E Yuan Court!

Yu Haoran, who was silent in retreat cultivation, did n’t know. With the news of Jianlou ’s sword list spreading quickly across the Southern and Central Regions, it caused a lot of sensation at the same time, and caused many peerless and monstrous talent levels in Central Regions. Dissatisfied. Product W

These peerless and monstrous talent levels and other geniuses rushed to Shuangniu Mountain, intending to re-inspire the birth of Jianlou Jianbang with their innate talent in Kendo.

Suddenly, the whole Shuangniu Shan was lively!

Time is like running water, almost a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Yu Haoran, sitting on a knee-curved plate in the practice room, was still motionless like a regular monk.

However, when there was a wave of sword intent breath in Shuangniu Mountain’s bottom valley, Yu Haoran, who was stimulated by the sword intent, slowly opened his eyes.

“Hu …!”

Slowly spit out one mouthful of impure air on the chest, and Yu Haoran’s eyes gradually glowed with joy.

After nearly a month of retreat, the consciousness of separating the three strands each had amazing results.

The first consciousness not only fully digested the gains of Jianlou, but also created Sword Art, which has already seen examples.

Just continue to fight with the swordsmen gathered with the sword tower, he has 70% hope to create his own Sword Art martial skill.

The second consciousness is to read and understand all the Sword Art and mental martial skills in Storage Space’s collection, allowing him to continue to create a Sword Art martial skill that suits him by virtue of his deep accumulation.

In addition, his profound accumulation also gave him a preliminary idea of ​​martial skills.

As for the third consciousness of practicing Fuxi’s gossip chart, not only allowed him to successfully enter the ranks of wizards, but also discovered that he had innate talent calculated by innate numerology, which was not lost to Pill Dao and Kendo’s innate talent.

Yu Haoran took a deep breath, then closed her eyes again, and precipitated the harvest of her cultivation for nearly a month.

After reopening his eyes, he straightened up and left the practice room.

The surge of sword intent that just awakened him just now is the second treasure from Shuangniu Mountain. The sword-shaped grass that can raise Sword Art’s consciousness was born.

The sword-shaped grass can not only improve the deep understanding of Sword Art by the martial artist, but also assist the sword intent to advance into the mystery, and it can also improve the kendo innate talent of the martial artist.

For Yu Haoran, sword-shaped grass is not only a powerful aid to help him create his Sword Art martial skill, but also the key to his evil plan to capture Kendo’s luck in the future.

Therefore, even if he interrupted his understanding of Fuxi’s gossip figure, he still went to the valley at the bottom of the mountain to compete for sword-shaped grass.

Sword tower, sword-shaped grass and sword wall, the three rare treasures owned by Shuangniu Mountain are all martial artists aimed at sword repair, which has led to the majority of martial artists living in Shuangniu Mountain are sword repair.

Therefore, the birth of the sword-shaped grass immediately shocked Shuangniushan’s “shungging” nearly 80% of the kendo martial artist.

They turned into a sword glow and rushed to the valley at the bottom of the mountain as fast as possible to compete for the ever-increasing sword-shaped grass.

In previous lives, I have had three experiences of capturing sword-shaped grass, so that Yu Haoran knew that the battle for sword-shaped grass is not only about the fight for strength, but also to follow everyone’s opportunities. It is not that you can get sword-shaped grass when you enter the valley.

Therefore, after leaving Yiyuan Pavilion, he walked slowly to the bottom of the mountain while using the Fuxi gossip map he had just mastered to figure out where the sword-shaped grass was born.

“Yi! ”

When he reached the edge of the valley, through the calculation of Fuxi’s gossip chart, he calculated that at the location of the southern edge of the valley, there would be a mature sword-shaped grass.

However, based on the experience of competing for the sword intent grass three times in the previous life, it seems that the edge of the valley does not meet the conditions for the birth of the sword intent grass.

Forget it!

According to Fu Xi’s gossip map, the location is not far from his current position.

So, as far as possible full of doubts, Yu Haoran stepped towards the southern edge of the valley to see if the calculation of Fuxi Bagua Diagram was accurate.


Came to the southern edge of the valley, and then calculated the approximate location based on Fuxi’s gossip chart. Yu Haoran quickly saw a finger-like underneath a piece of bluestone with a shape very similar to the sword body, exuding a hint of sharp sword intent. Grass.

“Great, with the help of Fuxi’s gossip chart, it seems that this time the sword-shaped grass will definitely gain a lot.”

When he bent to pick the sword-shaped grass, Yu Haoran’s thoughts of to be wild with joy suddenly appeared in his heart.

“Angkor, there is a sword-shaped grass here!”

Two martial artists of Martial Sovereign Grade 9 Peak, when they were about to enter the valley through the south side, just saw Yu Haoran’s bending movement.

He stopped for a moment and glanced at it, just to see the sword-shaped grass he pulled up, one of his feminine young masters, reminding his companion.

“Boy, hurry up and hand over the sword-shaped grass!” Seeing the age of eighteen-nineteen, Yu Haoran, who is also a Martial King Realm, is a master of surnamed Wu Martial Sovereign Grade 9 Peak, with a very overbearing command.

After putting away the sword-shaped grass, Yu Haoran glanced at the other person indifferently, then stepped into the valley without any notice.

“Oh, your kid is crazy!”

When I saw Yu Haoran who ignored him, Martial Sovereign, who just asked for sword-shaped grass, just screamed. He used the martial skill to quickly rush behind him, reached out to pinch his neck, and told him by cruel means. Dare to be rude to your own consequences.


The birth sword that appeared in the hand instantly cut off the opponent’s outstretched palm, and then when the opponent’s screams came back and issued, a sword glow directly separated his body.

“You, you, how can you kill people!” Seeing Yu Haoran, who cleanly slaughtered his companion, a master of Martial Sovereign with a temperament, asked with an unbelievable expression.

The speed limit appeared in front of the opponent in an instant, and a sword and two swords created by Sword Art were used to directly block the opponent.

Then, after stowing the storage of the two bodies ’Magical Artifact, Yu Haoran expression walked into the valley calmly.

“This young man is not only powerful, but also shot very ruthless. At first glance, he knows that she is a decisive and ruthless character.” A group of martial artists who arrived later saw Yu Haoran’s process of beheading two Martial Sovereign masters and beheading In response, one of the Martial Saint realm’s powerhouse couldn’t help sighing.

“Che, also encountered the two wastes of Huang Yi and Lin Qian.”

Of course, there were also a few Martial Saint powerhouses who couldn’t get used to Yu Haoran’s overly calm performance just now, and the expression was extremely dismissive.

“If he dares to shoot at Lao Tzu, see how Lao Tzu uses the sword to pick out his small heart.”

“Weixiantian, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue.”

At first I saw Yu Haoran’s sword tower break through the barrier, and he always respected his Martial Saint powerhouse. When he heard someone despising his idol, he couldn’t help sneering taunted.

“Do you know who was the young man who beheaded Huang Yi and Lin Gan?”

“Who is it?” Wei Xiangtian asked.

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