Bone City!

Ignoring the ridiculous praise of the silver white giant dragon, Yu Haoran looked up at the domain tower hidden in the sea space, looked at the quiet top of the tower, and flashed a glimmer of expression, the barrier formed by the heart became a mountain peak. . !

Subsequently, he retracted his eyes on the tower of the domain, and looked at the silver white giant dragon indifferently, asking in a calm tone of water.

“Bone spirit, tell me exactly what you want to do!”

“Boy, you weren’t very smart just now, can’t you guess the purpose of my proud snow Divine Dragon?”

After far away, Ke Tuo, the lone master, took over

Yu Haoran’s too calm performance made the silver white giant dragon feel quite unhappy, and when he rushed down with a huge dragon tail, he continued to ridicule.

“Abandoned! No!”

When the mind sensed that the 20% of the body that had quietly left the tower of the domain was using the exquisite chessboard to arrange the formation that could trap the Demi-God realm Divine Soul body, Yu Haoran secretly relieved while also using the advantages of words to delay time.

As if guessing Ao Xue’s intention, but some incredible frowns said to themselves.

“Besides the restriction of Bloodline and physical attributes, there must be no body possession between creatures of different races. Otherwise, Divine Soul of body possession will surely die.”

It seems that I like to see the opponent’s various struggling performances before death, so despite the slow pace of speech, Yu Haoran, who was deeply troubled, suddenly stopped Aoxue’s body, his eyes showing proud expression he.

“If it’s not body possession, what’s your real intention?” Looking up at Aoxue who stopped his body, Yu Haoran flashed a hint of joy in his heart, and asked with frowns.

“Thinking of myself!” Looking at Yu Haoran, who frowned, apparently in doubt and confusion, Aoxue felt very relieved, and commanded more proudly.

While pretending to think hard, the mind is communicating with the 20% body.

“Ran, can Behead Immortal Slaughter Formula be able to trap Aoxue’s Dragon Soul?” Yu Haoran asked, worried.

“Brother Yu, rest assured!”

He is fully using the exquisite chessboard to arrange the 20th percentile of Formation, and replied easily.

“If the silver-white giant dragon has a dragon body, even if it is only the cultivation base of Wudi Grade 3 Peak, we can only temporarily abandon this fleshhy body to escape.”

“But I do n’t know what kind of means to use, and temporarily own a dragon soul that robs Demi-God realm, as long as it falls into the Formula I arranged, it is all between you and me.”

“Ran, are you sure?” Yu Haoran asked in surprise.

According to the Tiantian Demon Emperor’s hands to slay the bone spirit, he mentioned that Aoxue, whose soul is locked, has the cultivation base of Wudi Grade 3 Peak.

Today, the horror breath emanating from the silver white giant dragon dragon soul is not lost on the cultivation base when the Tower Spirit was restored to the Demi-God realm. This shows that when the power of terror erupts in ancient city, it definitely gets It’s hard to imagine.

Combined with the fact that Aoxue has been staying in the ancient city to guard the bone tower and suppress the demon Emperor of the bone tower, then it must understand the hidden secrets of White Bone City.

Therefore, at this time Yu Haoran not only wanted to survive the crisis of Divine Soul, but also wanted to capture the dragon soul of Aoxue, and thoroughly investigated it as one of the Ten Great Forbidden Lands of Heavenly Profound Continent.

“Brother Yu, I’m 100% sure.” The 20% body expression replied solemnly.

“Okay, you take the time to arrange the Behead Immortal’s Formula, but I’m trying to figure out how to delay you for a while.”

After getting a 20% positive response, Yu Haoran looked up in relief while looking up at Aoxue with a smile on his face, and his eyes flashed a terrible cold.

“Boy, have you ever thought about it?” After waiting almost five minutes, Yu Haoran was still thinking about frowns, which made Aoxue wait a little impatiently and couldn’t help yelling.

“It is said that I know that there are more than a dozen branches of the ancient Divine Dragon family, and one branch of the giant dragon has not been recognized by Divine Dragon, but is still allowed to live on the island of Divine Dragon.”

Through the method of telepathy, it only takes about 20 seconds to get the XNUMXth percentile of the body, and the Formula can be completely arranged, so Yu Haoran, who stretched his eyebrows, directly said that he had already guessed the intention of the other party.

“The giant dragon of this branch is the Bone Dragon who is good at manipulating the living creature Divine Soul and the corpse.”

“Presumably your proud snow is a Bone Dragon capable of refining puppets and manipulating Divine Soul!”

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to know Bone Dragon, which was extinct in ancient times, and you know more about the abilities of Bone Dragon.” Seeing Yu Haoran not only guessed his intention, but also pointed out his origin, which made Aoxue huge. Longan flashed a shocked expression and couldn’t help but praise it.

“Bone spirit, I’m just a little ant of Martial Venerable realm. Is it worth your adventure to occupy my sea of ​​knowledge and manipulate my Divine Soul!” Yu Haoran to ask a question, when already knows the answer.

“Little ants of Martial Venerable realm!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s vain self-evaluation, Aoxue seemed to feel a kind of shame of red fruit, and couldn’t help yelling.

“Boy, you who are only twenty years old, not only are already the training base of the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak, but also the fleshhy body grade and Origin Force have been promoted to Wudi Grade 1 Peak.”

“If the evil geniuses like you who have been rarely seen for millions of years are ants, then what do we those who have been practicing for hundreds, even thousands of years, be able to advance to a realm?”

It is just a very normal means of communication between people just by means of self-esteem and then taking advantage of the intention to manipulate Divine Soul.

However, Ao Xue, whose mood changed so much, surprised Yu Haoran, and also vaguely guessed that the opponent’s cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, which may also bring a change of mood and weak spot, which is more conducive to the use of Behead Immortal slaughtering each other.

“Brother Yu, all right!”

When plunging into the raging pride of snow and preparing to directly capture Yu Haoran’s Divine Soul, the 20th percentile of the sound of the formation sound was heard in time.

“Aoxue, if you have the courage, come directly with me!”

Between the ontology and Avatar, in addition to the fleshhy body, which can achieve instant transfer and fusion, Divine Soul can also do this step.

So before Divine Soul incorporated Divine Soul, who knows the 20th percentile, Yu Haoran looked up and challenged Aoxue.

“Boy, you are completely irritated with me. Next I want to let you know what it is better to die!” The powerful divine thought swept across the space of the sea, and in the certainty of the disappearance of Yu Haoran, Divine Soul appeared in beyond a thousand miles. After knowing the sea space, Ao Xue said in a rage.

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