Plum plum forest!

Facing the request from the heart, Yu Haoran rushed to the edge of the plum blossom forest without any delay, assuring a message.

“Bumai Senior, after all, it will destroy the entire plum plum forest. Junior will also let you return to the Gan family safely.”

Looking at Yu Haoran who was rushing in, Ji Hanyu not only did not have the slightest panic, but also showed a glorious expression.

When Yu Haoran was less than ten five meters away from Meihua Meilin, the dark fog that appeared on the edge of Meilin out of nowhere immediately blocked his sight and direction.

“Yu Haoran, it’s late, don’t rush!” Seeing Yu Haoran regardless of the dark fog in front of him, and planning to continue to drive forward, Tower Spirit immediately reminded the sea.

Unwilling to stop and watch the dark mist that kept coming over, Yu Haoran asked with a somber expression.

“Tower Spirit, what the hell is going on?”

“Yu Haoran, just now Ji Hanyu inserted the black formation flag of Meimeilin, is the main formation flag used to arrange the upside-down gate array.”

Take a brief look at the growing black mist and plum blossoms that are falling all around, explained Tower Spirit expression grave.

“That black formation flag can not only open the Four Seasons Reincarnation Formation of Plum Blossom Merlin, but also change the original way of moving the Formation, making the formation’s formidable power more than a few times mentioned.”

Revenge Science Chou Cool Ship Learns Moon Solitary Sun

After hearing Tower Spirit’s explanation, Yu Haoran’s gaze seemed to be able to see Ji Qiyu on the edge of the plum plum forest through the black fog, and a strong murderous aura emerged from his eyes.

But after only one second, he forced his inner murderous aura shock by deep breathing, and then asked Tower Spirit who knew the sea.

Sun Qiu’s heartless sailing to catch the sun

Jie Yuan Ke’s distant enemy investigation station

“Tower Spirit, how long will it take for you to stop the Four Seasons Reincarnation?”

“Not good said!”

Shook the head, explained Tower Spirit frowns.

“I have to first understand the operating principle of the Four Seasons Reincarnation Array, and then combine the changes in the current formation operation to determine how long it will take to stop the operation of the formation.”

“Tower Spirit, anyway, Ji Hanyu is also a player who is promoted to the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle. If you want revenge, there are opportunities, so you don’t have to worry too much, and slowly look for a weak spot to lift the Formation operation.” You can hear Tower Spirit tone The solemn, forcible suppression of the intense Murderous aura shocked by Yu Haoran, but calmed down and relieved.

“I know!”

The ship is not hated by the ghosts

nodded, Tower Spirit summon came out of the 20th body, and began to read the information of the jade slip passed by the 20th body.

The ship that does not hate the ghost and hate the cold and cold months does not give Ji Hanyu any chance of retention at all. Dongfang Huaiyun directly crushed a jade pendant that was taken out, and then the whole person disappeared in place.

Yu Haoran turned around and returned to Gan Bumai, then took him back to the wood house, and solemnly warned repeatedly.

“Bai Mai Senior, I need some time to study the four seasons reincarnation array changed by Ji Hanyu, so you first go to the wood house to heal your injuries, and I will pick you up after I can let the Formation stop running completely.”

“At Pill Emperor, pay attention to safety!” Knowing the state of serious injury and unhealed does not help at all, so stepping forward can only be agreed with nodded and warned repeatedly.

Using the fast law to the front of the black mist envelope, Yu Haoran directly inspired the defense of the ancestral witch’s fleshy body and Ruyi Bell, and planned to personally experience how strong the formidable power of the Four Seasons Reincarnation Array changed the operating principle.

As the black mist gradually covered the body, the distinctive characteristics of the four seasons changed, making Yu Haoran feel the changes of warmth, burning, sadness and coldness.

Sun Budi’s only son hates Gu Yue

The reincarnation of four different moods makes Yu Haoran’s breath weaker and weaker.

Sun Budi Ke Du Sun hates picking Gu Yue by Zhan Plum Blossom Forest Edge!

“Yu Haoran, hurry out of the dark shrouded area!” Feeling the change of Yu Haoran’s breath, she is experiencing the Tower Spirit of the four seasons reincarnation array, and the expression suddenly reminded.

After the enemy Ke Yuan loves the ball to receive solitary feathers

But in the face of the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran not only did not leave the area covered by the black mist, but bent his knees and rolled down, gradually rising a clear air.


Feeling that instead of the weak emptiness, Tower Spirit was shocked, and suddenly did n’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Later, he immediately mobilized the power of God’s thoughts to control the Formation attack, in order to ensure that Yu Haoran can not only maintain the state of epiphany with the help of the black mist, but also avoid the damage of the Formation power.

The enemy and the enemy alone hate Mo Lengqiuyang

The enemy and the enemy hate Mo Lengqiuyang. “I see!”

Hou Yuan Qiu Yuan Solitary Moon Star Cool

At the same time, he also needs to continue to use the records in jade slip and observe the changes in the formation operation to find the four seasons reincarnation array that has stopped changing the operation principle. This moment makes Tower Spirit feel that some Avatar is incompetent.

In desperation, he can only ask Yu Haoran’s second Avatar to help.


Plum plum forest edge!

“Senior Brother Ji, why do you want to kill senior brother Yu and Bumai Senior?” Looking at Plum Blossom Meilin shrouded in black mist, Dongfang Huaiyun asked with a faint expression.

“Have Junior Sister Yun, don’t get me wrong, it’s not Senior Brother, I’m trying to hurt Yu Haoran, I just have to do it that’s all!”

It can be seen that Dongfang Huaiyun’s repressed anger at this moment, for fear that she misunderstood her own Ji Hanyu, and quickly set aside the explanation of responsibility.

“This jade slip has my father’s order to kill Yu Haoran.”

After taking a look at Ji Hanyu’s jade slip, Dongfang Huaiyun flashed a scornful taunt, and turned to look at the plum blossom forest shrouded in black mist, intending to break through the forcibly opened Formula with his own formula cultivation base.

In this regard, Ji Hanyu not only did not stop the previous shot, but instead let her smile with a smile on her face, but her eyes flashed a cold cold light from time to time.

The more you look at the plum tree plum forest shrouded in black mist, the more intensely frowning Xiuyun’s brows are.

But when she accidentally saw the black formation flag condensing out a black python with her head down and the tail section facing up, a Formula flashed in her mind, she couldn’t help but took a few steps back in shock and shouted aloud. .

“The upside-down array that can change the original reason for the formation!”

Seeing the Eastern Huaiyun took less than 30% of the time, they recognized the origin of the black flag array just now. The expressions of admiration immediately appeared in the eyes of the two Martial Venerable peerless powerhouses of the Formula Grandmaster. Ji Hanyu was suddenly nervous. stand up.

After all, Huaiyun Dongfang, who was born in the Formation Shi Family, may have the means to restrain the door.

Staring at the black mist covering the plum plum forest for nearly five minutes, Dongfang Huaiyun finally shook his head and sighed, then turned to Ji Hanyu and said goodbye.

“Senior Brother Ji, Huaiyun is a bit tired, and will return to the family to rest for the time being.”

Without giving Ji Hanyu any chance of retention, Dongfang Huaiyun directly crushed a jade pendant that was taken out, and then the whole person disappeared in place.

“Abominable!” After looking at Dongfang Huaiyun who did not give himself a chance to explain and explain, Ji Hanyu’s somber curse was even more murmured to himself.

“Orient Huaiyun, don’t try to challenge the patience of this Young Master, otherwise, this Young Master has countless means to let you climb this Young Master’s bed obediently.”

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