In the Qinling mountain range, above the Leng family mansion!

Stopping back, Yu Haoran’s face was still gloomy.

Even if the green pheasant and the iron-backed goshawk can successfully resist the Self-destruction of Leng Family Old Ancestor, facing the horror shock wave formed by the Emperor Wu 1 Grade XNUMX high-level Supreme Expert Self-destruction, they will probably lose their ability to continue fighting in a short time. .

Then, his plan to slaughter the Leng family through the strange beast will fail.

At that time, in the face of the coercion of more than XNUMX old, weak, and sick of the Leng family, how did he fulfill his promise to Lin Mengyao.

Will it come true to anger the sky, to withstand the baptism of the annihilating Thunder Tribulation!

However, Leng Family Old Ancestor, who rushed to the front of the four-headed beast, didn’t at all gave Yu Haoran too much time for annoyance. He didn’t hesitate to directly detonate the Dantian Origin Force and know the sea Divine Soul.

The dazzling rays of light that formed instantly when Leng Family Old Ancestor Self-destruction made everyone on the scene can’t help but close their eyes, but Yu Haoran and the Tower Spirit in Shihai remained unaffected.


After the dazzling rays of light, a deafening roar sounded over the Leng Family mansion.

With the deafening roar, severe vibrations occurred throughout the Qinling mountain range, and more than 30% of the Leng family’s buildings collapsed, but no casualties occurred.

Because the clansman of the Leng family is either killing the alien beast or hiding in the forbidden area with the guardianship of the Formation.

After the deafening roar disappeared, the already-stopped Leng Family clansman and countless strange beasts, as well as hundreds of top powerhouses on the periphery of the Qinling mountain range, immediately looked at the location of the Leng Family Old Ancestor Self-destruction, and then the eyes showed incomparable Shocked expression.

Because of the location of the Leng Family Old Ancestor Self-destruction, in addition to the fledgling barren, whether it is the silver moon wolf that is about to reach the end of its life, or the iron-backed goshawk, eight-footed black beads, and blue-blue blue Tigers are disappeared without a trace.

“Do not…!”

Seeing the four brothers who accompanied me to grow and fight for tens of thousands of years, not only all died tragically under the formidable power of Leng Family Old Ancestor Self-destruction, but also ended with skeleton doesn’t exist, and an endless grief of youth suddenly emerged. Ye Yangtian roared.

“You of the Leng family, you all damn it!”

After the sorrowful anger roared, Qing Ye went directly into a state of madness, ignoring the loss of lifespan, flesh, magic power, and Soul Power, and began to slaughter Leng Family clansman in a frenzy.

Even with the aid of the Imperial Realm middle grade sword and the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper formation, the seven top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak limiters of the Leng Family Elder only persisted for only five seconds and were caught in a crazy barley Either use the tail to make a patty or swallow it directly.

Later, Qing Qing, who was gradually awake, began to hunt the peerless powerhouse of the top Martial Venerable realm in the Leng family, which also allowed the exalted beasts to start slaughtering the low-level martial artist of the Leng Family.

Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sigh as he watched the barbarians and hundreds of thousands of strange animals slaughtering the clansman of the Leng family crazy.

Because he knew very well that after losing seven Elders who could defend the imperial-level beast, facing the insidious and imperious emperor-level green beast and the more than XNUMX strange beasts full of hatred, inheritance officially started from the Leng family in ancient times Into the countdown to destruction.

After sighing, Yu Haoran stepped into the depths of the Leng Family Mansion to find the Tibetan scripture and treasure house of the Leng Family.

The two-stroke boxing method killed Old Ancestor of Wudi realm, the one-stroke martial skill killed the silver moon wolf in the first stage of Grade 1, Yu Haoran’s power has been in the eyes of the Leng Family clansman and the Qinling mountain range beast. The impression cannot be defeated.

Therefore, in the face of Yu Haoran, who walked to the depths of the mansion, whether it is the clansman of the Leng family or the strange beast of the Qinling mountain range, they will immediately stop and give way.

It wasn’t until Yu Haoran’s departure that they ripped back together.

“Yu Haoran, no matter how powerful the formidable power of Supreme Expert Self-destruction of Wudi Grade 1 is, in the face of three same-level alien beast powerhouses that have been burning lifespan for thousands of years, it is impossible for skeleton not’t exist!”

When Yu Haoran reached the depths of the mansion and used the divine mind to find the location of the Tibetan scriptures and treasure house, Tower Spirit in the sea suddenly asked.

“Tower Spirit, before leaving the Qinling mountain range, you must not expose the breath of the iron-backed goshawk, eight-footed black beads and blue-stained blue tiger in front of the green pheasant.”

The search of the divine thoughts paused a little, after Yu Haoran expression solemnly instructed, he continued to use the divine thoughts to find the whereabouts of the Tibetan scriptures and treasure house.

“Yu Haoran, you know!” Tower Spirit asked incredulously after hearing Yu Haoran’s advice.

“Tower Spirit, Leng Family Old Ancestor Self-destruction, you did not release the secret technique of the possession technique, so I did not at all receive any influence from the dazzling rays of light, and I saw and noticed what you did For. “After successfully finding the position of the Tibetan scripture, Yu Haoran walked towards the Tibetan scripture, explaining with a chuckle.

As Tower Spirit asked at the beginning, the iron-backed goshawk, octapod black beads, and blue-stained blue imagination that have burned thousands of years of lifespan are completely capable of resisting the formidable power of Leng Family Old Ancestor Self-destruction.

But just when they have successfully resisted the formidable power of Self-destruction, and their strength is in the weakest state, Tower Spirit uses the powerful gods of the Demi-God realm and the tower of the ontology domain to force the three-headed monstrous beast, and Qingyu uses the essence of the silver moon wolf sealed by the Sun, Moon and Stars rule to instantly earn and suppress the tower.

“It turns out!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, the Tower Spirit suddenly realized the nodded, but the confusion that followed appeared to him, he couldn’t help asking.

“Yu Haoran, don’t you want to know why I risked suppressing the three-headed beast?”

“Think!” Yu Haoran replied briefly.

“Then why aren’t you actively interrogating?” Tower Spirit asked inexplicably.

“Tower Spirit, you and I have known each other for more than three years. I know your personality very well. If you want to say it, I will explain it without asking you.”

According to the instructions of the gods, he came to a 5-Layer high building in the backyard of the mansion and looked at the plaque on which the scriptures were written. Yu Haoran replied with a smile.

“If you don’t want to say anything, then even if I proactively pursue it, the result will be futile.”

Subsequently, he directly performed the inheritance of the ancestral witch, hardened her her life, and protected the formation of the scriptures, then stepped into the scriptures.

After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, Tower Spirit knew that he hated himself for deliberately hiding the revenge of the Azure Lotus layman some time ago.

Therefore, Tower Spirit, who was deeply impressed, did not continue to explain, and began to elaborate on the risk of stealing the blood essence of the Silver Moon Timber Wolf, and the suppression of the iron-backed goshawk, octopus black beads and blue-stained blue tiger.

In fact, the reason for the adventure is very simple, that is, Tower Spirit fancy the three-headed emperor-level beast has opened more than 70% of Divine Beast Bloodline blood essence.

Because he used to create a form of spiritual fusion, which can deprive the remaining ideas and impurities in blood essence through the formation, leaving only the purest energy, which is used to greatly enhance Yu Haoran’s fleshhy body grade, Origin Force and Soul Power.

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