Inside the auction venue!


In the face of Yu Haoran’s tough counterattack, the old man in Huapao couldn’t help but laugh a few times, and his ugly and weird face appeared provocative with a grim smile.

“Boy, come on, let old man see how you took my life with no difficulty.”

Facing the contemptuous provocation of the old man in Huapao, Yu Haoran chuckled and said to the crowd at the scene.

Sun Qiu, a distant Sun Qiu, and a lone test star

“Seniors, Junior’s Pill Dao cultivation base has reached the limit of the Great Grandmaster Peak, and only need to refine a special medicine pill to successfully upgrade to Pill Emperor realm.”

“And this special medicine pill is called Di Yuan Chu Dan, which is both a luck Dan and a probability Dan …”

Going to the Far Branch

Later, Yu Haoran introduced the effectiveness of Di Yuan Chu Dan and his strong confidence in refining Di Yuan Chu Dan.

Coming soon to be Pill Emperor of Pill Dao realm!

After hearing Yu Haoran’s strong self-confidence in his Pill Dao cultivation base promotion, whether it was an old man in a flower robe floating in the air or a powerhouse in a private room, a shocked expression appeared.

But what made them even more surprised was the Yuyuan Chordan that Yu Haoran mentioned earlier.

Because in their knowledge of Pill Dao, they have never heard of this special medicine pill.

Ignoring the shock of the crowd at the scene, Yu Haoran continued arching.

“Seniors, if you believe you have strong luck, or if you are willing to bet your luck, then you can choose to single out and siege the old man in the flower robe.”

“As long as he can successfully kill the old man in the flower robe, Junior will give all the seniors who shot it one person and one emperor.”

Facing the conditions given by Yu Haoran, the thin old man waited for eleven horror powerhouses. Although he was heartbroken, he didn’t seem very confident about his luck.

Otherwise, why did thousands of years of cultivation never break through the Emperor Wu realm, so no one on the scene responded to the request just now.


The scene of no response at the scene made the old man in Huapao smile more proudly.

Not far away from Ghost School by Leng Yu

“Junior Yu Haoran’s Pill Dao ability, presumably seniors have heard of it.”

In this regard, Yu Haoran continued without disappointment.

The enemy is invincible

“Junior hereby continues to promise that as long as the Senior who finally kills the old man in flower robes, in addition to giving away an Emperor Yuan Dan, Junior will help him to make One Time Pill medicine for free.”

“My friend is serious!” Upon hearing Yu Haoran’s second promise, the elderly Star Sea from the No. XNUMX private room immediately asked.

The enemy is not hated and not cool

“Senior, Junior never pretends,” Yu Haoran solemnly vowed promised.

“My little friend, if it ’s your Pill Dao cultivation base breakthrough Pill Emperor, can you grasp the star source Condensing Spirit Pill for refining the second-order Grade 1?” After receiving the assurance from Yu Haoran, the elderly Star Sea continued to ask.

Without immediately replying to the question of the elderly Star Sea, Yu Haoran suddenly fell into deep thought.

“oh! ”

Seeing Yu Haoran in deep thought, the elderly Star Sea thought that he could not make Condensing Spirit Pill, and could not help but sigh.

“Condensing Spirit Pill is based on Star Core, the endless void of stars, and then incorporates 36 third-order Grade 9 spiritual medicines that can attract the strength of Star, so that it can be used to forcibly absorb the strength of stars. Law is integrated into the medicine pill of the fleshhy body. “

After hearing the disappointed sigh from the No. XNUMX private room, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, first introduced the role of the star source Condensing Spirit Pill in detail, and then arched into the No. XNUMX private room and said.

“Senior, Junior is not the star source Condensing Spirit Pill who can’t make the second-grade Grade 1, but just considers what kind of state to make it.”

Sun Qiu Diyuan hated the Lord of the Moon after he was cool

“Little friend, what do you mean?”

Yu Haoran’s familiarity with Xingyuan Ning Zedan revived the elderly Star Sea, but Yu Haoran’s explanation just now puzzled him.

“Senior, in fact, with Junior’s current Pill Dao cultivation base, you can refine the second-grade Grade 1 star source Condensing Spirit Pill, but the success rate is only XNUMX%.”

Putting down her arched hands, Yu Haoran explained proudly.

Yuan Ke Ke Gui Sun hates You Yue Qiu Nuo

“If Junior’s Pill Dao cultivation base can be promoted to Pill Emperor, then the success rate of condensing Spirit Pill will be as high as 50%.”

Although the grade of Stars Condensing Spirit Pill is as high as Grade 1 Grade XNUMX, but with his own familiarity with the strength of Star, the explanation just now is not a lie.

Sun Keke is not alone in the goal

In addition, the first Avatar who had the Pill Dao cultivation base also reached the limit of the Great Grandmaster Peak. He used the current Pill Dao ability to refine the star source Condensing Spirit Pill, and the success rate was actually close to 20%.

Deliberately reduced by XNUMX%, just do not want to start refining now.

“My friend, is this true?” The old Star Sea testified without excitement.

“If Senior doesn’t believe it, Junior swears by Heavenly Dao’s rules.” Yu Haoran raised his left hand and motioned.

“Little friend, I believe you!”

With the sound of the elderly Star Sea choosing to believe, a fist-sized Star Core appeared in front of Yu Haoran, and the elderly Xingyuan, who recovered his body instantly, said to the old man in the flower robe.

“Huabao, either choose a private room and compete for Di Yuandan with your own financial resources, or we will see the real chapter under our hands.”

Facing the intervention of the old Star Sea, the old man in the robe asked with a smile.

“Star Sea, can you?”

“Flower gown, although I’m not your opponent to Star Sea, but it can definitely hurt you at the expense of hundreds of years of lifespan.”

After the enemy’s vengeance, the ball was passed by Leng Cha

Facing the contempt of the old man in the flower robe, the old Star Sea said lightly.

“I don’t know if you have been hit hard, can you escape the pursuit of souls and death.”

The threat of the elderly Star Sea made the complexion of the old man in Huapao unbearable, but Yu Haoran then made the old man in Huapao directly turn to the third private room.

“Star Sea Senior rest assured, since Junior is willing to sell the second-order Grade 1 life essence Dan for auction, then he has enough confidence to re-refine the same second-order Grade 1 life essence Dan after Pill Dao’s promotion to Pill Emperor. The centuries-old lifespan that makes up Senior’s overdrafts. “

“Many thanks for the help of Star Sea Senior.” Yu Haoran hurriedly thanked the Star Sea old man when he saw the old man in the flower robe heading for the No. XNUMX private room.

“Little friend, the agreement between you and me?” After waving Yu Haoran to be polite, the elderly Star Sea interrogated nervously.

The enemy Keke hates the Yang Yang and the ghost

“After the battle for the Hidden Dragon List in the Southern Territory, Junior will directly open the furnace in Qianlongbao to make the third-tier Grade 1 ice heart jadebone, the second-tier Grade 1 emperor’s young dandelion and the Xingyuan Condensing Spirit Pill.” Yu Haoran replied with a smile.

“My little friend, Star Sea will go to Qianlongbao to visit the Hidden Dragon List battle at this time.” Chang Song said with a smile.

He then returned directly to the No. XNUMX booth.

Zhou Family Old Ancestor in the third room, after seeing that the old man in the flower robe chose his own room, not at all butt butt, but left the room with two juniors, and then directly expelled Sect from Heavenly Sword Sect. Master, chose the seat in the lobby.

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