to the domain tower.

“Tower Spirit, come out, I have something to tell you!” Yu Haoran looked up at the top of the tower and shouted loudly before flashing in front of the tower.

After waiting for thirty seconds, the Tower Spirit neither appeared to the sea, nor did the gate of the Yuta tower open.

“Tower Spirit, I give you one last chance, immediately come out and explain everything that happened during this time, otherwise, you will leave my space of knowledge of the sea with the ontology domain tower.” Tower Spirit’s disregard completely exasperated Yu Haoran, after being quickly lifted to a position equal to the top of the tower, he expressed no severe threat.

But in the face of Yu Haoran’s threat, Tower Spirit still didn’t show up.

“Okay, I already know your attitude!”

His stern expression was replaced by sneer, Yu Haoran gnashing teeth nodded, then turned away from the domain tower, and the consciousness returned to the fleshy body immediately.

The subject is not so cool

And just after Yu Haoran’s consciousness left the sea-seeing space, the sea-seeing space was suddenly opened a gap silently.

Immediately afterwards, Tower Spirit with a faint smile on her face reappeared in front of the domain tower in the sea space.


However, when he stepped forward to enter the top of the domain tower, a special breath remaining in the sea space immediately caught his attention.

Hate to Love

Instantly appeared at the Formation position where the 20th percentile had arranged the Behead Immortal and Divine Formation, and carefully sensed the residual Spiritual Qi information left on the scene. Tower Spirit couldn’t help but mutated to himself.

“A Demi-God realm and a Paragon Realm Bone Dragon once appeared here!”

After talking to himself, Tower Spirit suddenly thought about the safety of Yu Haoran, and immediately used God’s thought to check it.

After seeing Yu Haoran intact, he couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

Then, looking at the bottom of White Bone City through the space of the sea, Tower Spirit’s eyes flashed a terrible cold.


After consciousness returned to the fleshhy body, Yu Haoran got up directly, and then used his thoughts to return Aotian and the Black Bear to the beast pet space, and greeted the empty rat directly to leave Bone City.

Looking down at the ancient city covered with white bone, his eyes showed a hint of hatred.

I hate the ghost and the ball is cold

“Although I don’t know who you are or how realm you are, but if you dare to break into the space of Yu Haoran’s sea of ​​knowledge, you are directly provoking my dignity.”

“Then, in order to maintain the dignity of Yu Haoran, you and I will have a battle of dignity in the future!”

After the silent shout, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed the inner murderous aura. After coming to the edge of wasteland at the limit of speed, he immediately rushed to the Prince Consort mansion in Xianyang City by tearing the void.

Two days later, using the method of tearing the void, he returned smoothly to the Prince Consort mansion. After a simple greeting with Qin Lingfei and the others, he returned directly to the practice room of his own hospital.

Next, he did not take out the cultivation of Spirit Stone and spirit vein, nor did he take advantage of Martial Venerable’s high-level soul fire to break through the Emperor Realm, but his eyes showed a trace of struggling bent knees sitting in the practice room.

“Tower Spirit!”

After half an hour of thoughtful thinking, the struggling expression was gradually replaced, and Yu Haoran called to Tower Spirit who knew the sea again.

When the Divine Soul is in a fatal danger, Tower Spirit, which refuses to be called no matter how it is called, appears this time in the sea space when the voice of the call just dropped, which also makes Yu Haoran more disappointed. The idea is stronger.

“Yu Haoran, before you encounter the undead …!”

Tower Spirit, who appeared in Shihai Space, wanted to immediately explain that Yu Haoran ’s Divine Soul encountered a fatal crisis and did not show up. He suddenly realized that this might expose his secret to quietly leave the domain tower, and carefully arranged plan.

In the end, before he explained the words, he took the initiative to remain silent.

“Tower Spirit, you go!”

At the beginning, Tower Spirit’s proactive explanation made Yu Haoran’s firm expression hesitate immediately, and her eyes showed the expected expression.

But with his silence again, hesitant expression was replaced by firmness again, and expression indifferently demanded.

The body of Divine Soul trembled suddenly, and immediately appeared in the Tower Spirit in the practice room, his eyes exuding an incredible expression looking at Yu Haoran.

“What did you say?”

“Tower Spirit, leave with your ontology domain tower, leave my Yu Haoran’s sea-conscious space, and go to where you should go!” Yu Haoran said his requirements in more detail.

“Yu Haoran, are you sure you want to drive me away?” The expression of unbelievable eyes was gradually replaced by anger, Tower Spirit expression asked sharply.

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