In the sea space, the top of the domain tower!

“Do not!”

Immediately after, Tower Spirit shook the head, a cold self-denial appeared in his eyes.

“People who can get the recognition of Executive Immortal Sword are definitely not good people who keep their promises. So what is the real reason for Demon Emperor to appear in Azure Dragon Mountain Range?”

Carefully recall the picture that emerged from the water curtain just now, especially when the demon Emperor devoured Life Essence of the azure clothes youth, a glorious expression revealed in the corner of his mouth, and a hint of scary rays of light revealed by the stalk of his Execution Immortal Sword Suddenly, Tower Spirit’s eyes widened and he continued to speculate.

After far away, the enemy ball is far away from the cold finger

After far away, the enemy ball took a deep breath from Leng Zhiyuan to dispel the depression that emerged from the heart. Yu Haoran began to find the location of the broken bone tower. Finally, he found the accuracy of the bone tower through the ancient city building that was not destroyed. position.

“The Blue Long Family within the body of Divine Dragon Bloodline!”

“The Demon Emperor should be trying to devour the Divine Dragon Bloodline with a huge Life Essence, so as to impact the real God of Valkyrie, and really get the Recognizing Master of the Executive Immortal Sword.”

Tower Spirit had a weird smile on the face of the Sky Dragon Demon Emperor’s real plan for Azure Dragon Mountain Range.

“That being the case, then my Purple Spirit Paragon can help you so that you can get more Bloodline of Divine Dragon.”

Later, Tower Spirit glanced at the expression of gloomy Yu Haoran through Shihai Space, and couldn’t help but sighed, and then left the tower and left Shihai Space.


Tower Spirit’s indifferent response made Yu Haoran’s inner gulf just dissipated and strengthened again.

Then, he took a deep breath, calmed his irritability, turned his head to look at the wasteland and ancient city that had completely restored peace, and his eyes showed a trace of expression.

After deep thinking, he cautiously stepped on the ground of wasteland, the sixth sense not at all gave a warning of danger.

Withdrawing his left foot, Yu Haoran turned his head towards the shoulder of the ethereal rat instructed.

“Little spirit, check it carefully to see if there is still a fatal danger in wasteland and Bone City.”

“Got it!”

After a nodded response, the ethereal rat jumped directly to the ground of wasteland, then stepped on four short legs and approached ancient city.

Seeing that the ethereal rat never issued a warning of danger, Yu Haoran clenched the positioning teleporter, and stepped forward into the wasteland.

Without sensing any danger, the ethereal rat is advancing faster and faster, which makes Yu Haoran have to move to the strength of Law to be able to catch up with the opponent’s speed.

Finally, ten minutes later, he and the ethereal rat returned to the city gate of the ancient city.

“Yu Haoran, wait a moment!”

Turning his head and yelling at Yu Haoran, the ethereal rat rushed to the city gate, and then entered the ancient city by punching.

“Yu Haoran, there is no danger in the city, come in quickly!”

Just three seconds later, the voice of the ethereal rat greeted after the city gate.

Ke Mo Chou Di Cool Ship Cha Mo Leng Tai You Mo

Reaching out to push open the city gate and step into the ancient city, Yu Haoran’s eyes showed shocked expression.

Immediately afterwards, he beckoned the ethereal rat to his shoulder, and then straightened into the air, re-observing the ancient city swept by the terrorist forces from the air.

At this point, the entire ancient city was completely covered with a layer of white bone, and it looked like a thick layer of white snow.

At this moment, there is not a complete living bone in the ancient city, because all the white and bones in the ancient city have been destroyed by terrorist forces into white powder.

After being shocked, Yu Haoran immediately mobilized all the thoughts, and carefully looked at all the white powder in the ancient city, followed by an expression of disappointment.

Through careful observation of the Divine Thought just now, he discovered that while the terrorist forces destroyed the bones, they also directly wiped out their hollow soul fire, which made him half risk to return to the ancient city.

Because he wants to collect a large number of soul fires of Martial Ancestor, Martial King, Martial Sovereign and Martial Saint realm to enhance the strength of the Great Qin Empire soldiers, so that when the future disaster comes, the security of the entire southern region will be protected.

After taking a deep breath, after dissipating the depression that came out of his heart, Yu Haoran began to find the location of the broken bone tower, and finally found the exact location of the bone tower through the ancient city building that was not destroyed.

After waving the sleeves one after another, and using the strong Origin Force to blow away the white powder covering the wreckage surface, Yu Haoran slowly landed on the original site of the bone tower, and then squinted to observe carefully.

But the result was nothing!

Kodyk’s Solo Ball Game Gu Yue

Gu Di Ke’s sole ball game Gu Yue Fan Ke carefully recalled the picture that emerged from the water curtain just now, especially when Demon Emperor devoured Life Essence of azure clothes youth, a hint of proud expression in his mouth, and his hand Executing As the red rays of light loomed from the hilt of Immortal Sword, Tower Spirit’s eyes widened suddenly and continued to speculate to himself.

“Little spirit, have you found a hidden treasure in the ground?” Since there is no gain on the ground, Yu Haoran can only hope that it can accommodate the bone tower.

Because he seriously suspected that the terrorist force that erupted from ancient city was likely to come from under the ground that could hold the bone tower, a piece of Magical Artifact that was not lost to the innate Supreme Treasure.

“I didn’t feel any breath of treasure!”

After closing the tiny eyes, the ethereal rat took advantage of its innate ability to sense the treasure and carefully felt the depth of the ten thousand meters below the ground. The end result was nothing.

Not far away hate Mo Guzhan warship

“That being the case, that’s it!”

The ship is not far away and hates the ship “No!”

Even the ethereal squirrel could not sense the anomaly in the ground. Even if he was not willing to gain nothing, Yu Haoran had to choose to give up.

After the enemy’s attack on the enemy

“Let’s go!”

Gesturing the ethereal rat to his shoulder, Yu Haoran intends to vacate the white powder heap not far away when he leaves the ancient city, and suddenly bursts out two white soul fires, and then appears directly at his speed across time and space. Before frowning.

The speed of the two white soulfire sneak attack is so fast that Yu Haoran has no time to mobilize the defense of the sea, and can only let the two white soulfire enter the space of the sea.

“Haha …!”

The two white soul fires that rushed into the sea space quickly merged immediately, and then turned into a silver white giant dragon with a body over ten thousand meters.

Looking at the endless space of knowledge of the sea, the silver white giant dragon couldn’t help but laugh loudly.

Quickly summoned the proud sky and black bear in the Beast Dragon space, and told them to protect themselves, Yu Haoran, who sat down with his knees bent, immediately mobilized all his consciousness into Divine Soul, and called the Tower Spirit in the tower. , While mobilizing Ruyi Bell Guardian God soul body.

But he was not disappointed, and even a little discouraged. In the face of his urgent call and the death crisis that Divine Soul was about to encounter, the ultimate choice of Tower Spirit was to intervene, which made the heart The gulf became a big mountain in an instant.

Chu Di Jiu relentless after learning

In desperation, he could only secretly inform the two towers of the closed-door cultivation of Avatar to make them ready to support at any time.

Chu Didi relentlessly learnt from Yu Haoran “Yu Haoran, there is no danger in the city, come in now!”

Then, Divine Soul’s body stood up and looked at the silver white giant dragon floating in the mid-air of the sea, expression asked calmly.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, you should be the bone spirit killed by the demon Emperor!”

“Boy, you are very clever, so quickly you have guessed that I am the slain bone spirit!” After hearing Yu Haoran’s interrogation, the silver white giant dragon who stopped laughing, praised with a hint of mockery.

Cold Feather Enemy

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