Inside the auction venue!

“Boy, make an offer!”

The skinny old man who rushed into the auction venue in an instant, neither sat in the seat of the lobby nor rushed into the private room on the second floor, but floated directly in front of Yu Haoran. Mobile terminal

After seeing Yu Haoran put the second-order Grade 1 Emperor Yuandan back into the pill bottle, the black hair black clothed old man was crying frostily.

“Three Seniors!”

Facing the command of the black hair black clothed old man, Yu Haoran explained without any anger.

“Second-order Grade 1 Di Yuan Dan is the finale of this auction. All VIPs entering the auction will have the opportunity to get Di Yuan Dan, provided that you must defeat other competitors at the price.”

“So, the three seniors can either choose to sit in the lobby or pick their own private room and wait for the official auction of Emperor Yuandan.

Faced with Yu Haoran’s explanation and reminder, the black hair black clothed old man immediately unhappy and wanted to force the robbery forward, the small old man around him immediately pulled him, and then reminded him with the divine thought.

Sun Keke’s tricks

“Old Star Sea is here!”

After Sun Keke’s inconsistency, the post-war battle Momo picked up “Seniors don’t have to chase.” When the thin old man waited for eleven horror powerhouses to just chase the exit of the auction venue, Yu Haoran who returned to God immediately reminded him loudly Road.

After hearing the reminder from the thin old man, the black hair black clothed old man immediately suppressed his unhappiness, and then turned to look at the 36 private rooms on the second floor.

After seeing the Deity of Room No. XNUMX taking out a silver white token, the eyes of the black hair black clothed old man immediately turned to Room No. XNUMX.

When he saw a white haired old man and a white tender child in the second room, the complexion could not help but immediately moved to the third room.

Although the Zhou family of inheritance is very powerful, but under the premise that the Emperor Wu experts could not be awakened for the time being, they have an invincible existence for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, the black hair black clothed old man directly chose the No. XNUMX private room, but the thin old man shook his head to reject it, and directly selected the No. XNUMX private room.

“In addition to Star Sea, there will be several opponents that we can’t deal with for the time being, so we can only choose to forgive temporarily.”

After hearing the explanation of the thin old man, the white robed old man and the black hair black clothed old man were nodded, and then followed him to the third room.

At this time, the old man of Star Robe also rushed into the auction venue.

Turning his head to look at the elderly Star Sea, the thin old man did not say hello, nor did he show any hostility, but only retracted his eyes and kicked the room door.

“Go!” Black hair black clothed old man angry look yelled at the two Elders and three children from the Miao family in the booth.

As the descendants of the Miao family of the clan, when did the three elite children who had been accustomed to peeing and being accustomed to have been so drunk, one of his fleshhy body and Soul Power breakthrough Martial Venerable realm demon unfilial son got up and threatened.

“Do you know who we are!”

“Either roll or die!” After ignoring the threats of the children of the Miao family, the black hair black clothed old man looked at the two Martial Venerable Elders indifferently, threatening with frost.

“Senior shouldn’t be angry, let’s leave!” Although the black hair black clothed old man didn’t exude any breath, Elder of the two Martial Venerable realm felt a deadly threat, and quickly got up and arched his hand to signal.

Immediately afterwards, two Martial Venerable Elders left the XNUMXth private room with three dissatisfied elite children.

Star Sea, an old man floating in the middle of the meeting room, saw the choice of the thin old man, and knew what was going on. He turned his head and glanced at the entrance of the meeting room. .

“Either roll or die!”

Facing the Martial Venerable powerhouse in the XNUMXth private room, the Star Sea old man gave choices like black hair black clothed old man.

The owner of the No. XNUMX private room who also found out the stark strength of the elderly of the Star Sea immediately took the elite of the family to give up the ownership of the private room.

In the following period, four waves of seven horrible powerhouses appeared in the auction venue. Like the thin old man and Star Sea, they chose the number XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, and XNUMX, respectively. , Six private rooms on the tenth.

After choosing an azure robe old man in the No. 30 private room to enter the private room, nearly XNUMX% of the time has passed, and no horrible powerhouse has appeared.

When Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sighed in relief, and then decided to start to announce the reserve price of Emperor Yuandan, there was a strange sound in his ear.


With the sound of a weird smile, Yu Haoran suddenly felt his palm light, and when he recovered, he found that the pill bottle in his hand had disappeared.

End the revenge ghost ship battle cold test

Yu Haoran didn’t realize until the pill bottle was snatched. That was because his cultivation base was too low and his strength was too weak. Tower Spirit had no time to remind him.

But for the eleven horror powerhouses in the booth, they rushed out of the booth to chase the first time they found that the pill bottle was taken away.

“Seniors don’t have to chase.” As the thin old man waited for eleven horror powerhouses to just chase the exit of the auction venue, Yu Haoran, who had returned, immediately reminded him aloud.

Stopping the pursuit, the thin old man and the others turned around and looked at Yu Haoran, not knowing why he wanted to stop everyone from chasing the old man in the flower robe who had captured Di Yuandan.

Facing the gaze of the small old man and the others, Yu Haoran placed his hands behind his back, exuding a strong self-confidence.

“Since the founding of the ancient Pill Dao, no one has been able to take away his own medicine pill from the top Pill Master, whether it is a medicine pill he has personally refined or an accidentally obtained medicine pill.”

Having said that, Yu Haoran pulled back the left hand behind him, and suddenly a medicine pill emanating from Sisdewei emerged from the palm of his left hand.

“Yes, it was the second-order Grade 1 Emperor Yuandan of pill bottle.”

The familiar smell and Diwei made the slim old man sighed in relief, and also directly nodded to confirm that this medicine pill was the one that was taken away by the old man in flower robes.

In the hands of the Peak Powerhouse of the Three Imperial Guards, the Emperor Yuandan was recaptured. The XNUMX Supreme Experts of the Three Imperial Guards, realm, looked towards Yu Haoran’s eyes, showing a hint of dread.

“Seniors, please return to the private room for the time being. Junior has announced the auction price of the second-order Grade 1 Emperor Dan.” After reclaiming Emperor Dan, Yu Haoran suggested with a smile.

nodded, thin old man waiting for eleven horror powerhouses to return to their private rooms.

But as they stepped forward to enter the private room, the voice of the old man in the flower robe was exasperated.

“Damn boy, dare to play with old man, watch old man, I won’t swallow you alive.”

Yang Gusun

With the threat of breathlessness, a white-haired old man in a multi-colored robe, half handsome and half ugly, appeared instantly at the auction venue.

After the Qiu Yuandi’s only ship operation Yang Gusun did not hear the explanation of the thin old man, the white robed old man and the black hair black clothed old man were nodded, and then followed him to the third private room.

“Flower robe, don’t look at you as the supreme expert of the Three Realms Emperor Peak Realm, but if I want Yu Haoran to take your life, it will be easy.” Facing the threat of the old man in the flower robe, Yu Haoran stepped back harder. .

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