In the Qinling mountain range, inside the Leng family mansion!

“Tower Spirit, thank you!”

In fact, Yu Haoran’s involuntary interrogation was not to avenge Tower Spirit’s intention to hide the origins of the Azure Lotus dweller some time ago, but he was still immersed in the grief of Lin Mengyao’s death, and did not have much mood and energy to pay attention to other things.

However, seeing Tower Spirit’s constant consideration and consideration for himself, the gratitude that came out of his heart made him stop and thank him.

After waving Yu Haoran to be polite, Tower Spirit looked at the thousands of books and jade slips placed in the lobby on the ground floor through Shihai Space, as suggested by frowns.

“Yu Haoran, so many classics and jade slips want to finish reading, it will take at least ten days and a half months, it is better to all be included in the domain tower, when you have free time in the future, read and watch carefully. “

“Tower Spirit, that’s bothering you!”

Even if Tower Spirit does not take the initiative to remind, Yu Haoran will let him put away the books and jade slip in the hall.

Because he didn’t have much time to stay in the Leng family and stay in the Qinling mountain range.

Because he needs to return to Prince Consort of Xianyang City as soon as possible, he must explain everything in detail with Qin Lingfei so that Lin Mengyao can stay at his ancestor’s grave, and he also needs to fulfill the promise of giving the sword no trace.

No need for Yu Haoran to continue to the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors of the Tibetan scripture. Tower Spirit uses the power of Demi-God realm’s powerful thoughts in less than five seconds to combine more than XNUMX books and books. All jade slip is included in the domain tower.

Later, Yu Haoran stepped out of the Tibetan scriptures and quickly came to the treasure house of Leng Family.

However, when he saw the 6-Layer Treasury smashed by strange beasts, a look of disappointed expression appeared in his eyes.

Fortunately, his main purpose at this time was to avenge Lin Mengyao, and he didn’t really like the treasure house of the Leng family.

So, after quickly closing down the expression of disappointment in his eyes, Yu Haoran rose straight into the air, then floated quietly in the air, waiting silently for the final demise of the Leng family.

After the thousands of beasts in the holy realm and divine realm broke through the formation of the Leng family’s core forbidden area, and then began to slaughter the old, weak, and sick of the Leng family, Yu Haoran knew that the Leng family was truly exterminated.

Commitment is over, wish is over!

Yu Haoran signaled to Tower Spirit that he had torn away the trapped array of the exquisite checkerboard and tore the void in front of him. When he was about to leave the house of the Leng family, the green rushed rushed to save the way.

“Young man, please hold your steps!”

“Qing Yan Senior, what else?” Yu Haoran expression asked indifferently, maintaining the torn gap in the void.

“Young man, can you change to another place to talk in detail?” Gaze glanced at the emperor Wu and Martial Venerable powerhouse, who were constantly approaching the Leng family mansion, and a hint of hesitant expression reminded in Qing Yan’s eyes.

“No such trouble!”

Shaking his head as a signal, Yu Haoran told Tower Spirit to arrange a formation that can block the peep of the gods and said.

“Senior Senior, Junior is a Realm’s Formula Master, and the layout that is now arranged can shield the puppet of the Supreme Emperor Supreme Expert, so please speak up if you have any words!”

After mobilizing the high spirits of Wudi Grade 2 for a period of time to check, there was a shocked expression in Qingye’s eyes, and he quickly said in surprise.

“Young man, the reason why I summoned the beasts in the Qinling mountain range to besiege the Leng family, in addition to the grievances that have accumulated for millions of years, is also in the deepest part of the Qinling mountain range. There is an upcoming Spirit God cave house. We I don’t want the Leng family to be involved. “

With that said, sad expression appeared in the eyes of Qingya.

“Although the Leng family was eventually eradicated by you and me, the four brothers who were able to assist the Spiritual God Dongfu also died tragically, so I can only disclose this secret to you now and invite you to explore the Cave left by the Spiritual God together. “

“Green Senior, the so-called Spiritual God, refers to the Divine Beast of your alien beast promotion, or the Spiritual God powerhouse of our human martial artist breakthrough Valkyrie Realm?”

Although Qing Hao’s secrets aroused great interest from Yu Haoran, in the next six months, he needed to find a spar of space, compete for the void fruit in Blue Moon Secret Realm, and enter the endless swamp to capture the auxiliary tree. Fleshy body of fairy wood rattan.

Therefore, he needs to make some trade-offs to see if it is suitable for himself to take a certain time to explore the Spiritual God cave house deep in the mountain range of the Qinling Mountains.

“Young man, according to my understanding of the Spiritual God Cave House before I fell asleep, both are at the same time!” As if he did not see the hesitation revealed by Yu Haoran, Qing Ye responded excitedly.

“Qing Yan Senior, what’s the explanation?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“In fact, the owner of that cave house is your Spiritual God powerhouse of the human breakthrough Valkyrie realm, but his beast pet also successfully promoted to Divine Beast realm.” Qing Yan detailed introduced.

The beast that signed the contract is also promoted to Divine Beast realm, indicating that either it is an extraordinary natural talent beast, or the owner of the cave is very powerful and capable of cultivating his own beast to advance to Divine Beast.

No matter what kind of situation, it is very suitable for his current situation, so I immediately came to Yu Haoran who was very interested and immediately asked when the Dongfu was opened.

“Today in a month!”

Qing Qing didn’t have any concealed reply, and looked at Yu Haoran full of expectations.

“Okay, today, a month later, I will appear on time on the peak tower deep in the mountain range!”

It will take a day or two to deal with Lin Mengyao’s funeral, and it will take about half a month to find the space spar. It is still two months away from the time agreed with the Red Dog.

Therefore, when Yu Haoran nodded agreed, he also directly gave the time and place of the meeting.

“After one month, I’ll wait for you under the Peak Tower!” After receiving the agreed time and place given by Yu Haoran, Qing Ye responded with a big hoe.

“Qing Yan Senior, goodbye!”

He signaled Tower Spirit to withdraw the formation that shielded the mind, and Yu Haoran arched his hand, and then stepped directly into the void that had been maintained.

After Yu Haoran left, Qing Ye turned her head and glanced at those Emperor Wu and Martial Venerable powerhouse who had arrived outside the Leng Family Mansion, and a terrible cold flashed in her eyes.

Later, Qing Ye directly recovered nearly two ten thousand meters of the body, and then waved the huge tail, fiercely slap to the forbidden area where the three ancestors of the original Leng Family slept.


With the deafening roar sounding, the ground of the forbidden area was directly pumped out of the 1000 meters sinkhole by the barley.


Then, from the 1000 meters deep pit, there was a pure rongering sound that sounded like a sky.

Along with the sound of pure dragonine, a white giant dragon that did not lose the length of Yu Qing 毫 rushed out of the deep pit.

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