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Deep in the Qinling mountain range, jungle!

“Tower Spirit, when you tried to recover the Demi-God realm, you told me in detail that if it is the same cultivation base, the Void Spirit root is not your opponent.”

In the face of Tower Spirit, who refused to reveal the truth, Yu Haoran sneered and reminded.

“That being the case, it’s all under the cultivation base of the Demi-God realm, so why did you also suffer an unimaginable blow when you escaped the Artifact Spirit that retreated from the void!”

In fact, Yu Haoran had doubts in his heart when he returned to the mountain where the empty spirit rat was bred, and saw the cultivation base fall back to Martial Saint Grade 1 again, and the tower spirit looked very sloppy. During the Artifact Spirit fight, something unusual must happen.

However, considering Tower Spirit’s pride, he did not actively interrogate at all.

But the changes in the Tower Spirit temperament over this period of time made him uneasy to worry.

In particular, the ruthlessness he had just treated with Qing Ye and Sima Chenkai made him finally decide to actively understand the reasons for the changes in Tower Spirit temperament.

“Yu Haoran, my battle with Void Artifact Spirit was just a more dangerous process, and nothing special happened.” Tower Spirit still refused to disclose the truthful response.

“oh! ”

After more than three years of acquaintanceship, Yu Haoran knows that if Tower Spirit really doesn’t want to tell the truth, no matter how much he asks, he won’t reveal a penny.

In desperation, Yu Haoran could only sigh, put away the storage of Magical Artifact of Sima Chenkai and Qingying, and let the ethereal rat jump to his shoulder, and then flew towards Yu Sect in Azure.

“oh! ”

Tower Spirit, who also sighed with a sigh, sat in the sea-conscious space of Yu Haoran with a bent knee, from time to time, a struggling expression flashed in his eyes, struggling to tell him the true truth, and let him find a way to trace the whereabouts of chaotic copper.

During the time of killing Sima Chenkai and Qingying, azure Yu Sect has been completely opened.

But different from general Dongfu, not at all because of the opening of azure Yu Sect, a little world’s spiritual energy emerged in this Dongfu, which indirectly proves that Dongfu’s out of the ordinary.

When the body entered Dongfu through azure Yu Sect, Yu Haoran found himself in the ocean of Spiritual Qi.

“Yu Haoran, don’t look at these spiritual liquids are very pure, but this is just the most trashy thing in Dongfu. The real good things are at the core of Dongfu.”

Seeing Yu Haoran as he went deep into the cave through a row, he absorbed the pure spiritual liquid that wrapped him in his eyes, and quickly reminded Tower Spirit who finally replaced the struggling expression.

Upon hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran immediately stopped the operation of Destiny Mind, and then mobilized the strength of Law to increase his speed in the spiritual liquid.

“this is!”

After walking deep into the cave for nearly a thousand miles, Yu Haoran was considered to see the building of the cave, but the 2-Layer thatched house made of azure wood was obviously not worthy of the Spiritual God of Valkyrie realm.

“Yu Haoran, don’t you think the Spiritual God’s cave house will have gold and jade in glorious splendour, beautiful and beautiful?” Seeing Yu Haoran in surprise, he suddenly left the tower that knows the sea. Spirit asked with a smile.

“It is not necessary to build gold and jade in glorious splendour and beautiful, but it should not be so rude.” Yu Haoran of came back to his senses, pointing to the hut that is only six or seven meters high in front, still Some said unacceptably.

“Yu Haoran, do you know the origin of the timber that made the hut?” As Yu Haoran approached the hut, Tower Spirit asked with a surprised look in his eyes.

“I don’t know!” Yu Haoran shook his head and replied.

Looking at the azure wood that built the hut, Tower Spirit’s eyes sighed with a memory expression.

“When Heaven and Earth first opened, there was a nine hundred ninety-nine Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth meter that could directly reach the sky. The divine wood was called the Skyi by the Artifact Spirit of our seven innate Supreme Treasure.”

“The first disaster at the beginning of Heaven and Earth was caused by our seven congenital Supreme Treasures, 36 Innate Spirit Treasures, and tens of thousands of congenital magic weapons.”

“Among them, I and Xuanyuan Sword are a gang, and Void, Xuanhuang Sword, and the Heavenly Pot are opponents of Life and Death.”

“The sky tree that can connect heaven and earth was broken by our seven congenital Supreme Treasure and 36 Innate Spirit Treasure.”

“It is precisely because of the break of Tianmu that the end of our life-and-life battle between Magical Artifact.”

“But it is also because of the break of Tianmu that the early days of Heaven and Earth ended early and officially entered the ancient period of Divine Beast rule.”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s detailed introduction to the wood that was used to build that hut, Yu Haoran’s eyes showed an incredible expression of shock.

Because according to numerous records and legends, the first living creatures born when Heaven and Earth first opened should be the ancient Divine Beast.

The first disaster of Between Heaven and Earth was also triggered by the impact between the ancient Divine Beast.

But according to the introduction of Tower Spirit just now, before Heaven and Earth entered the ancient period under the rule of Divine Beast, there was also a period when Heaven and Earth first opened, and the creatures that ruled that period were the inborn magic born of chaos.

Well, this not only changed his previous and present cognition, but also completely overturned the historical process that has formed the iron law.

At the same time, he still has a feeling in his heart, a very strong feeling, that is, the lack of Heaven and Earth in the early opening period, or the real reason why the Tao cannot achieve the Paragon Supreme realm.

Of course, the reason that really makes Yu Haoran feel incredible is that apart from the missing Heaven and Earth in the early days, it is also the true origin of the owner of this house.

Since it is able to reach heaven and earth directly, and under the joint attack of the seven congenital Supreme Treasure and 36 Innate Spirit Treasure, Tianmu was finally broken, which is enough to prove the preciousness of Tianmu.

At the same time, through his understanding of Tower Spirit, he knew that the innate Treasure Item spirits that were born of chaos when Heaven and Earth first opened were actually similar to human martial artists, who had their own ideas and greed.

In the face of a rare treasure that has been broken, such as Tianmu, are n’t these innate methods Treasure Item spirits after the armistice going to rob.

Then, how does the owner of this cave mansion get a 2-Layer thatched house that is six or seven meters high, all of which are made of sky wood!

“Yu Haoran, things are not as complicated as you think.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s inscrutable speculations about the owner of the cave, Tower Spirit explained with a chuckle while landing at the door of the hut.

“Heaven and Earth was affected by chaotic energy when it first opened. The prices and unique rare treasures of Between Heaven and Earth are countless, like the Void Immortal Gold, Toxic Immortal Gold, and Xuanjin True Fire Stone, which are now almost extinct. Waiting for the top refiner materials at that time was like garbage thrown away randomly on the roadside. It was simply useless. “

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