Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

Yu Haoran’s helpless cross-examination, and the initiative to remind the elderly of Huapao, immediately replaced the originally confident expression of the purple clothhouse powerhouse.


Although Yu Haoran is the first Pill Emperor to be promoted to Pill Dao realm in Heavenly Profound Continent in thousands of years, the difficulty of refining the second-order Grade 1 Nine Hearts Nine Souls Nine Lotuses is also very risky for him. challenge.

In order to assist Breakthrough Emperor Realm’s second-order Grade 3 Emperor Yuandan, in exchange for a very risky challenge, as long as it is not amused by the mind, or too arrogant and conceited, I am afraid that no one can accept this disadvantage. transaction.

Fearing what the powerhouse was producing in the purple clothed year, the old man in the flower robe immediately sent the storage ring containing bodhi leaves, bodhi juice, Bodhi Seed, and bodhi flowers to Yu Haoran, and successfully completed the second-order Grade 3 Emperor Dan Transaction.

Looking at the various bodhi treasures in the storage ring, Yu Haoran burst into surprise.

The rejection of the purple clothed year powerhouse transaction was not that he was unable to use the nine thousand-year-old spiritual medicine to refine the second-order Grade 1 Nine Hearts Nine Spirits Nine Lotus Pills.

The main reason is that the four bodhi treasures that the old man in the flower robe brought out could make him a nine-hearted, nine-souled, nine-liandan more suitable for his medicine pill.

Now that the transaction for Emperor Yuandan has been completed, the next time is to fulfill his promises and turn his head to look at Yuanzu under the ring. Yu Haoran wanted to make Bingxin Jadebone Dan and Sanwen Qinglingdan for him first. He suddenly heard the voice of a purple clothed powerhouse.

“At Pill Emperor, aside from the transaction of Emperor Yuandan just now, if the deity asked you to refining Jiu Xin Jiu Jiu Jiu Lian Dan, I do n’t know how much you can make it successfully? What price does it take to be willing to sell? Refining? “

After hearing the interrogation of the purple clothed powerhouse, Yu Haoran thought about it for a while, then gave the other person a thoughtful answer.

“At most XNUMX%!”

“If the final refining is successful, no matter how many dandans eventually become, except the one that promises you nine hearts, nine souls and nine lotuses, all the remaining medicine pill belongs to me.”

“If the refining fails, you need to pay for a fifth-grade low-grade spirit vein.”

In fact, with his current Pill Dao realm and pill concocting capabilities, combined with the forthcoming promotion of the illusory coagulation pill technique, the power of the nine hearts and nine souls and nine lotuses is as high as 30%.

The reason why he lowered the success rate of pill concocting was mainly because he didn’t want to refine the Jiu Xin Jiu Jiu Nian Dan, which was a waste of time and energy and did not have much effect on himself and his friends, family and friends.

Seeing his reply made the other person think deeply, Yu Haoran didn’t say much, and asked Yuanzu with a smile on his face.

“Senior, are the medicine ingredients for refining the third-grade Grade 1 Bingxin Yugu Dan and Sanwen Qingling Dan ready?”

“Get ready early, here you are!”

Quickly took out four medicine ingredients from the two kinds of medicine pill, and Yuanzu brought it to Yu Haoran with a touch of excitement.

After reaching out to receive the storage ring sent by Yuanzu, Yu Haoran faced Wu Zhengjun and Jian Wuhen nodded, and then returned to the position of Divine Pill and Emperor Yuandan who had just refined and sat down.

In Diyuan Pavilion of Yaowang Valley, he once refined two Bingxin jade bone buds of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX. He still remembers the entire refining process of Bingxin jade bone buds.

Therefore, Yu Haoran decided to take the lead in refining the third-order Grade 1 Bingxin Jade Bone Dan that can assist the Supreme Warrior Supreme Expert to survive the calamity.

Diyuan Pill of Tier 1 Grade 3, Divine Pill of Divine Pill of Tier 3 Grade 1, Diyuan Pill of Tier XNUMX Grade XNUMX, has succeeded in refining three second-order medicine pills in addition to his Pill Dao In addition to being promoted to Pill Emperor realm, he also gave him confidence when refining the third-tier Grade XNUMX ice heart jade bone.

Sun Yuanyuan, Qiu Ku, Ship War and Cold School Master

After condensing the independent space of the Core Formation fire, refining, condensing, dividing, and warming, the entire three-tier Grade 1 ice heart bone refining process took less than XNUMX minutes, and successfully passed the Dan disaster. Cheng Dan reached nine.

It is a pity that the Thunder Punishment for midable power brought by Bingxinyu bone is too weak, and the reward after passing the Dan calamity is too small, so that his own strength has not been significantly improved.

Reached out to retrieve the nine ice heart jade bones floating in the air, Yu Haoran examined it carefully and found that although the grade of the nine ice heart jade bones was only the third-grade Grade 1, the pure energy contained in the medicine pill was nothing. Lost in the third-grade Grade 5 Ice Heart Jadebone made by other Pill Masters.

I used the Origin Force package to give the two ice heart jade bone promised to the ancestors. He left the two medicine pills that could be given to father-in-law Qin Emperor and Master Feng Qingyun in the future, and then looked down at the remaining four medicine pills in his hand. .

Sun Qiuqiu’s cool ball is cold

“At Pill Emperor, I don’t know if Huixuan can exchange your hand for a third-order Grade 1 ice heart jadebone?” Looking at the remaining four medicine pills in Yu Haoran’s hand, Qianyun rushed ahead of the crowd before they spoke. Asked.

Sun Qiuqiu ’s cool ball ball used the Origin Force package to give two ice heart jade bone promises to Yuanzu, and he left two medicines that could be given to father-in-law Qin Emperor and Master Feng Qingyun pill, then looked down at the four medicine pills remaining in the hand.

Actively requesting the Bingxin Jade Bone Dan of Grade 1 Grade XNUMX, in addition to being used by the supreme expert of the Emperor of the Qian family, she also wants to improve Pill Dao’s understanding and realm through her research on Bing Jade Bone Dan.

“of course can!”

After a short consideration, Yu Haoran decided to sell the remaining four ice heart jade bones on the spot in order to cause greed for some people and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, in response to Qian Yun’s request, Yu Haoran readily agreed.

“At Pill Emperor, do you see if these things can meet the conditions of the transaction?” Quickly took out a Storage Bag and brought it to Yu Haoran, and Gan Yun slightly signaled nervously.

“A purple leaf grass of the second-order Grade 1; three leaves of the third-order Grade 9 lotus, a nine-stage three-stage Grade 1 osteophyte, and a eighteen-three-grade Grade 1 poly Spirit Fruit.”

Looking at the quantity and quality of spiritual medicine in Storage Bag, Yu Haoran’s first reaction was to refuse.

Sun Di Qiu Di hits the ball behind Xingyue

Except for the second-order Grade 1 purple leaf grass and the third-order Grade 9 ink leaf lotus barely able to enter his magic eye, the remaining bone flower and poly Spirit Fruit are simply useless to him.

However, when I saw the slightly tense expression of the dry Yun Yun, and the Great Grandmaster of the Dignified Pill Dao Peak Realm, the peerless powerhouse of the top Martial Venerable Grade 7 Peak, still using Storage Bags only used by ordinary martial artists.

He also thought that it was precisely because of her arrival that he could reassure himself to refine the Emperor Yuandan and Emperor Yuandan, and Yu Haoran finally agreed softly.


Utilizing the method of Origin Force wrapping, he sent an ice heart jade bone to Qian Yunyun. Yu Haoran looked up at those Zhun Wudi and ordinary Martial Venerable peerless powerhouse said with a smile.

“The top-level spiritual medicine between Grade 1 to Grade 9 and the Spirit Vessel between Grades XNUMX to XNUMX are capable of refining the material of the refiner and imperial realm, which are the prerequisites for exchanging Bingxin Yugu Dan. “

Sun Diyuan hates Zhanyang Guchagang

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