.. Destiny Valkyrie

Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

“In Pill Emperor, can the clean heart clover of the second order Grade 1, the ice spirit leaf of the second order Grade 2, the clover of the second order Grade 3, and the mysterious ice flower of the second order Grade 4 be exchanged for an ice heart jade bone?”

Just after Yu Haoran stated the prerequisites for Bingxin Yugu Dan, Sun Sichao, who had the same idea as Gan Yunyi, immediately offered trading chips.

“Yes!” The grade and quality of the spiritual medicine that Sun Sichao brought out far surpassed that of the dry medicine, so Yu Haoran agreed directly without any hesitation.

In less than a minute, four three-tier Grade 1 ice heart jade bone bones were taken away by Qian Yunyi and Sun Sichao. This made the supreme expert who was eager to get ice heart jade bone bones on the scene desperate. Already.

“At Pill Emperor, the Yin Divine Flower of the second-order Grade 3 and the Tengling flower of the second-order Grade 5, I wonder if I can exchange for a Bingxin jadebone of the third-order Grade 1?”

From the stand on the north side, a supreme emperor of the Emperor Wudi, first using his powerful momentum to successfully attract the attention of the crowd, he immediately gave conditions that Yu Haoran could not refuse.

“of course can!”

Looking at the only ice heart jade bone remaining in Yu Haoran’s hands, the dozen or so supreme experts at the scene immediately became nervous, but when they were planning to participate in the competition, a terror suddenly rose from under the ring.

If the horror of the purple clothed middle-aged powerhouse used to oppress contestants is like Tianwei, then the horror that just emerged from the stage is Tianwei.

Faced with such a powerful horror, let alone the top Martial Venerable powerhouse, even the supreme expert of Zhunwu Emperor Realm felt the heavy pressure.

The robe old man exuding horror, his eyes showed scornful contempt, and everyone at the scene was trembling and afraid to speak.

However, when the robe old man despised the cold eyes and returned to Yu Haoran on the ring, he immediately turned into a gentle smile like spring.

“A green flame grass of the second-grade Grade 9, I wonder if my friends are satisfied?”


Facing the trading chips given by the robe old man, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The embarrassment was not because the Taoist old man gave too low chips, but because he gave too high chips.

The green flame of the second-order Grade 9 is not as precious as the second-grade Grade 9’s Purple Gold Dragon, but it can still be used as the main medicine for refining the second-order Grade 1 Hao Ling Dan.

The second-order Grade 1 Hao Lingdan is a top-level medicine pill that can enhance Martial Venerable and Wudi realm to repair the country. In terms of value, it far exceeds the third-order Grade 1 ice heart jadebone.

“My friend, this is the second time you and I have dealt with you. I have some understanding of your unwillingness to take advantage. If you feel that the price of the second-order Grade 9 green flame grass is too high, then you will use an ice heart jade bone. How about Dan and a Sanwen Qingling Dan as a condition of exchange? “Facing Yu Haoran’s embarrassment, the old man in the robe suggested without a smile.

“If that’s the case, then Junior is more respectful than obedient!”

Although the prices of Bingxin Yugu Dan and Sanwen Qingling Dan are still not as good as those of Grade 9 Green Flame Grass, the value between them is not much different.

Moreover, considering that the number of Pill Masters capable of refining these two medicine pills at the same time is very small, and the intangible value possessed by the Pill Master is enough to bridge the slight gap between the two, Yu Haoran finally agreed nodded.

Seeing that the last third-level Grade 1 ice heart jadebone was obtained by the robe old man, the supreme expert of Zhunwu Emperor Realm was deeply sorry, and immediately made the next third-level Grade 1 Sanwen Qinglingdan competition. ready.

After folding up the robe old man and sending the jade box containing the green flame grass, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and continued to use the pill technique to condense the independent space of the Core Formation fire.

The Sanwei Qinglingdan of the third-order Grade 1 is the top medicine pill that assists the Zhunwu emperor supreme expert to pass Soul Power.

Although he has not refined any grade of Sanling Qingling Dan in this past life or this life, the powerful Pill Dao cultivation base allows him to refine without any worries.

Refining, condensing, dividing, and warming up!

The entire refining process is like Bingxin Jade Bone Dan. It took more than XNUMX minutes to successfully refined it, and it eventually became nine Dans.

According to prior agreement and practice, two Sanwen Qinglingdan were given to the Yuan ancestors, two were left to father-in-law Qin Emperor and Master Feng Qingyun, one was given to the old man in exchange for the robe, and the remaining three were for sale.

After fierce competition from more than a dozen real emperor experts on the scene, they were finally traded for nearly ten times the price of more than four ice heart jade bone buds.

After putting away the last few top-level spiritual medicines in exchange for the last Sanwen Qinglingdan, Yu Haoran’s vision turned to the old man of the flower robe.

“Flower Robe Senior, do you want to refine the second-order Grade 1 Xuanlong Zhuoxin Dan, or do you want to refine the second-order Grade 1 Lie Yan Burning Soul Dan?”

Lie Yan, a top Poison Pill for Divine Soul.

Although the poison contained in medicine pill cannot be ranked among the top XNUMX poisonous drugs, the real value of the flower robe elderly who practice poison is not inferior to the eight-turn dragon emperor pill promised to be made to the elderly of Star Sea.

“Let’s make Lie Yan, the second-order Grade 1 first, and burn it!”

While taking out the medicine ingredients that had been prepared in advance, the old man in the robe explained.

“As for Xuanlong Zhuoxin Dan, after I have collected enough refined medicine ingredients, I will trouble the friends to find the time to open the furnace for refining.”

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