In front of Yiyuan Pavilion!

“To shut up!”

But the surnamed Lu youth did not finish speaking, but was interrupted directly by Jianyu’s violent drinking. Mobile terminal

Afterwards, Jianyu turned around, verifying with a gentle smile on her face.

“Is that you, some time ago, under the witness of Heavenly Dao’s rules, you alone killed Yu Haoran of the XNUMX-head quasi-respectable beast of the Young Hero against the Young Hero!”

“It’s Junior!”

While nodded acknowledged, Yu Haoran hurriedly said humblely.

“But Junior Hero cannot afford it.”

“In order to curb the expansion of the beasts that traverse the mountain range, further maiming the human martial artist and slaying all the beasts in the mountain range alone.”

In the face of Yu Haoran, Jian Yu smiled and gave a positive evaluation.

“If this feat deserves the title of Young Hero, then I am afraid that not many people in the world can match the word chivalry.”

“Many thanks Senior!”

Yu Haoran thanked him, waved his sleeves, and used his strength to open the gate of Yiyuan Pavilion, inviting Jianyu.

“Jianyu Senior, please!”

“So disturbing Young Hero today!” Jian Yu laughed twice, then followed Yu Haoran and walked towards the courtyard of Yiyuan Pavilion.

“The surname is Lu. I just didn’t want to make Jianyu Senior embarrassed, so I allowed you to follow into Yiyuan Pavilion.”

As he passed by the surnamed Lu youth, Yu Haoran paused, warning rather politely.

“But you’d better be interesting, otherwise, don’t blame me Yu Haoran for being kind to you.”

surnamed Lu youth named Lu Yuze, is an inheritance disciple of Heavenly Sword Sect Vice Sect Master, and has the title of earth sword.

Of course, his title of ground sword has nothing to do with the ground sword of Jianlou Jianbang, which is purely the ambition of some people in Heavenly Sword Sect.

Every three years, Heavenly Sword Sect will hold a martial art of sect disciple. The disciple with excellent final results not only has rich rewards for Spirit Stone, medicine pill, swords, and cultivation technique, but also the top three disciplines can also receive Heavenly Title of Sword, Earth Sword and Human Sword.

Lu Yuze was a disciple martial art six years ago, and won the title of Earth Sword with the second place, and the title of Earth Sword has been maintained for two terms.

Because he had a good relationship with Jianyu’s inheritance disciple Lu Yuan in the previous life, he went to Heavenly Sword Sect seven times, but had conflicts with Lu Yuze four times.

The reason for the conflict is simple, that is, Lu Yuan, who is also an excellent in cultivation talent and kendo innate talent, threatens to shake the position of Lu Yuze’s ground sword.

If he was not proficient in poisoning in his previous life, he had several kinds of poisonous drugs that could kill Martial Saint realm. Lu Yuze would not dare to kill him during a conflict. I am afraid he would die in Lu Yuze in the second conflict. Under the natal sword.

Had it not been for Heavenly Sword Yu to be with him today, and according to the grievances between the two people in the previous life, he would have destroyed Lu Yuze early, how could he easily show off one’s military strength in front of himself.

The warning of Yu Haoran don’t give face in the slightest made Lu Yuze’s violent anxiety to kill him, but thinking that he can kill even the eleven beasts of quasi-respect, Lu Yuze can only forcibly suppress his heart and keep tumbling. Murderous aura, then unpleasant coldly snorted, walked towards the Xingyun Pavilion arranged by Shen Jin.

“In Young Hero, the old man really couldn’t figure out, why do you have such deep prejudice against Lu Martial Nephew?” Jian Yu looked at Lu Yuze who was panting with rage away, and asked puzzledly.

“Out of the ordinary, narrow-minded, selfish, bullying and afraid of hardship, I usually choose to ignore such garbage directly, how could I be biased against him!” He waved at Shen Jin, motioned to him After leaving with peace of mind, Yu Haoran explained disdainfully as he stepped into Yiyuan Pavilion.

“In Young Hero, as my Heavenly Sword Sect’s ground sword, is Lu Martial Nephew as bad as you said!” After hearing Yu Haoran’s evaluation of Lu Yuze, Jian Yu didn’t know how to refute for him, I can only smile bitterly and give way to him.

“Jianyu Senior, if the person following the surname Lu today is not your old man, with his look of no one, I slap him out of the Chamber of Commerce earlier, how can I tolerate him in front of Shen shopkeeper? Pointing at the feet. “Stopping to the courtyard of the pavilion, Yu Haoran turned to look at Jian Yu, said very seriously.

“oh! ”

In this regard, Jian Yu could only shake his head and sigh, and didn’t say much.

“Jianyu Senior, I don’t know why you are inconvenient to disclose the reason for coming to Shuangniu Mountain?”

Giving Jianyu sitting behind the stone chair of Fengting Pavilion, Yu Haoran, too lazy to be arty, asked neither straight tea or wine, nor delicious Spirit Fruit, but straight to the point.

eyebrows slightly frowned, Jian Yu looked at Yu Haoran slightly dissatisfied.

With the friendship between two people for the first time, they directly asked themselves the purpose of going to Shuangniu Mountain, which was very rude, and also violated the taboo of the martial artist.

“Jianyu Senior, don’t get me wrong, Junior is not malicious.”

Seeing Jian Yu’s eyebrows frowning slightly, Yu Haoran knew it was rude to take the liberty of asking him to come to Shuangniushan, but he had to do so.

Because in the previous life he had heard Lu Yuan say that Jianyu’s own cultivation innate talent was not inferior to Kendo’s innate talent.

The reason why the cultivation base has been staying at Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak is because he wanted to rely on his deep accumulation to directly jump over the real Martial Venerable realm and then become the peerless swordsman of Martial Venerable realm.

But when he went to Shuangniu Mountain, he encountered an accident. Not only did his mind suffer irreparable wounds, but he also overdrawn a lot of potential.

This caused him not only to lose the hope of being directly promoted to the Martial Venerable realm, but also to lose the opportunity to break through the quasi-Martial Venerable realm.

According to the time Lu Yuan originally introduced, it almost coincided with the time when Jianyu came to Shuangniu Mountain at this time, which is why he did not avoid taboos to directly interrogate.

“At Grandmaster, I’m sorry, but old man can’t tell you frankly.”

Yu Haoran’s explanation did not satisfy Jian Yu, his face smile was replaced by indifference, and after showing his attitude, he got up and left.

“The old man still has something to deal with, he’s leaving now!”

In this regard, Yu Haoran neither continued to explain, nor opened up for retention, but watched Jianyu leave Yiyuan Pavilion.

“If Tower Spirit is all right!” Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sigh as he watched Jian Yu angrily leaving Yi Yuan Pavilion.

Because of the power of Tower Spirit, it is entirely possible to leave the tracking spirit in Jian Yu’s body, and then know the accidents he encountered.


Yu Haoran couldn’t help but grin to himself when he heard the sound of Jian Yu closing his door because of his dissatisfaction.

“Well, it seems that I must not don’t cultivate the Fuxi gossip chart, otherwise, there is no reason to get Jianyu Senior’s understanding.”

Later, he got up and returned to the practice room, and then separated three senses.

A sense of consciousness gained in the sword tower, a conscious reading domain tower and storage ring a large number of Sword Art martial skills and mental martial skills.

The other kind of consciousness is trying to practice Fuxi’s gossip chart.

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