Wood house !

“Four Seasons Reincarnation Formation!”

As soon as the idea entered jade slip, six large characters of numerous plum blossoms appeared in the jade slip space out of nowhere, and then the numerous plum blossoms began to evolve the layout process of the four-year cycle array, which contained the reasons for the change of the four seasons and the principle of the layout. Product W ()

“Tower Spirit, this jade slip records the four seasons reincarnation team created by the old man of plum blossom.”

Without carefully watching the numerous plum blossoms played the arrangement process of the four seasons reincarnation array, the idea quickly exited Yu Haoran in the jade slip space, and said quietly to Tower Spirit.

“Give it to the 20th percentile, let him use the Four Seasons reincarnation array of the Four Seasons reincarnation array to improve the Formation cultivation base.” Tower Spirit quickly closed his eyes, facing Yu Haoran instructed.

nodded, thinking of the promise that was made to Qianbu Mai before entering the wood house, Yu Haoran was instructed when sending jade slip into the space of the domain tower.

“Tower Spirit, let the 20% of the body copy the content of jade slip as soon as possible, so as to give Qianbu a step when leaving Gan’s home.”

“No problem!” Tower Spirit promised 20% of the time while sending jade slip into the tower.

Then, Yu Haoran’s eyes turned to the miniature chessboard on the wooden table.

“This board is called Linglong Qipan. The Heaven and Earth trend is turned into a chessboard, and the Spirit Qi is transformed into chess pieces. It can arrange all known lore formations.”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s gaze on the chessboard, Tower Spirit’s eyes were filled with comfort.

“Yu Haoran, the exquisite chessboard is the 20th percentile who can break through the emperor, and even be promoted to the gods in the future.”

Being able to successfully reach the 20% chance of being a breakthrough realm, Yu Haoran was also very excited. After using the divine thought to send the pocket chessboard into the domain tower, he couldn’t help asking.

“Tower Spirit, with the aid of a delicate chessboard, how long does it take for the 20% body to be promoted to Real Emperor?”

“With my guidance, in as little as three months and as long as six months, he will surely be able to successfully advance to Realm.”

After a little thought, Tower Spirit gives a realm breakthrough time period.

But then his tone changed, with a touch of expectation said with a smile.

“Of course, if there is a special opportunity, maybe it will take less time to be promoted.”

It doesn’t matter if there is a special opportunity. It is enough to be promoted to Realm in half a year, so while Yu Haoran is happy for the 20%, he looks directly at the two-inch-long Broken Sword wreck.

“Yu Haoran, give me the two-inch-long Broken Sword wreck!”

It was hard to suppress the sorrow that came out of my heart, and it couldn’t help but emerge when I looked back at the wreckage of Broken Sword.

Recalling the ancient refining fight in ancient times, a kind of feeling of seeing people think, let Tower Spirit can’t help but actively ask Yu Haoran to ask.

“No problem!” Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran nodded to agree.

Later, he observed the layout of the wood house, and after making sure there were no omissions, he turned and left the wood house directly.

“At Pill Emperor, what’s the harvest?” With the powerful power of the healing medicine Qibao Huihundan, he has successfully suppressed the dry step within the body. After seeing Yu Haoran leaving the wood house, he asked with anticipation. .

“A jade slip documenting the Four Seasons Reincarnation Formation exudes two inches of Broken Sword wreckage with powerful sword energy.”

Facing Gan Bumai’s questioning, Yu Haoran concealed the exquisite chessboard that can assist the 20% body breakthrough.

It’s not that Yu Haoran’s selfishness is too heavy, mainly because the auxiliary function of Linglong chessboard is too powerful. He doesn’t want Linglong chessboard to cause the inner greed of dry step, so that he runs opposite to the Gan family.

“There are only two treasures!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s introduction, the expectation of stepping forward was immediately replaced by disappointment.

Sun is not far away, ghosts hate Mo Nao Nuo lord

“Step by step Senior, after returning to Anyang Village, Junior will duplicate the jade slip of the four seasons reincarnation array, hoping to help your Formation cultivation base.”

Seeing the disappointment in Ganbumai’s eyes, Yu Haoran immediately smiled and relieved.

After the enemy is not hatred

“Of course, as for the two-inch-long sword broken wreckage, Junior wants to give it to Senior, and I am afraid that neither Senior nor the Qian family has the Space Magical Artifact that can withstand the severe sword energy.”

“Many thanks to Pill Emperor!”

Copying the complete jade slip is almost the same as giving it away. Yu Haoran’s move moved Gan step forward.

After all, suppressing the running of the Four Seasons Reincarnation Formation, folding up the corpse of the Demi-God Peak powerhouse Mei Old Lin, resisting the attack of severe sword energy, the treasure hunt in the wood house, all these things he did not help.

The result is far away from science and technology

Therefore, even if Yu Haoran gave away nothing, he had nothing to say and would not have any dissatisfaction.

“Bai Mai Senior, how is the injury recovered? Is it possible to leave Plum Blossom Forest now?” Shaking his head to indicate that no step is needed to be so polite, Yu Haoran asked with concern.

Anxious to leave Plum Blossom Merlin is to return to Prince Consort Grandpa as soon as possible, and then use the ability of the potential Dragon Dragon and Yuta Tower to accelerate time, and strive to be able to fully accept and digest the memory of the twelve ancestors before the five-domain Hidden Dragon List begins.


As long as you are not fighting with others, with the powerful fleshhy body of the top Martial Venerable, free movement is not a problem.

Therefore, Ganbu stepped forward while receiving nodded response.


When Yu Haoran took the dry step and planned to leave Meilin’s Meilin, four Oriental Huaiyun who successfully cracked the two heavenly formations also successfully reached the edge of Meilin Meilin.

However, when Dongfang Huaiyun planned to study the Four Seasons Reincarnation Formation, a harsh sky-splitting sound started.

With the sound of a broken air, a white jade slip and a black formation flag instantly appeared in Ji Hanyu’s hand.

After quickly reading the contents of jade slip, Ji Hanyu’s eyes flashed a cold light immediately, and his face showed an excited expression.

Then he reminded Huaiyun of the East.

“Senior Brother Ji, what do you want to do?” Seeing Ji Hanyu’s black formation flag, an unpleasant sensation suddenly flowed into his heart. Dongfang Huaiyun’s face looked a little unpleasant.


Facing Dongfang Huaiyun’s question, Ji Hanyu replied with a sneer, while inserting his black formation flag at the edge of the plum blossom forest.

Journey to the Far East

Sun Yuan loves Sun Xuezhan

“I want to send Yu Haoran to hell.”

“Ji Hanyu, you are courting death!”

When Yu Hanyu inserted the black formation flag on the edge of the plum blossom forest, Yu Haoran who left the wood house with a dry step just saw it.

Although I don’t know what kind of danger the black formation flag will bring, but Ji Hanyu ’s self-seeking way of death and the intense Murderous Aura that keeps appearing in his heart make him violently shouted.

“At Pill Emperor, leave me alone and rush out of the Plum Blossom Forest immediately.” The same Gan Bumai who saw Ji Hanyu insert the black formation flag immediately demanded to Yu Haoran.

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