.., the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie is updated soon!

Deep in the Qinling mountain range, inside the cave!

After explaining the grand occasion of Heaven and Earth’s initial opening, Tower Spirit mobilized the tower of the ontology field to form the strongest defense, and then continued to explain while reaching out to push open the door.

“Although Tianmu can connect heaven and earth, when Heaven and Earth was first opened, it could only be regarded as a general treasure. It simply could not enter into the eyes of our innate Treasure Item spirits, and no Artifact Spirit took the action. Collect the remaining leaves of the sky tree. “

“So, the owner of this cave house is either a broken piece of sky wood that was broken by chance, or he is from the ancient times of inheritance …!”

Tower Spirit, who was speculating about the origin of the cave man, suddenly held his breath, and then looked at the hut that he had pushed open the door, with a very shocked expression in his eyes.

“Tower Spirit, what’s wrong?”

The explanation of the sudden stop of Tower Spirit, and the expression of shocked gaze, immediately caught Yu Haoran’s attention, quickly landed behind Tower Spirit, and looked up at the situation in the hut while questioning.

“Well, how familiar are you!”

Looking at a wooden table in the main house of the thatched cottage, there was a deep azure formation flag, and Yu Haoran suddenly had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it before.

After careful observation, especially after seeing an Azure Lotus embroidered on the formation flag, he immediately thought of why the azure formation flag in front of him gave him a familiar feeling.

In the beginning, the Artifact Spirit of the Void Realm used a pentagram with the same shape as the previous formation flag in order to be able to capture the spirit rat.

The two sides of the formation flag are completely similar in shape. The difference lies in the color of the formation flag and the pattern embroidered on the flag.

“Yu Haoran, 36 types of Innate Spirit Treasure bred from the first chaos of Heaven and Earth, some of them belong to the complete set of Spiritual Treasure, such as twenty-four Suppressing Sea Divine Beads.”

Tower Spirit, who calmed down from the shock, saw that Yu Haoran had discovered the formation flag in front of him, and he had some similarities with the yellow flag in the hands of Void Artifact Spirit, and explained after taking a deep breath.

“The flag array in front of me is called the Azure Lotus Poise Banner. It is associated with the Five-Eat-Apricot and Yellow Banners in the Void Realm, the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner, the plain cloud world flag and the off-ground flame flag, and is called Five Elements formation. flag is a set of Innate Spirit Treasure. “

Having said that, Tower Spirit motioned to Yu Haoran to follow him into the hut, and then reached out to hold the azure formation flag pole, slowly and vigorously picked up the formation flag and continued to introduce.

“Like the twenty-four Suppressing Sea Divine Beads, if the Five Elements five spirit formation flags are separated separately, each of the formation flags has only the level of the high level of the god, but if the five formation flags are combined into one, then the grade You’ll reach Paragon low grade. “

“Tower Spirit, what is Five Elements Banner similar to Innate Spirit Treasure?”

I have seen the congenital Supreme Treasure level Xuanhuang knife, Void Realm and Xuanyuan Sword, and I have the same level of Innate Spirit Treasure Zhenhai Zhu. For the Azure Lotus ostrich flag in the Five Elements formation flag, Yu Haoran is only slightly Was a little surprised that’s all.

Today, Azure Lotus is already his own Innate Spirit Treasure, so what he wants to know now is the specific effect of this Innate Spirit Treasure, and how it can help him.

“Yu Haoran, the Five Elements formation flag is a defensive Innate Spirit Treasure, with a strong defense that is not lost to my ontological domain tower.”

Having said that, Tower Spirit suddenly took a Suppressing Sea Divine Bead from the domain tower of the body.

The original unresponsive Azure Lotus baosi flag, with the appearance of the Suppressing Sea Divine Bead, burst into a strong azure rays of light in an instant.

At the same time, as if stimulated by strong azure rays of light, the Suppressing Sea Divine Bead also burst into blue rays of light like the ocean.

“Yu Haoran, possessing twenty-four Zhenhai pearls that do not lose the attack power of Xuanhuang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword, combined with the Five Elements five spirit formation flag that does not lose the tower defense of my ontology, the formidable power that can be exerted, It has not been lost to our seven innate Supreme Treasures. “Putting down the Suppressing Sea Divine Bead in my hand, Tower Spirit expression said excitedly.

How powerful the defense of Yuta is, Yu Haoran has experienced it more than once.

Even if he is overdrawn by all the ancestor Bloodline’s defenses inside the body, and then cooperates with the Ruyi Bell that has been upgraded to Martial Venerable low grade, it is far less than one millionth of the defense of the domain tower.

Moreover, he is not alone now, and beside him are his beloved Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin, who need the innate defense Spiritual Treasure like Azure Lotus Baosi Banner.

So, after hearing the powerful defense of the Five Elements formation flag, he was far more excited than Tower Spirit.

However, considering that for a long time in the future, he will need to shuttle between different Secret Realm and forbidden grounds, without time to accompany and protect the safety of Qin Lingfei, he decided to give her Azure Lotus.

However, as an Innate Spirit Treasure level high grade Magical Artifact, Azure Lotus has no special requirements for the user’s cultivation base and physique. This is the excitement gradually calming down, Yu Haoran thought for the first time Key question.

“Azure Lotus, which lost the Artifact Spirit, has no requirements for the user’s physique, but the requirements for the cultivation base are very high.”

Even if Yu Haoran didn’t express his intention for the Yu Qing lotus-colored flag, Tower Spirit has basically guessed his idea, that is, Qin Lingfei, who has only the top Martial Venerable Grade 4 Peak Realm for the cultivation base.

However, he has another important use for the Yu Qing lotus color formation flag. For the time being, he does not want to give it to Qin Lingfei, so when explaining the refining and difficulty of the Azure Lotus color formation flag, Tower Spirit deliberately concealed the Martial Venerable realm to be able to Secret technique to assist refining.

“The Emperor Wu ’s Grade 1 Early-Stage cultivation base is barely able to use 1% of the formidable power of the Azure Lotus Posicolor Banner, and there is also a chance to perform it once.”

“If you want to refining the Azure Lotus color formation flag, you need at least the cultivation base of the Emperor Grade 9 Peak, or the strength of the Demi-God realm.”

“If that’s the case, then take the Azure Lotus treasure color formation flag first!”

Even with a large number of potential Dragon Qi blessings, Qin Lingfei’s cultivation base barely broke through the top Martial Venerable Grade 4 Peak.

Today, losing the blessing of the potential Dragon Qi Yun, even with her own Pill Dao to help, she wants to break through the Emperor Wu Realm, and does not know how long it will take.

An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. Yu Haoran understands that he doesn’t want to hurt his beloved woman because he can’t use Azure Lotus.

A guilty Tower Spirit flashed in his eyes, and after nodded stolen the Azure Lotus baise flag, he began to look carefully at the layout of the hut.

The indoor area of ​​the whole hut is not large, and it is less than one hundred square when carefully calculated.

In addition to a wooden table facing the main entrance and the Azure Lotus array, a gliding and translucent jade bed is placed on the east side of the room.

On the west side of the room, there are two rows of bookshelves, and a picture and a portrait of a character hanging on the west wooden wall.

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